But yeah, I will agree with languagehat that the ideology that drives this kind of pedantry makes the world worse. Sometimes it makes it worse in small ways, such as when people derail an internet comment thread by criticizing someone's grammar. Sometimes it makes it worse in larger ways, such as when educational programs aimed to help children who speak non-standard dialects become needlessly controversial and are stopped.
But this guy -- this WikiGnome who is the subject of this post -- isn't doing those things. He's making small, subtle changes without making a big deal of how dumb those "comprised of" people are. Putting him on a continuum with those people is a needlessly vicious way of saying "This dude needs a better hobby."
Let me guess, it's a cross between Mad Max and Waterworld? (That seems reasonable, considering climate change and oil depletion...)
Usually when celebrities fuck up, they absolve themselves with a six-week stint in rehab. Is there rehab for lying?
I liked Brian Williams a lot, but I can't really explain why I did. He seems approachable, I guess. Not smarmy or self-aggrandizing. So I was seriously disappointed by this. I know TV journalism is mostly just infotainment but I'm an idealist and I wanted someone to rise above it.
josher, stereogum does a pretty decent worst-to-best walkthrough of the NY catalog, if you're so inclined. But if that caustic warble and weeping fragmented psych guitar don't grab you by the very viscera, it may be a lost cause indeed...
I have seriously tried many times. I like a few songs but I think it just doesn't speak to me. And that's ok. I want to like it because so many people seem to love Neil Young and I love to love stuff. Thankfully, we are living in a golden age where there are so many artists and access to them so easy, that I'm finding stuff I love all the time.
Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of all of SY's output but I think Schizophrenia is a legit classic.
The last three minutes of Smith's funeral will take approximately forty-five minutes in real time, depending on how many fouls the eulogists have available to give.
I think more importantly, they need to pick a better charge than filing a false police report. Attempted murder springs to mind, because that's the actual intent. It strikes me as depraved indifference.
It seems like it would be difficult for them to find a more severe charge without simultaneously placing a lot of the blame on the police departments themselves. If it's attempted murder, for example, then the state is admitting that sending the police to your house is tantamount to sending a hitsquad there. Which I think is kind of true, but not something the state is likely to ever agree with.
On preview, what nadawi said.
>This is pretty much the history of semantic change right here. You phrased it very negatively--but it is unavoidable and the language(s) you speak is the result of this process occurring over and over again since language evolved. It's a function of how we learn language and is never going to go away.
You undoubtedly participate in this process as well.
I dunno, semantic shift doesn't solely rely on people's laziness. Also, I'm pretty aware that it's inevitable and that I contribute to it. That doesn't mean that I have to like it, though. I also don't like rush hour traffic, political culture in the USA, and getting the flu. There're lots of things that are bothersome and unavoidable but have to be accepted.
I'm not sure....
You miss my point through being too literal. Lomax was going for music that was not already recorded, as Tin Pan Alley numbers obviously were. For the thought experiment, his age in the 1980s, much less his personal taste, is utterly irrelevant. I'm suggesting that of the three bands on offer, only the one (non-mythical) example could be accused of doing something no one else was. Thus - the logical target for the mike.
i want a full store.
You presume unlimited storage. Wasn't like that in the pre-digital age.
Kids today!
('cause I didn't know.)
It would be great to return to it being a thing people don't need to know about.
I read some of the "scientific" sources. Bravo. Nice hoax. Well done.
That's good to hear, a lot of the most horrible things I've heard about the internet over the last few months seem like legally actionable bad things that you never hear about anyone getting busted for. I'm glad to hear there are consequences for SWATing and trying to literally get someone killed as a joke/revenge.
If a man gave him a Tin Pan Alley number or a church song, Lomax wasn't terribly interested.
This criticism falls a little flat. I spent a lot of time listening to his old recordings and reading through his folk books as a kid, and AFAIK, Lomax wasn't that interested in recording church songs and Tin Pan Alley music from white musicians, either.
I'm not putting him on a continuum with those people; it's a continuum that he's already on due to the fact that he subscribes to, and is acting on, the same ideology that is wielded against less privileged groups.
It would be needlessly vicious to call him names or ascribe negative motivations to him that we have no evidence for. It's not needlessly vicious to point out the truth: that it's the same ideology that is used to justify some ugly social discrimination, that it's based in ignorance, and that the world would be better off without it.
I honestly find your reaction to this to be confusing.
The difference is that Fox News' lying has been baked into peoples' expectations.
People like this inspire me to boldly split infinitives , and make sure my sentences have prepositions tacked on.
the book is on my wishlist, i'm eager to read it.
I just finished reading Wiki's entry on Lomax--it seems to me some of the posts underestimate his contributions, his work in representing world music and his efforts to transcend traditional cultural boundaries. It seems to me a bit more generosity about his work, rather than skeptical and judgmental critiques from a contemporary metafilter view, is warranted. But I am biased because I have always had a great deal of admiration, from a layman's perspective, for his work.
It has plenty to do with it--again, see "that's so gay"--but meh, derail, w/e.
('cause I didn't know.)
It would be great to return to it being a thing people don't need to know about.
One sign of getting old is the increasing likelihood you get confronted with I Didn't Know That Was a Thing.
Even before I get to the insane gender stuff, it always puzzles me who ISIS thinks will build their tanks and weapons of Jihad if all their people are to shun all science and learning (even learning that originated in Islamic states) as non-Islamic because it's not in the Q'uran. You can capture some from the enemy, but not even that lasts forever.
I'm starting to think I'm the only person that liked The Newsroom.
Yeah, but just imagine the horrors that are living on the mites themselves. It's mites all the way down.
Had a chance to play with an electron microscope, and went outside and picked up a tiny dead spider not much bigger than a pin head. The leg joints on the tiny spider were infested with some other creature, probably a mite of some kind. You did get the impression that if you could zoom in some more, you'd find something infesting them.
"Seventy-five percent of the population will live in "megaregions," creating Los Angeles-type traffic congestion in places like Omaha."
asperity: "I urge anyone who cares about this issue to keep an eye on what their states, counties, and cities are doing, and pipe up to ask, "Are you considering ways to improve pedestrian and bicyclist access in this project?" You don't need to be an expert, and you don't need credentials beyond what you already have by being someone who lives or works in the communities affected."
So much this -- and maybe plan on hanging around commenting on transit for ten years, but here in Peoria we've had a group of citizens in a shifting group of organizations and clubs (most now organized on Facebook) advocating for complete streets, bike infrastructure, new urbanist zoning, etc., and they just kept going to meetings and writing to city council members and asking questions at election forums and by continuing to show up and raise the questions, they made it a major local issue, and now it's just ASSUMED that pedestrian and bike transit will be part of the discussion on all projects, and we've had one of the busiest downtown streets reduced to one lane in each direction with, several busy intersections converted to "complete" intersections, a rails-to-trails project with connecting paths that now runs the entire long axis of the city from the suburbs to the downtown, complete with bike overpass for the busiest road crossing, new urbanist zoning approved on redevelopments of strip-mall type things so people can live over the stores, and it's all due to ... nerds who like bikes, and laymen who read about transit on the web.
srboisvert: "As much as I'd like to believe this has to do a small percentage of millennials making unconstrained free choices to abandon driving I suspect it is mostly driven by the harshly constrained economic realities of new college graduates."
I think it's a combination, and I think some of it is that with the internet, millennials (even in the burbs) didn't have to GO somewhere to socialize in private with their peers. A lot of millennials I know just ... aren't excited about driving, not the way older generations viewed turning 16 as a ticket to freedom. So they don't get their licenses right away, or they do but don't drive a lot, and they don't really get in the driving habit, and they find out-of-the-norm driving situations stressful (freeways, or urban density), and they look for ways to avoid it.
I wonder if this is the same person who triggered the Delta airlines drama a couple of weeks ago with fake bomb threats. Also I wonder if he will end up linked into the whole baph /gamergate craziness.
Creationists love to go on about the wonder of God's creatures, but seldom mention His penchant for creating arseless face-exploding shit-bugs.
Now you know how Earth feels about all those squicky humans crawling around on it.
Dean Smith was not a reason for me to attend UNC, but he definitely became a reason to stay.
I'll wait for the movie.
When I need to buy time to think, I usually just throw down a smoke bomb and run away.
Now where's his secret full-quality copy of the moon landing video?
I know it's out there somewhere!
Bad news. It's on Betamax.
0rison:In The War Against the Rull, A.E. van Vogt imagined an alien weapon, "nerve lines," visual patterns that induced hypnotic commands.
I've often thought that the most plausible real-world long-range stunning weapon would be a targeted strobe using a frequency that could reliably induce seizures in healthy people.
Take stuff from work.
It's the best way to feel better about your job.
Never buy pens or pencils or paper.
Take 'em from work.
Rubber bands, paper clips, memo pads, folders
Take 'em from work.
It's the best way to feel better about your low pay
and appalling working conditions.
Take an ashtray they got plenty.
Take coat hangers.
Take a, take a trash can.
Why buy a file cabinet?
Why buy a phone?
Why buy a personal computer or word processor?
Take 'em from work.
I took a whole desk from the last place I worked.
They never noticed and it looks great in my apartment.
Take an electric pencil sharpener.
Take a case of white-out, you might need it one day.
It's your duty as an oppressed worker to steal from your exploiters.
It's gonna be an outstanding day.
Take stuff from work.
And goof off on company time.
I wrote this at work.
They're paying me to write about stuff I steal from them.
Life is good.
One sign of getting old is the increasing likelihood you get confronted with I Didn't Know That Was a Thing.
Another related sign of age: I Didn't Know This Was Still A Thing. The last time I heard about swatting is when it happened to the admin of 420chan.
And yeah, if "suicide by cop" is a thing, so should "murder by cop", afaic.
It's called war propaganda and someone in the news business has no business doing that
Sure, but again, I wonder where you would place Williams' bloviation on a scale relative to, say, advancing the lie that a middle eastern country possesses weapons of mass destruction.
But the primary role of an ethnomusicologist is to preserve, and to make my above point without sarcasm, the most popular things, and the things loved by the middle and upper classes, are going to be preserved. You don't need ethnomusicology for that to happen. It is disenfranchisement, counterculture, poverty, and isolation that produce the weird musical expression not appreciated by their own supposed culture, and which will be lost forever if no-one makes an effort to record it.
Seems to me that the trouble comes from treating this as a clear binary distinction, though. There's a lot of stuff that falls through the middle — stuff that wasn't mainstream enough for the record companies or "pure" enough for ethnomusicologists like Lomax. And since the record companies put more effort into catering to white consumers than to black ones,* it wouldn't be too surprising if there was more black music that fell through the middle like that.
*I mean, they put a pretty substantial effort into catering to black consumers too. But there was still a difference in degree.
I am classified as "Keter" on my friend's phone when I message him.
pffffff you're Euclid at worst but I am pretty sure REDACTED can contain you.
So it's fair to say you're a prescriptivist, then?
Being prescriptivist isn't inherently wrong. It's only wrong when the reasons are wrong--which is, to be fair, true of any prescriptivist argument that boils down to there being an objectively correct, superior version of the language that people are deviating from.
There's this persistent misunderstanding that descriptivism and prescriptivism are opposites, which isn't true; they're orthogonal. Most linguists would be able to give you an example of when a prescriptive statement would be reasonable. I like the example that someone gave on reddit a few days ago: It's better to use flammable instead of inflammable on safety materials because the latter is ambiguous. You could even support this prescription with descriptive study--for example, by doing an experiment that shows that readers find safety materials that use inflammable more confusing.
Another example would be what to do about gender-default (not gender neutral) "he." This became the standard in professional writing and to some people it is more natural, but it has become rightfully criticized because it excludes women. That it's not interpreted gender neutrally is supported with experimental evidence. Arguing that we should use something else is prescriptive, but not wrong.
I suspect that some of the confusion about "descriptivism vs. prescriptivism" is due to sampling bias. Arguments are just more likely to erupt when someone makes a prescriptivist statement that's obviously wrong. I suspect that another reason is how we frame this in introductory courses: linguistics is prescriptive, not prescriptive--something we hammer home because it is very hard to get through to students that we aren't studying "proper" language, which don't real, while not being able to discuss it in depth because we don't have the time and it would undermine what we're trying to do.
I suspect that yet another reason is that "prescriptivist" has become shorthand for precisely those prescriptivist arguments that are wrong, giving it a more narrow meaning, while others think that it means any case where you're telling someone what to do with their language.
Or, perhaps it's as I saw someone else say: It's like eschewing all "prescriptivist" viewpoints is achieving the first level, and then coming to a more nuanced understanding is the next level.
Basically, you can't dismiss an argument about language use simply by labelling it "prescriptive." It's not prescriptivism that's been invalidated by descriptivism; it's specifically those prescriptivist arguments that are based on false claims about grammaticality, logic, language acquisition, history, and so on. Descriptivist language science hasn't invalidated social reasons for changing language.
To get back to "cunt" and "twat", or other offensive language... descriptivism doesn't tell us that these insults are alright. It tells us that they're grammatical and that people aren't using them "wrong". It gives us tools to assess how these terms are understood, and what affect they have--are they truly gender neutral, or not? We could do a study or five. It doesn't tell us that people who object to them as being hurtful and offensive are wrong because they're "prescriptivist."
For a second, I thought "whether he should be sent to face hacking" meant that one of the punishments under consideration was hacking up his face.
I absolutely hate it when people speak casually without filler words like um or uh. It's like they're trying to say something of magnificent importance, no matter what it is they're trying to say. I feel like it's enough to make a person seem somewhat deranged, that is until you realize why talking to them is so off putting.
Perceived as gender-neutral, maybe, but it's still a gendered insult no matter which side of the pond you're on.
Nope, sorry. They are gender neutral if people use them that way. You don't get to claim that the North American usage is the real meaning and way British people use them is a misperception. Strings of sounds don't have an inherent meaning; they mean what speakers of a language use them to mean, and the same words can mean different things in different dialects.
I remember when I had the realization that "er" and "erm" were pronounced "uh" and "um" that it just about blew my mind. It's now kind of fun to spot American authors who use "er" (I presume because they read lots of books by British authors), and audiobook narrators who actually pronounce the r on "er."
On the one hand, good for her, and why so defensive? Who's to criticize using technology and money to dodge the consequences of aging? It's one of things technology and money are best for!
But also -- if you're going to be defensive, be candid too. New York isn't the moon, and reasonably attractive people get to their late 30s unmarried solely by choice, just like anywhere else. The people who want to marry, and who don't, pretty much wear signs around their neck.
It is perhaps the greatest testament to our forbearers
and their dedication to us [...]
[...] that we enjoy this system in relative complacency.
They built the transcontinental railroad.
The "iron horse" that carries us o'er the plains!
They built the Panama Canal.
Not actually in the USA.
They carved an inland waterway of locks and dams.
The canals that bring glass and cast iron from the foundries of Detroit!
They broke the sound barrier and put men on the moon.
I'm not sure that enormously dangerous and expensive single-use vehicles are an appropriate precedent for mass transport.
It is because they envisioned a better future and endured
sacrifices to achieve it that we even are in a position to
choose which future we want now.
I'm guessing the choice is ... highways?
Someday I want to read something, anything, that suggests that Courtney Love has a redeeming bone in her body (other than her talent). She must have one. I have heard not a whisper of it.
I read this article yesterday, and although I've never given two craps about SY, it made me respect Kim Gordon in a new way.
Goo came out when I started listening to punk and alt rock, and "Kool Thing" was all over the radio. I wish I could say I fell in love with it, but I found the ugly noise and the baby-talk vocals and nursery rhyme lyrics just dumb. They were an aberration, though -- if I turned the dial for a few minutes, eventually something better would get broadcast.
Jump cut to a year later, and the progeny of Sonic Youth (as I would, in my uneducated state, view bands like Soundgarden and Alice in Chains) were all over WFNX, alongside Nirvana and Sonic Youth themselves. I felt alienated from what alternative culture had become, and I developed a precocious interest in show tunes while waiting for grunge to blow over. Even after "the Seattle sound" passed its sell-by date, though, all my favorite bands genuflected to the Yoof, and any artist who had any guitar feedback or a smattering of dissonance in their songs drew comparisons to SY. I started to resent their noisy, trend-hopping, name-dropping selves, since they were so far from anything I loved. (The fact that Kim Gordon had allegedly said something mean about the Elephant 6 bands made me dislike them even more.) At some point the popular consensus started to turn away from them, and I felt a little more at home in alt culture.
As an adult, I recognize that their music is not for me -- I like gorgeous melodies and whiffs of redemption, which seem anathema to SY's raison-d'etre. I still think this is the best double album with the word "Nation" in the title that Enigma Records released in the late 1980s, and I believe that the first Throwing Muses albums worked in ways that SY's work did not. At the same time, though, I've come to terms that not everything -- even marquee bands in subcultures that resonate most with my own -- is made for me, and it's okay to not love the big-name tastemakers. That being said, I've come to respect Kim for her insightful observations about being a female artist, and for the amount of shit she had to deal with as she made her way through the world. (Her scenes in The Punk Singer were among the parts of that film that worked the best for me, and caused me to re-apprise my thoughts about her.) I'm looking forward to reading her book when it becomes available.
The Sweptaways, a Swedish group of "20 women singing choir pop songs," offer a unique take on the American folk song "Oh My Darling, Clementine."
The Sweptaways, formed in 2003, do colorful performances of cover songs, collaborations with other artists, and original music. Their myspace page has a great deal of music, and more videos can be found on their YouTube page, including a cover of Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights."
“[M]uch of the music he recorded this way, including many blues and work songs, are powerful expressions of overlooked cultures. But his quest for a 'pure' black music untouched by white influences was problematic... This much is undeniable: right at the time the Civil Rights movement was trying to bring whites and blacks together in a common cause, Lomax drew a hard line between white music and black music that — with help from the record companies — helped keep us apart.”How Alan Lomax Segregated Music.
Time to Rethink Roads: Millennials Lead Change in Transportation Trends
Why aren't younger Americans driving anymore?
Young Americans Lead Trend to Less Driving
As much as I'd like to believe this has to do a small percentage of millennials making unconstrained free choices to abandon driving I suspect it is mostly driven by the harshly constrained economic realities of new college graduates. They have to move to urban centers to find work and after rent, food and student loan payments it is pretty hard to come up with the average $11,000 per year cost of urban car ownership. They are driving less because they are being priced out of driving. Which I consider a positive result of a bad thing. I gave up driving twenty years and consider my life much better for it but when I did it it was my considered choice rather than my only option.
It is kind of interesting to see how City, State and Federal departments of transport in the United States have conflicting goals. At least in Chicago the city DOT often has to push back against state DOT and the state actually has full authority over a lot of city roads which seriously complicates attempts at urban planning (never mind the Chicago Tribune's perspective that the city is just something for their surburban readers and editorial writers drive through at Deathrace 2000 speeds).
I've always found him a bit off-puttingly smarmy, but people who actually research memory seem to think it's at least plausible that he mis-remembered. "Memory is totally weird like that."
The made-up memory was a detailed story about getting lost in a shopping mall as a child, crying, getting comforted by an elderly woman at the mall, and, finally, a happy reunion with family. Seven of the 24 participants said they remembered this happening, and many also added more details to the story. In two follow-up interviews, six of them continued to assert that this had really happened to them.
Either he was stoking his ego and burnishing his cred with what he considered little white lies.
Or everyone in charge of choosing the nation's top journalists is absolutely terrible at their job.
Well, it's almost certain both of these things are true. It's also true the amount of traction this story is getting in various media outlets is determined politically (Williams, with his show-biz connections - 30 Rock and Letterman, daughter on Girls - and some kind of Jimmy Carter connection when he was a college intern, is seen as a friend of the left.)
I also question anyone who really considers him an actual working journalist. He's an anchor, which is to say an actor, reading material researched and assembled by others.
Could be a big opportunity for Lester Holt and his giant forehead, however.
The other problem with Lomax, not mentioned in the article but perhaps more pernicious, is how he took ownership of what was a folk music as he was codifying it.
It's not the average law enforcement guy who makes the decision to deploy a SWAT team. That's at a pay grade that should be looking at all the available evidence before pumping up the SWAT boner.
So a higher position and therefore likely an older person and therefore likely less tech-savvy?
From the Guardian article:
The concept Isis used to justify the massacre of hundreds of Shaitat tribesmen in Deir Ezzor, Syria, in August was tashreed, a word that can be translated as "deterrence", as mentioned in the quoted text.
Anyone know the Arabic translation of shock and awe?
For whatever it's worth, when they swat people, they usually pretend that there are armed home invaders holding them hostage.
The fake police reports I've seen posted on Twitter have been submitted online, not via phone, and are along the lines of "this person was acting weird and talking about making pipe bombs in their basement".
So yeah, bad on the people making the false reports, but bad on the police for being perfectly willing to send an armed group of angry fuckers with weapons loaded due to any dumbshit in the world claiming any sort of bullshit online.
Well finally someone lost thier job due to lying about Iraq.
*Except in places affected by the Northern Cities Vowel Shift where it's probably more like "ohm" than "um"
Sound change often "skips over" words like these-- for example, the vowel in the word "peep" should have shifted, along with everything else, during the Great Vowel Shift, due to the fact that there's some sound symbolism going on there, but it didn't. Next time I run into a NCVS speaker, I'll listen carefully, but I think "uh" might be likewise symbolic enough to resist.
My grandfather died a little over a month ago, I'm not ashamed to say that his death had a smaller effect on me than Coach Smith's. My grandfather was just a man, he was a good man, but i knew he would pass away; the idea of North Carolina existing without Dean Smith...I just can't handle that. It's weird to have it made so stark, but Dean Smith meant more to me than I realized.
I didn't attend UNC. I left the state for college, and haven't been back for more than a month in the little over a decade since. I grew up watching UNC, lying on the floor, with my grandmother watching over me, swearing like a sailor at Coach Smith when they lost, praising him like a preacher when they won, often in the same breath. Some of my earliest memories are that. That's what Carolina means to me, and Dean Smith made that for me. UNC is my biggest connection to the state these days, and Dean Smith also always gave me a way to be proud of that connection. He was a winner, sure, but he was also a good man, a man of principle, a man who stood up for what mattered. Even if he never beat Duke, he'd have made the world a better place. That he beat Duke regularly, doesn't hurt, of course.
I know his last years were painful. I'm happy he's at peace, but God damn it, I'm going to miss him.
Great, can we look forward to fine news stalwarts like Luke Russert, Chuck Todd or Joe Scarborough to replace him?
Brian Williams' muddled macho memories are the least of the problems with network news. The problem is the news as entertainment, war and disaster-porn coverage, ratings-driven sensationalistic nature of television coverage itself where anchors are reality show hosts instead of journalists. I am seeing a lot of hand-wringing about how this harms the credibility of serious journalists ... puh-leeze, where do I find credible journalists among TV anchors? That ship has sailed.
Of course reportage should be truthful, but can we separate the mortal sins that actually kill people from the venial?
Plus, however wrong he's been, we now have Drudge, Limbaugh, Coulter, Breitbart & the right wing outrage machine pumping this up, trying to uncover other "lies" in his coverage, going for the kill like a pack of rabid dogs just as they did with Rather. On Twitter, we have the likes of Judith Miller pointing at him, how ironic is that? The right wing media is never held to the same scrutiny or standards of honesty and truth. Here's their patron saint Reagan, whose faulty memory they conveniently forgave:
"A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not"
I knew I didn't want to raise Coco on the fringes of Soho.
Another song lyric alert!
Znatb jbez whvpr
Maybe one of these days it will be possible to store men's sperm.
Sperm banking has been around for quite a while. Here's a whole directory of them
I'm talking about why it's an insult, which is very obviously gendered.
Some of the traditional lyrics omitted from this version make the joke much more clear:
How I missed her! How I missed her!
How I missed my Clementine,
Till I kissed her little sister,
And forgot my Clementine.
Then the miner, forty-niner,
Soon began to peak and pine,
Thought he oughter join his daughter,
Now he's with his Clementine.
In the church yard in the canyon
Where the myrtle doth entwine
There grows roses and other posies
Fertilized by Clementine.
What a lovely interpretation, although I particularly liked the nod to the dry humor of the song with the "bum bum bum" accompanying the lyrics about her lips blowing bubbles.
I would guess any differences in knots was intentional; NASA is quite serious about their knots.
LOL I remember that FPP, although I haven't seen that PDF before. I also am quite serious about knots. I was particularly amused to see Page 84, the "Western Union/Linesman Splice" which I recognize because I have done it. I wonder who taught that to me, I didn't just come up with that by myself.
Upon closer inspection, those cloth sheathes look a bit like Figure 9-7 Securing Fabric Braid Sleeving.
Really, some kind of category error going on in some of the comments here. If you want to understand what sort of threat ISIS is, find out who armed them.
(and obviously the empirical "I know what I saw" rods and cones and such can be overruled by software algorithms something something)
Brian Krebs wrote in detail about his SWATting in 2013:
The cop that took the report from me after the incident said someone had called 911 using a Caller ID number that matched my mobile phone number; the caller claimed to be me, reporting that Russians had broken into the home and shot my wife.The 911 call was actually made via instant message chats using a relay service designed for hearing impaired and deaf callers.
I vote solitary confinement for the little shitbag
Hit enter too soon:
WikiGnome also isn't the sole person being discussed here. He's quiet about his edits (now), but nevertheless, they've gotten attention, and that's where most of this "debate" is coming from. Some of the frustration here is not at WikiGnome alone, but at the people who think he's some kind of language hero.
He's planning for this to blow over, which is probably delusional. He's finished.
Lots of people have been "finished" before and come back. I wouldn't be so sure.
(Ahh, what teponaztli said.)
I found the BBC documentary The Vikings Are Coming, about Danish sperm donors and the single women/lesbian couples who use them to get pregnant a somewhat more sympathetic take on roughly the subject.
I'm not sure I quite buy the "oh all women are always criticised no matter what they do" take on this here. There's a kernel of truth in it, but that doesn't necessrily mean you cannot disagree with the decision this woman went with.
I feel as though there must be a word for that thing where people get really fucking mad about how wrong prescriptivists are.
As much as I'd like to believe this has to do a small percentage of millennials making unconstrained free choices to abandon driving
Anecdata: "millenial" here. I just kind of...never got a driving license. I learned to drive at 15/16, but I haven't driven at all as an adult, and the desire to preserve this state of affairs factors into all kinds of decisions (including fairly major ones and, in particular, decisions that entail a bigger hassle than relearning to drive and getting a license -- I'm emigrating in a few months rather than learning to drive [among many other reasons]).
I could afford a car more easily than many people who rely on them for survival, but the idea of spending ~USD 5000/year to own and run a car is really unappetizing, even though the public transport is not very good where I live and there are a couple of months each year where weather makes it unsafe to cycle in any kind of serious way. I'm lucky enough not to have the kind of debt that is sort of the scourge of my age-cohort; doing something with that five grand other than sticking it in a savings account, given the opportunity, strikes me as an insult to those less lucky folks.
Here are some other downsides of driving: dealing with the hassle of maintenance (I can maintain my bike with a few hours and a couple hundred dollars per year at the very outside); bearing the risk of killing someone in the course of one's mundane daily activities; environmental considerations (I fly often enough that any carbon-footprint smugness resulting from my vehicular abstinence is unjustified, though); missed opportunities to get some exercise; increased risk of interaction with the 5-0; inflammation of my paranoid, impatient, uncharitable tendencies; boredom (you can get work done on a Greyhound bus, but not so much in a car); etc.
I cannot imagine anyone feeling like my freedom is enhanced, or whatever, by driving. To me, it seems like an unfortunate compromise into which people are forced by circumstance. Among most of the people my age I know who drive regularly, it's viewed as something one has to do. The specific reasons why I didn't really start driving are idiosyncratic, but the reasons why I continue to not drive are hopefully increasingly standard. I'd say I'm making a lightly constrained free choice to avoid driving.
Is a drawn out "ahhh" (in text it looks 'wrong') a variant of "uh"? I feel like that's the "wait for the word to load" sound I'm most familiar with.
It has been pointed out to me that I use "sorta" as an all-purpose unconscious filler word. I have no idea how or why this should be the case (and the "a" of sorta can get drawn out into an "ahhh" for as long as need be).
I have never seen anyone own a stage the way Kim Gordon did at a weird-ass gig where Sonic Youth were opening for the Flaming Lips at the Minnesota State Fair. She was this human incarnation of Having Fun While Rocking Out.
Lovely, thanks.
Sitting alone in front of your computer encourages exhibitionism and asocial behavior.
Awesome thanks, this looks great! Love Ry Cooder! Mazor's book looks interesting too. Somewhat relatedly, this book has a pretty interesting, though decidedly unhagiographic, take on Ralph Peer as basically contriving the commercial genres of (black) blues and (white) hillbilly/old-timey (to be: "country and western") from previously thoroughly "miscegenated" southern US folk and popular traditions.
I'm genuinely curious as to what you found; when I dug around I found this on pubmed..
That is only an abstract of a journal from 1975 which unsurprisingly is not available online. There is a circlejerk of abstracts that refer to that paper, none of them have full texts online, except for one full paper I found.Like other forms of adaptation contingent on rare stimuli, the McCollough effect is peculiarly long lasting with storage of the aftereffect documented to last days (Jones & Holding, 1975) and informally reported to last weeks and months.
Emphasis added. [citation needed]
The Jones & Holding paper has an exceptionally high authority since it is the #1 footnote on the Wikipedia article on the McCollough effect, outranking McCollough's original papers. The introduction of the Wikipedia article says:
in some cases after prolonged exposure to the grids, the effect can last up to three and a half months.[1]
Footnote 1 links to the Jones & Holding paper. No, it does not say that. The abstract clearly states that the effect "better than half strength" after 2040 hours, which is 85 days.
Wikipedia can be an extremely poor source of scientific information.
Artw:Should be noted that this also wouldn't be a thing if the Police were a little less eager to use their SWAT teams to begin with.
Gotta justify the budget and use all the Iraq surplus gear somehow, and not everyone is lucky enough to have riots.
For whatever it's worth, when they swat people, they usually pretend that there are armed home invaders holding them hostage. It's the sort of situation where an armed police response would actually be justified (if it's the best strategy for dealing with it, I don't know) if the case was actually occurring.
Okay, but now let's treat anyone spreading lies on a news channel the same way Williams is being treated. Left wing commentary sites have been taking Fox News to task for years, but the major news networks say little. Let's see a single standard.
Did Brian Williams tell this helicopter story a lot? I've seen him on late night talk shows dozens of times, but I can't recall him talking about it on those venues before. I've never watched him do the news and don't follow his career all that closely, but I do enjoy when he does weird comedy stuff like SNL appearances. The story came as a surprise to me since I'd never heard him talk about it.
I think he should get a long sentence. I do see it as a form of attempted murder. The cops aren't intending to kill anyone, but hey if the target happens to make the wrong move it can easily end up that way. You hear someone barging into your house but didn't hear them say police because you have headphones on, maybe you reach for a gun thinking it's a home invader. Home invasions have been caught on streams too.
That said, I don't think we should focus on overly long sentences as a message here, we need every single person who engages in it caught and and prosecuted. Law enforcement has the technology for this, I think? At least as long as it comes from within the US at least, right?
Thematically related (& linked within the article): Gamer gets swatted while streaming before thousands of viewers
"Audio for potions of this video have been muted as it appears to contain copyrighted content controlled by a third party."
Well, at least we have THAT under control.
I shall forecast the next 30 year infrastructure (puts ratty looking envelope against his towel wrapped head)
I see, I see, I see no infrastructure and a new American pastime watching roads crumble and betting on the next bridge to collapse due to lack of funding.
I love this game!
Is it really such a surprise that someone with personal experience is saying Courtney Love brings drama everywhere she goes?
Come on, didn't we have yet another post about the Undersea New York Rat Network just a few days ago?
I think maybe I saw it here but I was really stoked to find out he had a cooking blog.
"Is It Possible Brian Williams Really 'Misremembered'?" (tldr: Yes.)
OK, here's a true story: I was once riding on a train from Chicago to New York (all planes had gotten canceled due to bad weather) and guess who was sitting in the seat across from me: None other than Brian Williams himself. Well, we got into talking (dude really likes to talk - especially about himself) and he eventually told me about his days in Iraq. Or actually more about the time after it - how he just can't "unremember" the terrible things that happened, how he sometimes wakes up at night and how he had a time on the brink of sliding into substance abuse (although he didn't say that outright, more hinted at it). He also said that the pressure in his job is enormous, but that it's also very, very fun.
Although, thinking about it now, I am not quite sure it was the train from Chicago to New York, it may even not have been a train, and it might also have been someone else than Brian Williams, but some other random stranger. I guess that's why I'm not a journalist.
Reminds me of a paper I read which compared the Nazi, collaborationist, and Partisan propaganda for and about women in occupied Slovenia. Nazi and collaborationist propaganda was very focused on how the Partisans were leading women astray from good Catholic upbringing, tricking women into becoming brutes, whores, and cannon fodder. The call to arms over tradition and whatnot fell on increasingly deaf ears: the Nazis (and the Italians before them, in those areas) had never been particularly respectful of even the conservative Slovenes, so why should we take you seriously? The Partisans only really had to point to the fact that the Nazis were both terrible and losing: that was enough to get ladies to pick up Tommy guns, and to get many men to be fine with that. Nothing quite like a unity of interests to get people to team up.
Anyway, the point being, ISIS drapes a veneer of tradition and anti-Western sentiment over what is essentially a brochure for a group that regularly schedules murderous orgies. Competing propaganda needs to pierce that veil.
Also, agreed that the whole "authenticity" thing is underexamined and often quite silly. But the primary role of an ethnomusicologist is to preserve, and to make my above point without sarcasm, the most popular things, and the things loved by the middle and upper classes, are going to be preserved. You don't need ethnomusicology for that to happen. It is disenfranchisement, counterculture, poverty, and isolation that produce the weird musical expression not appreciated by their own supposed culture, and which will be lost forever if no-one makes an effort to record it.
fascinating to see multiple places describe him as a "teen" who "pulled pranks"
Nice to see that the Chicago paper referred to him as a man and the only use of the word "prank" in their article was a direct quote.
That article appears to be subscriber-only, infinitewindow. Can you sum it up for us?
I am classified as "Keter" on my friend's phone when I message him.
They are more likely, though, to dance on your face, which they do at night when they mate, before crawling back into your follicles by day to eat. In those caves mother mites give birth to a few relatively large mite-shaped eggs. The eggs hatch, and then, like all mites, the babies go through molts in which they shed their external skeleton and emerge slightly larger. Once they're full size, their entire adult life lasts only a few weeks. Death comes at the precise moment when the mites, lacking an anus, fill up with feces, die, and decompose on your head.
I have no words for how much I did not need to know this
I had pressured him to propose
I'm not beating up on her -- it's fine with me if she wants to live out a particular narrative -- but that has always seemed profoundly weird to me. If she wanted to marry him, why not just ask directly, rather than ask at one step removed? I suppose she knew what the answer would have been, and didn't want to hear it.
so many men see relationships as a giant albatross
I do know a couple of guys who completely fit that description. But I know a lot more who are the opposite -- either in committed relationships, or seriously looking for one. I have to wonder if her experience is more reflective of what late-30s dating in NYC is like, more than "what men are like" in some generational way. By that age, a lot of the people wanting commitments have found them, leaving a lot more of the men who were frustrating her in the dating pool, even if no other factors were at play.
The difference, I suppose, is between the General who tells war stories at his club, where the story is the main thing, and the General publishing his memoirs, where there are people who are hired to fact check everything because they might get sued otherwise and are also paid to break it gently to the General that his story is a load of cobblers.
Oh, I know! Vastly expanded mass transit focusing particularly on traditionally underserved populations most in need, as well as improved bicycle and footpaths in both urban and suburban HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH no fuck you more cars
He's perhaps finished at his current job but there are plenty of "news" organizations where he would fit right in. Not to mention many companies and industries would be more than happy to have his as their spokesman.
I remember taking a Red Hat training class where the instructor kept saying, "mmm-kay" where the uhs and ums would normally go. After day four, all I could hear when she talked was "Mmm-kay? Mmm-kay?"
Obviously I'm not going to speak for the men of this generation, and I likewise can't speak to the dating experience of this woman.
But this kind of thing frustrates me, and I never know what to say about it for fear of sound (as I will probably sound here) as some kind of "not ALL men" whiner.
Here's my experience, though: I'm not a commitment-phobe. I'm a commitment-phile. I crave stability and family so much that I've made profound compromises to secure it.
I've never dated a woman who wanted to have children. Not ever. Amanda's assertion above, that "I believe that if men's bodies could be manipulated to enable them to bear children that there would in fact be men who would choose that," describes me wholly and accurately. I would do this. I would be that man. But I do not live in that world. As things are, I will not have children.
She's right, too, though, that the biological reality is starker for women, in terms of the time pressure they face. And yet I can't help but wonder what the flipside of this story would look like. As a late-30s professional in NYC of acceptable looks and reasonable manners (if way, way above-average nerdiness) would my experience be what this woman's story implies it would be? That upon proving my willingness to commit and marry, I could easily find a woman to have a family with? I don't know. I'm not so sure.
I don't think we're going to know what's "wrong" with this generation until the next generation get to judge us, as will be their right. I will say this, though: I don't know that choosing not to have children when one feels ambivalence is necessarily a vice. My father stomped around a lot when I was young, muttering about how he wished he'd never have kids. I'll be honest: I could've lived without that.
If the men and/or women of this generation don't want to have children, those children are better off sans that ambivalence, and, too, existence.
Meanwhile, it's notable to me that single woman in the article author's position has the option—an option she may well exercise—to have a child, or try to. A single man with a similar desire has no such option; that is the stark biological reality I face.
Huh. I was sure it was going to be this web comic, which now seems oddly similar.
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master — that's all."
Should be noted that this also wouldn't be a thing if the Police were a little less eager to use their SWAT teams to begin with.
To be fair, they make it seem like the 911 call is coming from the victim's house, and I think they sometimes play gunshot sound effects. If you were a 911 operator who got that call, you would probably want to send the cavalry, too. (Not to say that the military surplus gear and general militarization of the police isn't a problem, too. I'm just saying that the calls can be pretty convincing.)
Every Sunday night, before he goes to bed, he tracks down and expunges the 70-80 new instances of "comprised of" that have appeared on Wikipedia in the past 7 days
Somebody really needs to set up a bot to run Monday morning and turn, say, a random 1/3 of his 47,000 edits back to "comprised of". (FWIW that is the approx. ratio of "comprised of" to "composed of" in actual usage, according to a quick google search.)
This would quickly cause the edit war to end all edit wars, and almost certainly set off a chain of events that would end civilization as we know it.
It would totally be worth it . . .
i think it's important to remember that he didn't just record black music, but many kinds, all over the world - including white, european folk culture
Right, but a lot of that stuff suffers from some of the same problems: obsession with authenticity; insistence on cultural purity even when cultural mixing is part of people's lived experience; rigid distinctions between commercial and folk culture that don't reflect the way people actually experience or play music. This is a problem with the mid-20th century field of folklore, rather than with Lomax personally, I think. I mean, I come at this from an interest in Irish traditional music, which is a pretty different context but has some of the same issues.
In the very next paragraph, the article has two black people saying "Eh, Lomax was ok." What the shit, is that supposed to make it ok? Why even write the goddamn article then, if it's just one man's opinion of what black music is? Or are we sticking the breathless image of Lomax keeping black and white musicians and music apart as they tried desperately to come together in harmony?
Yeah. Agree with you there.
What I took away from what Dom Flemons was saying in the article is that these are really the only recordings from that period of certain things (derail: if you haven't checked out the Carolina Chocolate Drops, do yourself and favour and do so).
So as tainted and problematic as the gathering process was, there was some documentation of some music. Who and what that represents is really the issue.
Lomax recorded some stuff, and did it in a way that was in no way divorced from the white supremacy of the day. I think the headline is a little click-baity, quite frankly. There was was waaaay more at work during the period of Lomax's recordings that was keeping black and white musicians apart than Alan Lomax - his wasn't the foot on the back of Deford Bailey's neck, for example.
Congratulations, you just lost the game (Extreme Mango Worms version)
If ever there was a case for getting tough as an example, it is this. While after a certain point lengthy prison terms bring diminishing returns, this guy should do at least as much time as is warranted for a premeditated violent and potential deadly crime and should also be subjected to a fine so onerous that he will be paying for it for decades.
Kids do stupid and impulsive things (and yes, even at 19, your brain is really still not fully developed)— but there's no excuse for this and good reason to believe that a few highly publicized prosecutions with awful outcomes for the perps will actually make a difference (unlike in say, impulsive crimes like fights which turn deadly).
Gosh, does the manifesto mention Islamic State's regular policy of rape, kidnapping, forced marriage and selling of women into slavery?
Interviews with women who escaped reveal that Isis corralled the women into halls and other detention centres and gradually sold them off to fighters as the spoils of war. Isis said in an online article that it was reviving an ancient custom of enslaving enemies and forcing the women to become wives of victorious fighters.
No? What a shock.
You have a firm grasp of the obvious.
These are fantastic finds! Good on the Armstrong family for sharing them.
But why the rear view mirror, eh?
I'd just like to point out that those weren't foolish worries at all.
Worrying was understandable, but the manner in which the astronauts were recovered leads me to think NASA knew the concerns was pretty foolish and was just going through the motions for the most part.
How did they get suits to the Apollo 11 to put on to contain the deadly Moon germs? By opening the spacecraft door and having frogmen throw the containment suits in. Naturally, the suits were fairly airtight, with no circulation, and the Apollo 11 astronauts wound up coming close to passing out until they could take off the suits in the Mobile Quarantine Facility.
So for Apollo 12, NASA seems to have said "fuck it" and just had that crew put put on flights suits and gas masks
i think it's important to remember that he didn't just record black music, but many kinds, all over the world - including white, european folk culture - the idea that ethnomusicology ignored european music simply isn't true, although one can always debate whether it was looked at enough
WTF is going on with the far right of that photo? I thought they were the ones taking the drugs, not me.
And yeah, this sort of story was trampled to death by VH1's Behind the Music years ago.
Soleá follows an aspiring flamenco guitarist around the streets of Sevilla. "Ten years playing for dancers, ten years playing for singers, and, afterward, you can begin to become a soloist." A short video from The New Yorker (alt link).
Perceived as gender-neutral, maybe, but it's still a gendered insult no matter which side of the pond you're on.
In the UK? Not really, it isn't. The sense is significantly different to US "pussy" as an insult. (See: "Monty, you terrible cunt" in Withnail & I, for instance. Or the UK version of "Dancing With the Stars", which is called "Strictly Come Dancing"...a/k/a "Strictly Cunts Dancing".) It may be a gendered insult in North America; here in the UK it generally isn't. (A terribly offensive comedian called Jimmy Carr got heckled off the stage at a show in London; he did three rape jokes in a row, and a woman in the audience called out "you're a misogynistic cunt".)
correctyness noty living is a language thing tiresome
It's less stealing than, I don't know, dumpster diving?
The stuff was from the lunar module. After they re-docked with the command module, they jettisoned the LM and headed home. The LM wound up crashing into the moon.
We wouldn't have any of this stuff unless Armstrong had grabbed it.
(I think Lovell in the Apollo 13 book mentioned that the astronauts were allowed to keep some stuff. He grabbed an eyepiece, and maybe a few other things.)
Is there rehab for lying?
It's not lying, it's acting. (Usually, acting dynasties are handed down from parent to child, though.)
Sports Illustrated: The son of Baptist schoolteachers, raised in the railroading town of Emporia, Kans., Smith played positions -- quarterback, point guard, catcher -- in high school that foreshadowed the career he would choose. In much the same way his major at Kansas, mathematics, prefigured the analytical approach he brought to North Carolina, which named him at 30 to succeed his boss, Frank McGuire.
Charlotte Observer: It was Smith's players, however, who most appreciated who he was and what he did. "He's a father figure to a lot of players and a lot of people," former UNC star Michael Jordan said on the day Smith announced his retirement. "He's always been very genuine in his attitude toward the players. The education he tried to give to the players was more as a person and not so much as a basketball player, which I think has a lot more bearing and meaning to individuals."
ESPN.com: Smith's Four Corners time-melting offense led to the creation of the shot clock to counter it. He was the first coach at North Carolina, and among the first in the segregated South, to offer a scholarship to a black athlete. The now-common "point to the passer," in which a scorer acknowledges a teammate's assist, started in Chapel Hill and became a hallmark of Smith's always humble "Carolina Way."
He was a direct coaching descendant of basketball's father, James Naismith, playing and later coaching at Kansas for the inventor of the game's most famous student, Jayhawks coach Phog Allen.
Smith would pass lessons learned in Kansas along at North Carolina, adding more than a few of his own. He tutored perhaps the game's greatest player, Jordan, who burst onto the national stage as a freshman on Smith's 1982 national title team, and two of basketball's most successful coaches, fellow Hall of Famers Larry Brown and Williams.
Time: His players could have compiled more impressive individual statistics at other schools. But college is supposed to prepare you for the real world. No players were more prepped for the NBA than Smith's. "He taught you everything — shooting, passing, positional defense," says former North Carolina star Mike O'Koren, who spend eights seasons in the NBA from 1980-1988. "He never limited what he would teach you because of your size or anything." O'Koren remembers getting the ball on a fast break during his freshman season, and hitting an open jump shot. A few possessions later, he took a similar shot — and missed with the defense in his face. The horn blared, and O'Koren was out of the game. "I don't know about that shot Mike," Smith said to O'Koren, now an assistant at Rutgers. "Coach, I was feeling it," O'Koren replied. Smith: "Well, why don't you go feel the bench now."
CBSSports.com: Furthermore, Smith protested, among other things, the Vietnam War, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and the death penalty. In 1998, according to a story in the University Gazette, Smith appeared at a clemency hearing for a death-row inmate and told then-Governor Jim Hunt, right to his face, "You're a murderer. The death penalty makes all of us murders."
In other words, yes, Dean Smith was a basketball coach. But he wasn't just a basketball coach. He's a man who touched the life of the greatest basketball player to ever live ... and also millions of other lives in countless and crucial ways. He never settled for a whistle and a ball, never stayed in his so-called lane, never stopped trying to make things better until a cruel disease robbed him of his mind.
Precious Memories: Dementia has taken its toll on former North Carolina coach Dean Smith, but family and devoted friends stand by the beloved coach. [previously]
1982 NCAA Final--Michael Jordan's gamewinner.
Most eponysterical post ever.
This is a perfect example of how to skip a post ... zzzzzzzip - right past it ...
I feel just like this (on the male side) about a whole lot of Cheever, Updike, Roth, etc. stories, but that doesn't/didn't stop them from telling it or others from publishing or buying it.
Agreed. Just as dull from the other side. Any side.
i feel like using attempted murder (which i agree is the intent) is unlikely to happen because the cops aren't going to admit they're murderers.
How did we get to twat and cunt and dick and prick and sissy and pussy and gender-neutral and using feminizing insults to disparage men and rampant and violent misogyny and women being seen as inferior from a debate over "composed of" vs "comprised of"?
Because talking dirty is always more fun.
Sonic Youth are the most overrated band of their generation
Pavement would like a word.
I don't understand the people rallying to defend him on the basis of false memory. He isn't a child, he isn't suffering from PTSD. He's an experienced professional journalist at the top tier of the profession and he knows the only reason he is even in a war zone is to report verifiable facts.
Right wingers aren't liars as much as they are saying things that are false that they actually believe. That's bad, but throwing it out there as if it makes Williams any less a journalistic failure is ridiculous. He did something different. He made up a better story.
I just finished a rewatch of season 5 of The Wire. I hated it the first time around, but this time I really keyed in on what Simon was trying to say about the type of people who lie in the modern media, and he was right on.
They always start with something small. You know, just a little quote that they clean up. And then, then it's a whole anecdote. And pretty soon they're seeing some amazing shit. They're the lucky ones who just happen to be standing on the right street corner in Tel Aviv when the pizza joint blows up and the human head rolls down the street with the eyes still blinking.
Who even knows what else in his reputation was built on taking shortcuts like this? If a journalist doesn't have trust from the audience, they don't have anything.
these jerkoffs don't think it's a funny prank - they know it's a form of threats/violence/terrorism. it's the same as calling lighting queer kids on fire a prank - it's a statement of what society deems important, not a statement of intent.
That level of hate for this guy is kinda worrisome
This is hilarious. Ooh, here comes languagehate with his uncontrollably rage! Beware his blind, insane hatred for innocent prescriptivism! Watch him gibbering uncontrollably as the froths drips from his chattering maw! One so addicted to anger is surely not to be trusted!
There is no shortage of examples showing pharmaceutical companies being dicks. Or government screwing the pooch. But, trying to do the right thing counts, in my book. YMMV.
At first, I thought it was a trick to see how many times I would reload a YouTube video that wouldn't play.
I'm wondering, after reading through the incredibly sexist and depressing comments in the article, if a larger proportion of men than we realize have MRA-like attitudes about marriage, at least in NYC.
And I've heard that "oh, well, if I want to wait til I'm 60 and get a 20-year-old wife, I can. Too bad you can't," snark from a guy I know IRL. Granted he's a 40-year-old virgin and knows very little about the realities of relationship demographics, nor about me. But it does seem like there's an attitude that marriage is a trap, and it's best put off as long as possible -- ideally, until you're getting old and need a young nursemaid. And then, all you need is money and one will fall at your feet.
And the invocation of Hugh Hefner, as though he's not an extreme outlier, as though anyone can get rich enough in this economy to live his lifestyle. I don't know where all this bullshit comes from, but I wish it would crawl back under its mysterious rock of origin.
Sonic Youth are the most overrated band of their generation, and maybe of all time. Take the hipster credentials of Pixies or Velvet Underground and drain away all the talent and inspired music and you have Sonic Youth. What a bunch of boring and shitty records they made... The anecdote of Thurston's breakthrough of playing guitar with a drumstick is hilarious though
Bleach, plus sticking your head into the beam of the Large Hadron Collider.
So the last white boy on Earth wears a fifties style-combo-pageboy-flip hairdo, I guess they still have electricity for blow-drying , and the memories of Mariel Hemingway, right ON!
That was interesting; now I really want to read her book.
Please try as an adult.
Not at all. Compare Utility Light S/N 0001 and Utility Light S/N 0002. They are identical in every detail. Well except maybe some of the fabricators knew how to tie a square knot, others didn't.
I would guess any differences in knots was intentional; NASA is quite serious about their knots.
Where is your Famed God now?
I recently had the misfortune of listening to a recording of myself on a client conference call. I said "y'know" in almost every sentence, sometimes multiple times. Along with the requisite "uh's." So bad...
So we are having yet another round of the stupid iptivists argument? I did try to preempt it by linking to an article about it above, but oh well, I might as well copypaste the relevant bit here:
The thoughtful, nondichotomous position on language depends on a simple insight: Rules of proper usage are tacit conventions. Conventions are unstated agreements within a community to abide by a single way of doing things—not because there is any inherent advantage to the choice, but because there is an advantage to everyone making the same choice. Standardized weights and measures, electrical voltages and cables, computer file formats, the Gregorian calendar, and paper currency are familiar examples.
The conventions of written prose represent a similar kind of standardization. Countless idioms, word senses, and grammatical constructions have been coined and circulated by the universe of English speakers, and linguists capture their regularities in the "descriptive rules"—that is, rules that describe how people speak and understand. A subset of these conventions has become accepted by a virtual community of literate speakers for use in nationwide forums such as government, journalism, literature, business, and academia. These are "prescriptive rules"—rules that prescribe how one ought to speak and write in these forums. Examples include the rules that govern agreement and punctuation as well as fine semantic distinctions between such word pairs as militate and mitigate or credible and credulous. Having such rules is desirable—indeed, indispensable—in many arenas of writing. They lubricate comprehension, reduce misunderstanding, provide a stable platform for the development of style and grace, and credibly signal that a writer has exercised care in crafting a passage.
Once you understand that prescriptive rules are conventions, most of the iptivist controversies evaporate.
Ahhhh, and six whole pages on the maritime industry. Gotta' love DOT.
"In light of the increasing need for ports infrastructure to keep pace with demand, MARAD's Strong Ports Program is also helping ports modernize their infrastructure by providing planning expertise and assistance to U.S. port authorities. However, this program does not yet include a dedicated funding vehicle."
"Over the past decade, these receipts have outpaced spending from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, leaving the HMTF with a surplus balance of $8.5 billion. Spending can only be authorized by Congress and, in recent years, Congress has preferred to preserve the surplus in order to count it toward deficit reduction figure."
Rather, it makes you wonder how on earth they have managed to recruit.
In the deleted thread somebody commented that they are an example of the type Khmer Rouge. When you grow up with bombs dropping any time you are traumatized. When you have a traumatized society this may be what you get. They are monsters. They have grown in monstrous circumstances. Sometimes monstrous circumstances produce monsters.
That isn't an excuse but maybe it is an explanation.
You know that ToastMasters training consists almost entirely of eliminating filler words, right? In some ways it does seem to mark casual vs. public speaking, though putting them back in gives that fun Genx-y Ira Glass vibe.
Instead of using a filler (when speaking publicly), my wife has learned to look slightly up into the sky and squint and tilt her head a little while she desperately tries to think of what to say. It makes you look very smart and wise. (She of course is very smart and wise, you know what I'm saying.)
Japan seems intact and unchanged, notwithstanding the occasional raid by Intelligent Killer Whales.
I'm tired of men being called "cagey" and being told that "there's something wrong with them" when some woman decides she wants to get married.
Metafilter seems very sensitive to the fact that women don't owe men sex, but not so much that men don't owe women commitment.
if only :(
nadawi: I think I've been very plain in the three comments that I've made.
To me it is puzzling that a group who display not just naivety and ignorance but plain unbalanced craziness have managed to make such gains. Their propaganda, as I've mentioned above, has a particularly circumscribed appeal and does not explain how they've managed to recruit. Rather, it makes you wonder how on earth they have managed to recruit.
In this they're not unlike Boko Haram further south. So it is very worth while to consider who, strategically, is going to be left standing when the bombs have all gone off, and how come ISIS is so very well resourced. Where are the funds coming from? Who armed them? Whose strategy is playing out? The kneejerk "Look at the terrible/ridiculous islamicists, oh well what else could you expect," does nothing to promote discussion imo.
I love this, and (as you can tell from my prior post) I am loving the short slice-of-life documentary films that internet distribution is making possible. I could watch many more of these.
Oh God. The comment thread from the YouTube in Going to Maine's link...UGH.
I mean, I know I shouldn't be shocked, because YouTube, but holy fuck...ugh.
Steve has a grand vision of a "supertrain" for Seattle
Unless it's nuclear powered and has a disco and a pool, it ain't Supertrain.
"...don't make assumptions about his appearance don't make assumptions about his appearance don't make assumptions about his appearance..."
*clicks on article*
"Oh, God dammit."
One mistake that Lomax likely made was to use a very simplified model of influence. And this is encoded in ethnomusicology itself (a field in which he was definitely a transformative figure).
In its origins ethnomusicology was about transcribing to sheet music the music of "native cultures". It was never applied to the White, European wold. For of course what Europeans did was simply "music", and they had a "universal" and "general" science of music and music composition to describe that, so an ethnomusicological approach to their music would be absurd and unneeded, to their colonial mindset.
There was some transition as cultural perspectives became more nuanced, but the field carried with it echos of that approach, that ethnomusicology was about discovering and transcribing (later recording) the music of the "other". This of course led to a desire to find the "unobscured" or "virginal" culture of the other, before the taint of colonial culture. And there is some logic to this. You can probably learn quite a bit more about the older music of the Pygmies from a recording made by an isolated tribe that was not yet exposed to church music (via missionaries) and popular music (via radio) and inevitably influenced by these.
But of course if we aren't trying to recreate an unknowable past, and instead want to record what is being done today, we can't simply dismiss material at the sign of outside influence. Like it or not world music is American music now. And to an infinitessimal degree, visa versa.
His closet is where they filmed the fake lunar landing, right?
RIP, Coach. As one of my friends said about the Four Corners offense when it made its debut, and people were griping, "Aren't passing and dribbling supposed to be part of the game, too, not just scoring?"
When Oliver North lied to congress and the American people, his punishment was the medal of honor.
As long as we're on the topic of falsehoods that flatter our biases, Ollie North was never, thank god, awarded the Medal of Honor.
"The couple everyone believed was golden and normal and eternally intact, who gave younger musicians hope they could outlast a crazy rock'n'roll world, was now just another cliche of relationship failure – a male midlife crisis, another woman, a double life."
Demodexmites! The internet's gift to sufferes of MorgellonsDisease.
Interesting that he managed to write an article about these little guys without mentioning them by name.
Should be noted that this also wouldn't be a thing if the Police were a little less eager to use their SWAT teams to begin with.
Gotta justify the budget and use all the Iraq surplus gear somehow, and not everyone is lucky enough to have riots.
we see that a little less than half the time the payoff is losing a substantial chunk of your assets and income and getting to see your kids 50% of the time, if you're lucky.
The loss of assets and income occurs if your partner has been spending their time at home raising your children and supporting you in lieu of actually developing their own career and the chance to make a comparable income. But you're right--if you disagree with economists (example here, PDF file) and you don't think there is real, tangible value to someone sacrificing time and career to child-rearing and spousal support then you totally should not be married. Ever.
But something tells me the sort of person who dismisses their partner's unpaid housework and child-care efforts as economically negligible is also the sort of person a partner might get fed up with and want to divorce.
I had a completely different reaction when I read this story. This sounds exactly like something I would do. It happens at least once a week where I'll say something and then hours later think, "Why in the world did I say that? It wasn't true and there was no reason to say it." But luckily, I'm not on TV and nobody is fact checking my weird brain moments.
My boss said that one of the people at the party was Neil Armstrong, and sure enough, his daughter walked up to him and proudly crowed, "look at my Moon Boots!" And according to my boss, Neil oohed and aahed over them a bit - then winked at her and said, "I have a pair of moon boots in my closet back home too."
I think this is an urban legend. I have heard this same story several times.
see for instance the difference in US vs UK colloquial use of "cunt" and "twat". In the US? Gendered insults almost invariably directed at women. In the UK? Largely perceived as gender-neutral when used as insults and more commonly directed at men, and being more or less like an intensified version of "arsehole", "jerk" or "idiot".
Perceived as gender-neutral, maybe, but it's still a gendered insult no matter which side of the pond you're on. Especially with your point about being an intensifier; what's worse than being called an arsehole? Being called a woman.
See also "that's so gay."
I remember the first episode! I was too young to understand what it all meant. Nice to see some good come out of it.
I dunno, semantic shift doesn't solely rely on people's laziness.
I missed this in the kerfuffle.
The distinction between semantic shift that happens because of "laziness" and semantic shift that happens for other reasons isn't real, though. Like, what does it even mean to be "lazy" when learning words? No one learns how to speak their first language by doing polls or reading dictionaries; instead, we all learn our first language by analyzing the linguistic input available to us. Often, this input provides evidence for more than one (but often closely related) analysis, and we get shift over time.
Cases where people know one definition, but choose to deliberately use another are so rare as to be a drop in the ocean. It may happen in special cases, like technical language, but it is safe to say that the language you speak is the result of tens of thousands of years of people failing to look up "common definitions." That's just ... kinda how language acquisition works. I have no idea what the "non-lazy" version of it would be.
As to disliking it -- certainly, that's your business and you can dislike it if you want, but it's about as pointless as being irritated at Galapagos finches for having too many different kinds of beaks. Language change, including semantic shift, is just as inevitable and natural as biological evolution.
Purely as an aside - Williams' demeanor has always irked me. I always got the sense he was completely full of himself.
Me, the opposite. On various talk shows he always seems to be self-deprecating enough that I think he doesn't take himself that seriously.
People that are full of themselves have sticks up their butts. He definitely does not.
They didn't even try to block it, just use it to get more taxpayer money for their buddies. Small government, ya know.
I started to type "mango worms" into google (couldn't help myself) but then it autocompleted to "mango worms in humans" and I decided maybe I could help myself after all.
Someday I want to read something, anything, that suggests that Courtney Love has a redeeming bone in her body (other than her talent). She must have one. I have heard not a whisper of it.
Well, I mean, here's the thing: Courtney Love and Kim Gordon knew each other for about two seconds more than twenty years ago. The former is currently on a bit of a hatchet-burying jag with everyone lately -- including Gordon, who recently fronted Nirvana to rave reviews from Love. And now here comes Kim Gordon out of nowhere, apropos of nothing, blathering about what a pathetic, dangerous, starfucking drama queen Courtney Love was twenty years ago, in an article ostensibly about the recent breakdown of her own marriage. Why even bring that up, except to drop a bunch of famous names and/or kickstart some "drama"?
Also, I couldn't help but guffaw over this: "Smashing Pumpkins took themselves way too seriously and were in no way punk rock" (as if they ever claimed to be) ... being followed by this ... "During Sugar Kane, the next-to-last song, an oceanic blue globe appeared on the screen behind the band. It spun extremely slowly, as if to convey the world's indifference to its own turning and rolling. It all just goes on, the globe said, as ice melts, and streetlights switch colours when no cars are around, and grass pushes through sidewalk cracks, and things are born and then go away."
Good thing we didn't have a movie lionizing a war "hero" that included a lot of unconfirmed "facts" (like kill counts, etc...)
In the 1992 movie Singles, Steve has a grand vision of a "supertrain" for Seattle — it will cut down on traffic and be good for the environment. Good coffee, good music. They will park and ride.
He explains the idea to his friend, who nods in approval, then hesitantly replies, "But I love my car."
He explains the idea to his friend, who nods in approval, then hesitantly replies, "But I love my car."
I am unashamed to say that Singles is one of my favorite films, but looking to an early nineties rom-com for public policy wisdom seems fraught with peril.
By that age, a lot of the people wanting commitments have found them, leaving a lot more of the men who were frustrating her in the dating pool, even if no other factors were at play.
This is a good point. If you're left in that position, then the next option might be to date someone in their 20s or early 30s who is looking for commitment but hasn't found it yet. Then one encounters ageism: a 42-year-old guy has an easier time dating a decade younger than a 42-year-old woman.
Flying cars will fix everything, right?
Well it's ok if they go away, just don't replace them with long heavy fucking pauses when you're talking about like, how you're thinking about buying a computer because some young people invented a website and made a billion dollars, or like, deals you've gotten at the flea market.
Before I clicked I was trying to think which one I used, and decided I used both pretty interchangeably. Lo and behold, I live in a border zone! (Milwaukee)
Total headline fail. The brain is in fact wonderfully, amazingly flexible, and this is a great demonstration of how un-breakable the brain really is.
It's a shame Lomax only recorded the most obscure music, as far from pop influence as he could find. I guess we'll never know what tin pan alley, church music, and minstrel shows sounded like.
Actually, it's refreshingly up-front about its crazy, most likely as the foreward analysis suggests because it's not intended for Western audiences. This isn't their version of Huckabee on the stump, this is their version of what goes on inside the revival tent, in all its self-destructive malevolent glory.
Somewhat like the Scientologists with their weird alt vocabulary, the OP isn't intended to make sense to someone who isn't already pretty well indoctrinated in certain basic tenets. If you take the axioms at face value -- truth is to be found only in the Koran, not in one's own experience -- then the conclusions fall naturally. If you question the axioms even slightly, though, the crazy shines through and the whole thing looks ridiculous, which is why people like IS are so defensive about their beliefs.
Before we get feeling all superior though it's well to remember that it wasn't all that long ago that Christians weren't any better. What Islam needs to work its way out of this logic trap is some version of my namesake Roger Williams, a Puritan so fanatical in his belief that he literally believed only 144,000 people would ever be allowed into Heaven. His insight, that if God had for whatever unknowable reasons chosen to surround him with the Damned maybe it was His intention that His chosen children should learn to live among them productively and peaceably, is the reason we have a First Amendment instead of a patchwork of totalitarian protestant states in America.
Islam has not always seen the study of God's creation as a distraction from God, which is why we're still using Arabic numbers. But any time you take some book and decide it's the ultimate truth and LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU when the world contradicts your conclusions, it will end badly.
Smashing Pumpkins...were in no way punk rock.
She says that like it's a bad thing.
Hell, Politifact recently found that on average, Fox News personalities outright lie or err about basic, verifiable facts 60% of the time. That's the entire organization, but we're freaking out about one anchor getting a little too full of himself when he goes on celebrity speaking engagements which no one could mistake for serious news? Just seems a little inconsistent.
Well, if the first step is admitting you have a problem, I'd imagine one of the next steps would be getting away from a job that requires you to broadcast lies to the American public five nights a week.
Kamandi: a single-comic masterclass in everything that's great about comics. If I still had mine, I wouldn't even sell them on Ebay. Probably. Also, EXPANDING TIGER EMPIRE BOO YAH.
I mean, it sucks to be thrown into the same old boring story. But, it's a...boring story.
I feel just like this (on the male side) about a whole lot of Cheever, Updike, Roth, etc. stories, but that doesn't/didn't stop them from telling it or others from publishing or buying it. That interpersonal drama is also a very small potion of the story in the article (I don't know how much it predominates in the book).
My sister and I just rediscovered my father's cache of Neil Armstrong documents. I never did understand the full story but somehow my dad and Armstrong were hanging out together flying gliders near Houston, some time after the moon landing. We have a personal letter from Armstrong to my dad, a copy of my father's glider pilot's license (maybe signed by Armstrong?), a publicity photo of the moon landing, etc. Neat stuff, I wish I could have asked my dad about it.
This level of research is incredible. They have transcripts of radio messages that mention the objects.
It is incredible. It's also worryingly like the fetishization of objects, maybe from a saint. We must revere these memories of the Man who went to the Moon because there will never be another. I'd rather that we were developing in a way that this kind of NASA junk were commonplace, every day, the shit lying around in the corners of the Nostromo or Serenity because someone didn't bother to go back and clean out the old spare parts locker last year.
The whole song is a joke, bleep, only very deadpan. It's about a woman whose feet are so big she has to wear boxes and trips on a splinter (and thus drowns, but only after blowing bubbles soft and fine); her lover then kisses her sister and forgets her. (Bobby Darin covered the song at some point, and ended it by asking if whalers had seen her, with the phrase "chunky Clementine" - it's hilarious.) Perhaps it was meant to be a parody of some other traditional ballad?
Food is at the bottom :(
Maybe less of an issue - heck, even preferable - in zero gravity?
Humans have used mechanical analogies for the operation of the brain practically since we've had modern science. In my opinion, one of the main flaws of this concept is that the brain is perfectly -- or at least very nearly perfectly -- deterministic.
I feel that the McCollough effect betrays the poor analogical thinking displayed in the basilisk FAQ, and concepts of the basilisk. The McCullough effect does a very impressive job of "breaking" a part of the brain -- at least for a short term. Those exposed for longer and/or those whose susceptibility is higher will see the effect in their vision for a longer time.
The human brain is, to my best understanding, a lot of parts that do specific jobs, and for the most part work in tandem enough for us to feel like it's one single thread of consciousness. But what we're really doing is interpreting the will of various "constituencies" in the brain and (whether free will is involved or not) simplifying the output of something that resembles a consensus process into that singular train of experience or thought.
Forgive the ramble, but my point is this: Trying to crash a brain is like trying to crash a room full of people sitting on a committee. With the McCullough effect, you're causing some sort of bias/mild injury/damage to an individual constituent of the brain -- the visual cortex -- but there's no indication that there is, or even can be, a single input (that isn't innately injurious) that shuts the whole brain (or whole committee) down.
Oh man, Neil Armstrong, has always been one of my heroes. OMFG! He seems even cooler now!
"As we have evolved and understood more about our transportation system, we know it to be an
interdependent system of systems that shapes and is shaped by all it touches."
Holy shit these sentences.
Of course you take stuff home from work.
Drugs, sex and office supplies should never be paid for.
i would record the zepplin tribute band, the cobain band, the wedding band, the praise band, the acappella group, congregaitonal singing, the busker, and the azberjani down the street. i want a full store.
"We have currently a built-in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information. Our mass media reflect this. But unless we get up off our fat surpluses and recognize that television in the main is being used to distract, delude, amuse, and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who look at it, and those who work at it, may see a totally different picture too late. " ― Edward R. Murrow
The most traumatic images of my 1980's childhood were not from any horror movie, but from the show That's Incredible!, which had a segment about how these newfangled electron microscopes allowed us to see all the teeny tiny critters that were all over us.
Why does it take them 11 paragraphs to get to the part about what the scandal is over? The first 10 paragraphs are just stating and restating the same things over and over.
I cannot see the SNL skit with Alec and Brian discussing things.
If any anonymous bettors are reading this I will gladly move to Reno and earn 1200 dollars week putting down your sports bets. That sounds FUCKING AWESOME.
uch as when people derail an internet comment thread by criticizing someone's grammar
Or by pedantically making assertions that you're using a word wrong, because the dictionary says it means this! Happens all the time with "misogyny" and MRA douchebags. "But I don't hate women! Now let me tell you about all the terrible things society does to men and why feminism is terrible! Also, tits or GTFO!"
has this SWAT team vs. home invaders scenario ever actually happened?
It fits into the pre-planned "active shooter" scenario where doing something, anything by the police is required in order to stop additional violence.
Think Aurora, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, etc.
I imagine the public's hysteria over these incidents and the police's genuine desire to help overshadows the consideration of swatting.
"Expanding Tiger Empire" makes me think they somehow crossbred with puffer fish, and I can't decide whether puffer-tigers would be super-scary or super-adorable.
Aw, I loved Ghost Whisperer, even though I'm not a huge Jennifer Love Hewitt fan. I acknowledge that it was kind of terrible, but I also liked it despite all its flaws, including the rah-rah sisterhood crap. I also just finished The Witches of East End... If you like women-centric supernatural dramas, unfortunately you get a lot of girly cruft and bad acting along with that. Someone really needs to take that genre, assemble a cast of awesome actors, and do it right. Being Human did that to some degree, but it's over now...
On the map at page 56, what's at the end of that huge rail line in northeast Wyoming? Is it a pipeline terminal coming from North Dakota?
The climate change debate is comprised of many objectively false facts.
I've read a few stories like these and there's always "the guy who proposed to me when I was 32 but I broke it off because..." and then the reasons are never clear. It's usually some vague sense of wanting more, wanting to find oneself etc., which makes sense at 25 but at 32 makes me wonder if they really want what they say they want,
I don't feel like that's a super accurate read of what this particular author actually says:
Matt asked me to marry him not long after my mother's death. I had pressured him to propose while she was still alive, but with her gone, the ring stayed in my jewelry box. Everything I thought I knew about my life had changed.
It sounds like he waffled about when it counted, and then when there was no longer any of the external pressure (marry while mom's alive), she realized it was a no-go.
I don't think I exactly missed your point, Indigo Jones. I think your point is based on a misunderstanding of Lomax's project. He wasn't interested in recording music that hadn't been recorded. He was interested in recording music that was authentic and pure. If you look at what he was actually recording in the 1980s, it was stuff like this and this. Lomax was a huge proponent of using new technology to record and disseminate folk music, but he wasn't someone who believed that folk music could change or adapt to new circumstances and still remain authentic. By the 1980s there definitely were folklorists who were interested in things like hip-hop culture, which grew out of an urban black experience and was heavily influenced by Jamaican and other Caribbean music, but I don't think Lomax was one of them. He wanted men in overalls and ladies in bonnets, performing the pure, ancient songs and dances of their ancestors.
Was Lomax claiming to represent the full spectrum of black American music?
He was claiming to represent black culture at its purest and most authentic. Black culture at its purest and most authentic could be found among inmates in prisons, he thought. So yeah, that's a little fucked up.
FWIW, Williams has not quit or resigned yet.
ctmf: "Nah, criminally, that's all it is - the cops are the ones making it dangerous. But like I said, even that is enough to fuck this guy over for life. Get an official ruling that he did that, and here come the civil suits."
"The term judgment proof is most commonly used in tort and contract law contexts to refer to defendants or potential defendants who are financially insolvent. Even if a plaintiff were to secure a legal judgment against an insolvent defendant, the defendant's lack of funds would make the satisfaction of that judgment difficult, if not impossible, to secure."
Basically, if Scroty McNeckbeard can't afford the civil suits in the first place, his victims may not bother bringing suit in the first place, as the contingency lawyers won't take the case.
Why aren't younger Americans driving anymore?
Today unemployment rates are
approaching pre-recession levels. People
are working again and buying housing and
cars again. But, they are not driving more.
I find it amazing that this is the way discussions of policy in the US go.
Question: why aren't young people driving as much as they used to?
Answer: Well, it's unpossible that the reason why they aren't consuming like they used to is because the median income for 25-34 year olds is barely larger than it was in 1996... I mean, they have jobs right? It's not like you can get a car with a super-shady loan. It's not as if 25-34 year olds hold, on average, more debt than the same age group held in 1996...
So, hmmm.... why aren't younger Americans driving any more? I know, It must be some totally new cultural trend.
I suspect it is mostly driven by the harshly constrained economic realities of new college graduates."
Yep. In 1992 when I was 16 you could buy a vw bug or an older Toyota for $700-2000 and they got amazing gas mileage. One of my friends still has his late 80s Civic wagon and it gets 42+ mpg. Gas cost under a buck and minimum wage was around $4-5 /he, although many of us earned more. Bagging groceries was a union job and paid $9 in my town. We were completely unfettered by economics when it came to driving places. I spent less time thinking about the cost of gas than I do now as an adult with a real job and I drove far more.
in an article ostensibly about the recent breakdown of her own marriage.
surely you mean the guardian excerpted part of her book which is about many things, not just her breakup, and decided to use the courtney love and other name dropping parts for their own reasons...
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.
I think he was secretly planning to build his own Lunar Module, one part at a time. He probably had a lot more stuff out the back.
I prefer "comprised by".
I guess it used to be that your parents would buy you a $500 beater on your 16th birthday and help you get started with the whole driving thing.
Now that's impossible for most middle class families, which makes it way harder for the kids. You have to learn to drive and get credit and get a car loan and figure out how to pay that massive first insurance bill, all presumably after getting a job and an apartment, which have to be transit accessible since you don't have a car yet. The barrier to entry is far higher. I didn't have reliable transportation until I was 27 or so and I don't think that's too unusual.
he's 19, so yeah - as an adult. fascinating to see multiple places describe him as a "teen" who "pulled pranks" - which seems like some pretty extreme minimization (especially compared to how the victims of crimes who aren't white dudes are reported about).
This is one of my pet peeves about media reporting at times. If you are a grown adult, you shouldn't be referred to as a teen anymore. I've always understood teen to be a reference to a certain subsection of age progression that is usually about not quite having the rights and privileges yet of an adult. Just because the words 18 and 19 have the word teen in them does not make someone a teenager. I feel like using the word teen for adults goes hand-in-hand with some sort of biased reporting, or trying to create a specific emotional response, but I can't always put my finger on it.
Slarty Bartfast is this your own composition?
As a child of television, I really want to like this, and it's probably just old-fart me, but I'm finding the mass of indecipherable "peppy" copy and bit.ly links to be pretty off-putting. How about, I dunno, a title to each entry that actually says what show is being discussed? I mean, unless I glance at the tag lists, I have no bloody idea what they're talking about (and, often, not even the tags help).
I am large, I contain multitudes. Get over it.
This is one of my favorite games, and I have that sountrack still.
I think the phrase "is comprised of" has a useful meaning that is not well comprised1 by any other English expression, particularly when we seek to both describe and define an object, entity, or class that has several chief constituents chosen from a wider field, but not necessarily to the exception of any others.
For example, a chair might be made up by attaching a seat to supports (i.e., legs, or similar), and possibly adding a back and/or arm rests. It would be imprecise to say that it contains these elements (a container contains things); it isn't composed of either "a seat and supports" or "a seat, supports, and a back and/or arm rests." I think the definition would be better expressed as "A chair is comprised of a seat and supports, and may have a back rest and/or arm rests."
1 Comprise: to comprehend or include under or in a class or denomination. [OED]
That was lovely.
This one baffles me. I've never had a problem with the dual use of "comprise," nor have I ever been confused about it. Context always clarifies which meaning you are using. If it doesn't, then there's a lot more wrong with your writing than just the usage of "comprise."
Until I was around 18 or 19, I would have felt 100% comfortable saying: I do not like sports. I don't like them, I don't get them, I don't understand people who enjoy them, they are alien to me.
Then I went to UNC. '06 to '10.
I still, intellectually, think sports are kinda silly. I mean, technically. But the way I felt when the Heels won the national championship in 2009 can never, ever be replicated.
For women working:
3) It must take into account necessities - for the illness of a child, travel of her husband. She must have holidays.
4) She must be given two years maternity leave, at least, to rear and feed the child, and only resume if the child has started to be able to rely on himself for the most important things.
5) There must be a place to put the children at work until they reach school age, where they can be checked upon from time to time to stop the problems that arise from small children being by themselves in the house or someone to care for them.
So flexible working, paid holidays, maternity leave, and workplace daycare? Don't let US women see this. Marrying off your nine year old daughters is a small price to pay.
I knew swatting was a thing... but I didn't realize it was so prevalent that people have goddamn youtube compilation vidz yt of multiple incidents. There's some scary shit here.
Reason people hate cops #10029: Even when you are an innocent white nerd obeying all commands the way they talk to you is, "Don't you fucking move, you hear me boy?"
Pavement were overrated, but are now rated correctly
By "unmarried" I meant "never married." Divorce and (more's the pity) widowhood are often not by choice.
But we don't go around with big red Ws or Ds sewn on our shirts. (Thank goodness!) We often look just like everyone else.
And I often get the "You must not be so special if you're still single at 36. There's something wrong with you that drives all the eligible men away." An assumption that is incorrect and really offensive. And therein lies the defensiveness.
I just came here to smack talk about Radio Head, am I in the right building? Next one over? Ok, um, OMG Fugazi - more like emo threat, amirite?
Since swatting involves impersonating the victim on the phone (usually with software to spoof phone numbers), you could probably get them for various forms of wire fraud and identity theft. And, while I don't think you'd get attempted murder to stick, I think reckless endangerment would be at least worth a try (I think even swat teams would admit that being swatted is dangerous). Heck, pin them with one charge for everyone in the house and one charge for every member of the swat team - they could be shot by the homeowner or each other in the confusion.
I can't speak for local or state authorities, but mark my words, the feds will go hardcore on this guy. They will want to make an example of him, and it sounds like he left quite an e-trail of his wrongdoing, thereby making the job of prosecution easy and fun for the US Attorneys.
In 2009, the feds went HAM against a swatting conspiracy, sentencing the 19-year-old ringleader to 11 years. No mercy.
Oh come on now. It's nice in these troubled times for people of all political leanings to be able to come together and say "what a mendacious piece of shit".
Seriously, no one gives a fuck about Brian Williams, right? This isn't like Dan Rather, where there was credibility to be lost.
Reckless endangerment is discussed in the comments (for once, not a horror show), and seems like an appropriate fit. Also these are only Illinois charges; they found evidence of a number of different swatting attacks in several states. There's hope that he'll face additional federal charges for what is reasonably described as attempted murder (by cop for the lulz), not that you'd ever find a DA to charge that.
This is really terrific and the comments are relevant to anyone working in the arts.
Both Buzz and Michael Collins have auctioned off items they brought back from their trip. I don't think Neil ever auctioned off any stuff he kept.
I betcha in a year or two we'll see online campaigns trying to get leniency for this guy "railroaded by the feds" for a long prison stretch for a "harmless prank." That will make it easier to see who the other assholes are.
I had no idea. Brandon needs to be treated the same as an arsonist.
my brain was broken after googling what "mango worms" were
Ah, fuck.
When I was a kid, I always outsmarted myself in multiple-choice tests. I'd always get it wrong because I over-thought the question every time. In my adult life I've learned that the most obvious answer is generally the right one.
The answer to the question I've posed to so many - Why is Michael Sam not with an NFL team? - is also likely the most obvious one: because he's openly gay. Defensive ends with the same size and the same speed - yet with less production in college and the NFL preseason - are in the NFL and Sam is not because he's gay and he just won't stop being gay.
Yes, that's totally what "kinda worrisome" means. You have successfully translated my descriptivistic code.
I do wonder if this isn't a genuine case of false memories built up over time -- once or twice I've caught myself having false memories, although not remotely on that scale -- but I also wonder to what extent character (potentially, in this case, a tendency to self-aggrandizement) can encourage the formation of such memories.
How amazing! I've never heard of this.
But I think I can see what must be be going on and how and why it happens.
I think it's a software solution to a hardware problem that can arise within the eye itself.
The key seems to me to be that these grids look like highly magnified diffraction gratings, and when you look through an appropriately spaced diffraction grating at a white light source you'll see the various colors of the spectrum as you turn the plane of the grating with respect to your eye. And by adding the complementary color at the cortical level to your perception of a color seen through a diffraction grating, your visual system is causing you to see any object seen through such a grating at much closer to its true color than would a direct perception of the actual color of the light coming from the object, passing through a diffraction and falling on your retina.
But why would your eye need a system to compensate for the effects of diffraction gratings?
I think the answer is in the very peculiar way the eye is innervated.
Because the nerve connections to the rod and cone cells don't attach to those cells from the back of the retina, they attach from the front -- and before light can reach the receptors of the rods and cones, it has to pass through all the elaborate apparatus of cabling and connection first.
But we don't see all that, of course, because it's mainly transparent, certainly, but there must also be processing programs to suppress and edit out its effects on light, and I would argue that one of them has to be a program to add complementary color to reduce color biases added by inadvertent diffraction gratings right in front of the retina.
The wikipedia article on the effect gives strong support to this view, in my opinion, by noting that the effect is localized to the particular region of the retina that gave rise to it in the first place:
The effect is specific to the region of the retina that is exposed to the induction stimuli. This has been shown by inducing opposite effects in adjacent regions of the retina (i.e., from one region of the retina verticals appear pink and horizontals appear greenish; from an adjacent region of the retina, verticals appear greenish and horizontals appear pink). Nevertheless, if a small region of the retina is exposed to the induction stimuli, and the test contours run through this region, the effect spreads along those test contours. Of course, if the induced area is in the fovea (central vision) and the eyes are allowed to move, then the effect will appear everywhere in the visual scene visited by the fovea.
At the retinal level, an image produced when the eye looks at a large colored grid printed on paper is indistinguishable from the image produced when light passes through an accidental microscopic diffraction grating positioned just in front of the retina, and the cortex applies the same corrections to both.
So that's where the Cake cover of Strangers in the Night comes from! It's on their B-sides album and I've always really liked it.
Perhaps he can go now work at the NYT, that bastion of independent reporting about the Iraq war
This takes a bit of the shine of one of my heroes
I think he did what a lot of people would have done in that situation - take souvenirs of a truly remarkable experience.
But if you need a stand-in, there's always Buzz Aldrin punching out the moon landing denial asshat.
God, I hate it when things like this are in the news. It must be so embarrassing for him! Makes me squirm just to think about it.
Needs an 'infrastructure' tag ;)
teponaztli: "Microscopic lifeforms can be extraordinarily difficult to detect - which is why there's such complex science behind the Mars rovers."
And also completely unadapted to human biology, or anything on Earth, really.
I've sung that song in several choirs, it's a great and commonly used choral song. But that's my new favourite version! Love it. What a great group.
Ronald Reagan tells a story about a heroic pilot to whom he personally awarded a medal.[8] However, he was actually recalling the story line from a theatrical production entitled "Wing and a Prayer".[8] Reagan misattributed a real life experience with one he had actually seen in a movie. However, he strongly believed that he was involved in the medal process to this war hero.
With commercial music, there are also really interesting questions about reception: did different audiences use this stuff in different ways? Did people play sheet music the way it was written, or did they change it to fit in with the way they were already playing music? Did people incorporate stuff from records and the radio into the music they played together socially, and if so, how?
It is disenfranchisement, counterculture, poverty, and isolation that produce the weird musical expression not appreciated by their own supposed culture, and which will be lost forever if no-one makes an effort to record it.
Ok, but there are a lot of ways to be isolated and countercultural. For instance, folklorists believed in cultural purity and that cultural mixing was a form of pollution. People with power agreed with them, and black and white musicians who played together in the segregated south were flouting social convention and often breaking the law. So when folklorists ignored musical traditions that brought together black and white musicians, they were reinforcing, not combating, the marginalization of countercultures in which black and white musicians played music together.
His work is a sample
Ok, but I think the point is that his work is a sample that reflects his beliefs and preconceptions, and because his work was immensely influential, it spread some of those beliefs and preconceptions. So, for instance, his work is part of the reason that for a long time I was always a little surprised when I found out that my black friends' parents and grandparents listened to country music. That makes sense if you realize that musical cultures in the early 20th century south were not rigidly segregated, but what we know about rural southern non-commercial music comes largely from people like Lomax, and they weren't very interested in musical cultures that weren't rigidly segregated.
What in the hell has happened to this country? It's like nobody every heard a story that begins, "So there I was…" before. Furthermore, isn't the impetus for this coming up now the fact that he exaggerated a war story at a ceremony honoring one of the men protecting him during the grounding in the desert to make that guy look better? That just seems… polite.
This takes a bit of the shine of one of my heroes - - I really didn't expect this type of petty thievery from him. :(
enjoy, nevercalm. That effect happens not at the ocular level, but deep inside your brain. It actually changes your brain for up to three months! (or forever)
That was snark, in case you missed it.
Well, that's good. I couldn't tell it apart from the garden variety "I will stop you from objecting to offensive language by calling you prescriptivist" that I've encountered elsewhere.
I don't get my knickers in a twist when someone uses "he" or "she" instead, though.
I don't get my knickers in a twist either, but I do argue that "he" is exclusionary and is better avoided. I also argue that it should be called "gender default he" instead of "gender neutral," because people often use the latter terminology to justify continuing its usage, even though we know that it's not actually interpreted gender neutrally by most people. Both of these are prescriptivist arguments, if you define "prescriptivist" broadly.
No, in this case it's pretty clearly because they're from a different dialect region where the word has a different meaning.
Not necessarily.
Our intuitions about a word's connotations aren't always true. The example "gender neutral he" is a good one, here: Many people claim that it's used in a completely gender neutral way, but actual linguistic and experimental evidence strongly suggests that this isn't he case.
We know also from research into the nature of semantic activation that people probably can't completely divorce one meaning from another in a polysemous word; that means that as the negative meaning of "cunt" is activated so too are other meanings, to a lesser degree.
The way that using "cunt" as an insult fits into a larger pattern of using feminizing insults to disparage men is also a good reason to stop and question whether it's actually gender neutral. There are people in the US who insist that "bitch" is a gender neutral term, but this doesn't seem to be how it's used.
I don't actually know what the answer is, but I do know that we can't safely assume it's gender neutral because speakers claim it to be.
I normally hate prison and like to advocate leniency, but I hope they make an example of this guy. I have heard way too many people referring to this malicious behaviour as a prank. I seem to recall a post online years ago where someone made a reference to swatting ME. Why? Because they didn't like me.
As an adult, I run into all kinds of people who clash with me at a personal level. As an adult, I have to deal with it, like anyone else. The thought of literally trying to ruin someone's life BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE THEM is so far beyond the pale it's almost incomprehensible.
That morning, I was single and 37 years old, almost precisely the average age at which women freeze their eggs, although I didn't know that then.Freezing my eggs did not change my dating life. What it did do was expose me, again and directly, to the ways we treat women when there is a decision to be made about their bodies: We judge, pressure, and publicly debate a woman's ability to direct her own life. We fret about women's susceptibility to "false hope," about their being manipulated by the egg-freezing industrial complex, rather than believing women to be capable of assessing information and understanding risk. We judge women who pay thousands of dollars to freeze their eggs, rather than spending that energy advocating for those who can't. We criticize women for not being able to control variables that are necessarily out of their control, something that is insulting to everyone involved.
By freezing my eggs, I did not become any more or less likely to have things work out the way I hope they will. What has changed is my relationship to that fact. Now I enjoy the late, lingering dinner with the guy whom I have great chemistry with, even if there is no future with him. Now I end a relationship at the first whiff of ambivalence, without giving a thought to whether I could contort myself in such a way that could make it work. I blame myself a little less often for the workings of a chaotic and imperfect reality. It is a more advanced version of the decision I made at 32 — to take a risk, to know that I was okay, to believe in my right to desire more for myself, to desire anything at all.
I think he makes a good argument for avoiding "comprised of" on Wikipedia, where precision is important. But outside of such contexts the phrase has definitely penetrated the lexicon to a sufficient degree to be acceptable. That being said, I find myself unpersuaded by similar arguments regarding the word "literally," so I am evidently not immune to cognitive dissonance.
"And this bag is just full of self-sealing stem bolts, whatever -they- are."
Thankfully now that he's off the air our problem with Iraq Lies is solved
The comprised of (or comprising) versus composed of (more typically consisting of) distinction is vitally important in patent law. As far as I know it's also arbitrary (i.e. it could just as well have gone the other way).
Neil Young is my number one "Tried so many times to get into it but just can't" musical artist of all time.
... in some cases after prolonged exposure to the grids, the effect can last up to three and a half months.
How could you ever accuse Kim Gordon of being boring?!
If a man gave him a Tin Pan Alley number or a church song, Lomax wasn't terribly interested.
Well, imagine for a moment that you were a Lomax type character in the early to mid 1980s trawling the American North West in search of local music. Who are you going to record? The Zeppelin Tribute Band, the Wedding Singer Band, or this grungy kid called Cobain?
Never liked the guy and his needy whoring into showbiz, so this I see now this could be the sadly logical extension - that he is one of those narcissistic braggarts who exaggerates to put himself in the center. There's also talk that his stories of Katrina-related experiences are fabricated.
From my POV it's about the decline of journalism, TV edition -which I blame partly on Fox. The right-wing propaganda machine has dragged all of television news down, so that it got to the point that broadcast networks thought smug, smarmy people like Williams, Chuck Todd, and the catch a pedophile guy were acceptable as journalists.
I haven't watched much television news in the last decade, but I still recall when the evening news of Cronkite on CBS, Jennings on ABC, Huntley-Brinkley or Brokaw on NBC seemed to be trustworthy providers of facts.
Of course, I also recall when the New York Times and WashPo didn't feel like the Buzzfeed-gen had taken it over. (Imagine that in the 70s: "Ten Awesome Facts About the Watergate Hotel You Must Read Now!")
Duke grad here with nothing but love and respect. Giving thanks for a life well-lived, on and off the court.
Or at the very least, "Berk"
Berk's just rhyming slang for cunt, though, so it's not that much of an improvement.
No Trigger Warning?
That being said: I am cloaked in a gigantic host of flora and fauna, I am a biological arcology. I possess billions of lives. I am Legion.
Williams was a journalist.
Let's not also miss the point that Williams is one of the highest paid journalists in the entire history of mankind. He's supposed to be the very, very best. Tippity top of the profession. Lord God King of accuracy.
If you were to point at a single person on the planet as the least likely to make this mistake, he'd be on the very short list.
Therefore, one of two things is true.
Either he was stoking his ego and burnishing his cred with what he considered little white lies.
Or everyone in charge of choosing the nation's top journalists is absolutely terrible at their job.
I remember thinking back in the 70s when I first read the issue of Kamandi that included this map, that Kirby made a mistake in publishing it. The whole point of the series was that Kamandi was exploring a strange world, not knowing what he would encounter next. But by creating a completely-filled-in map, Kirby painted himself into a corner. Considering how he usually liked to work on an epic scale, he'd left himself no room for any more grand reveals.
. With all the money on militarization and surveillance, you'd think they could check the incoming number to see if it's Skype.
Your average law enforcement guy just barely has a handle on the fact that Twitter and Facebook are two different things, in my estimation. I doubt they'd know what Skype is, much less how to check a number for it.
Black, white, and gray.
When I finally opened my Vietnam journal (sometime in the 90's), I discovered that several things I thought I had experienced happened to somebody else. Reading what I'd written back in the day I realized, yeah, that's what really happened.
It's easy enough to call bullshit, especially if you weren't there, or if your life's experience didn't include a daisy-chain of adrenalin shocks. I have written several articles for our unit magazine, Patrolling. I include names and dates, and other such information about only the patrols I can find in my notes. The rest of my memory is fit only for war stories among fellow veterans. It wouldn't surprise anyone to know that we all acknowledge our failing recollections: each story we tell at the banquet table begins with "This ain't no shit," and each email exchange carries a TANS preface to remind us that the truth is sometimes wrapped in a fable.
I distinguish this sort of error from the outright lies told by the likes of Oliver North and General Westmoreland.
Brian Williams, acknowledging that the scrutiny and criticism he was attracting was becoming a distraction for his network, said on Saturday that he was stepping aside as anchor of NBC's "Nightly News" for the next several days.
Mr. Williams has been under pressure after veterans questioned his account of an incident involving two US helicopters that came under fire in Iraq in 2003. Reporting from New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina has also subsequently been called into question.
Regarding the events in Iraq, Williams apologised on air on Wednesday, saying: "I made a mistake in recalling the events of 12 years ago. I want to apologise. I said I was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by RPG fire. I was instead in a following aircraft."
A Personal Note from Brian Williams:
"In the midst of a career spent covering and consuming news, it has become painfully apparent to me that I am presently too much a part of the news, due to my actions. As Managing Editor of NBC Nightly News, I have decided to take myself off of my daily broadcast for the next several days, and Lester Holt has kindly agreed to sit in for me to allow us to adequately deal with this issue. Upon my return, I will continue my career-long effort to be worthy of the trust of those who place their trust in us."
"In an internal memo, NBC News President Deborah Turness told staffers that a team would gather the facts about the incident in which Williams, 55, falsely said he was in a U.S. Army helicopter that was hit and forced down by an RPG. "This has been a difficult few days for all of us at NBC News," she said. "As you would expect, we have a team dedicated to gathering the facts to help us make sense of all that has transpired."
about the only way Kamandi can work is by embracing that dour, overly-serious vibe to tamp down the insanity of that world a bit.
Alternatively, they could just go balls-to-the-wall with the insanity, given that one of the breakout comics-to-film characters of 2014 is a talking raccoon. Get some decently good-looking young guy with halfway-decent comic timing for the lead and fill the rest of the roles with slumming mocapped big-name actors reskinned as furries. Boffo boxoffice!
The most annoying part, at least to me, is that there's alll this focus on one guy who egotistically exaggerted about being some kind of war hero. Not a good thing, of course, but it's basically just chest pounding.
Actually, it is a lot more serious than that. It's called war propaganda and someone in the news business has no business doing that. He is giving an impression that he is risking his life to find the truth when he was just fibbing.
This is not something to dismiss. If this was a habit, how come he got as far as he did? Even if this was a one-time fib, it still is war propaganda, which is a very serious transgression. We allow all sorts of garbage pollute the information stream, but enough is enough.
If you can't deal with truth and reality, you deal with your weaknesses, but don't mess up everybody else's lives because of it...
Don't get me wrong: Lomax was a giant and recorded many of my favorite things ever. But the criticisms in this piece are very valid, and definitely worth rolling around with in your head for a while, no matter how much you love those field recordings.
"when folklorists ignored musical traditions that brought together black and white musicians, they were reinforcing, not combating, the marginalization of countercultures in which black and white musicians played music together"
Agreed 100%.
I wasn't trying to make these people sound virtuous, and many amounted to musical stamp collectors, uninterested in the welfare of the people they studied. I just want to make sure the conversation reflects the motivations and worldview of the people doing the collecting, and help shed some light on how these criteria are formed.
ob1quixote: "Attempted murder springs to mind, because that's the actual intent. "
That would require DAs to stand up and court and plead the case that someone innocent of wrong doing being shot to death is a foreseeable outcome to cops showing up at their door. Probably an unpopular point of view.
a love of truth combined with a dislike of people making the world worse with their bullshit
To add to this, sometimes the anger is because the same "proper language" ideology is used to support linguistic discrimination. In this case, I don't think that there is an issue of race, gender, or class--but there so often is.
So, you're saying that prescriptivists are as objectively wrong as climate-change denialists.
As another linguist of my acquaintance likes to say, "prescriptivism and descriptivism are not two sides of the same coin," but yes--very frequently, the arguments that prescriptivists use are based on fundamental misconceptions about language, misconceptions that are as grossly wrong as saying a cold snap disproves global warming.
That level of hate for this guy is kinda worrisome.
It's interesting that you consider a linguist pointing out that it's only a "debate" if you include the uninformed to be "hateful."
But, you know, I think what bothers me is that of the myriad reasons for it sometimes the best explanation is that most people just can't be arsed to learn a common definition.
This is pretty much the history of semantic change right here. You phrased it very negatively--but it is unavoidable and the language(s) you speak is the result of this process occurring over and over again since language evolved. It's a function of how we learn language and is never going to go away.
You undoubtedly participate in this process as well.
Gnats a pesty subject matter, a tad mite too much information.
I saw SY for the 2nd (or 3rd, I dunno) time opening for Neil Young and Crazy Horse at the Cow Palace in '91. They were perfectly OK, being all noisy and artsy and things. They closed their set with "Expressway to yr Skull", and really went all out, ending up piling their instruments triumphantly on the amplifiers and leaving them, feeding back, as they exited the stage. Like, whoo! Way to rock, guys!
Then Neil and CH came out and made more, and more interesting, feedback & noise during the solo on their first song (and of course everything thereafter). I don't know if they were set-up by the sound-guy, or Neil just knew the Cow Palace's feedback dynamics by heart, or flat-out had better gear, but man, it was really something. Put their dicks in the dirt, as they say.
That said, I always thought Kim Gordon looked cool and attractive (viz the anecdote in the article), best thing about that band for sure.
As far as Courtney Love goes, I've heard from somebody who knew her that she'd come home at the end of the night with her stuff all ripped and torn, as though she were so chaotic and unpleasant even her clothes were trying to get away from her.
I'm not sure which aspect of that comment I find goofier: the idea that Tin Pan Alley and church music were equivalent to Zeppelin tribute bands or the idea that Alan Lomax, who for what it's worth was alive and still working in the mid-'80s, would have had any interest at all in the music that Kurt Cobain made.
I wonder how long I can go without blinking.
It's called war propaganda and someone in the news business has no business doing that
Well, sure. But they do it all the time.
It's about time that the Canadians put up a radiation barrier.
I'm not sure I quite buy the "oh all women are always criticised no matter what they do" take on this here. There's a kernel of truth in it, but that doesn't necessrily mean you cannot disagree with the decision this woman went with.
Huh. I wasn't quite sure what I thought of her claims about the men of her (our, I guess) generation being particularly commitment-averse and unwilling to grow up, but this piece of it struck me as very true and very familiar. In my opinion there's definitely a social willingness to weigh in on women's reproductive decisions, *especially* around fertility assistance, in a way that men's decisions just don't get publicly dissected and analyzed. There's a common and commonly-vocalized opinion that fertility treatments are a moral issue where it's perfectly appropriate to pipe up with what you think someone should actually have spent the money on (or how they should actually have gone about building their family) that's relatively uncommon for similarly-sized expenditures outside of the fertility realm. I mean, at least in my social circles, it would be an eyebrow-raising thing to say that you think Tommy or Joe was selfish or frivolous to buy a Toyota Highlander (~$50k) when a Honda Civic (~$20k) would have sufficed. Sure, I might think that in my head when they were showing off their new car, but it's widely understood that it would be a deeply weird thing to say aloud to them or to other people, because it's not really my place to weigh in.
It's less about whether it's okay to disagree with any particular person's decisions, and more about living in a culture that says vocalizing your thoughts about a particular aspect of someone else's life is an okay thing to do, and a socially-acceptable topic of conversation. I think this is something that can be particularly invisible to men, because so few aspects of your lives are up for public discussion in this way. On the other hand, women are subject to what sometimes seems like an endless stream of magazine articles and internet comments and cocktail party conversations around What Women Should Do not only when it comes to fertility choices, but also around things like work/daycare/SAHM choices. It can get a bit exhausting and I think she's correct when she notes that underlying it all is an unspoken implication (whether intended or not) that women aren't moral agents capable of and responsible for making decisions about their own life.
Great story, Klugman always seemed like such a cool guy. Also, why am I not surprised that Republicans tried to block the bill?
Just because the words 18 and 19 have the word teen in them does not make someone a teenager
Uhhhh.... It kind of does. That whole QED thing.
This just in: mildly handsome British man uses popular American tourist trap as backdrop in attempt to overpromote well-known neurological hack into something from SCP.
I did this shortly after my husband died. I was 34.
What I purchased was time. Time to process that loss. Time to process whether I actually want kids. Time to process that kids may not be a part of my path.
The last two and a half years have been amazing, literally beyond price.
It was worth every penny.
But the greatest part is that I can look back and laugh at all the concern trolls and busy bodies who questioned my decision.
It's also worryingly like the fetishization of objects, maybe from a saint.
That sort of fetishization led to the construction of monumental cathedrals. Even an atheist can appreciate the beauty and the fact they took generations to build. Perhaps if we had more reverence for the Apollo program we would still be reaching out for the stars. The shuttle program became commonplace to the point nobody in the general public knew the launches were taking place.
That was an interesting read, if interesting is the word for it. The piece is fantastically hypocritical and internally inconsistent. And it really gets into Saudi Arabia at the end. They only thing the attracts greater ire is the "Westernisation of women".
A few things that IS evidently abhors that get specifically mentioned in the document:
The West (obviously)
paper money
the Arabian Peninsula
the "geniuses" of Europe
medical research
muslims having friendly relationships with the infidels (obviously)
anyone trying to uncover the secrets of nature
women who don't prostrate to her husband
women who don't stay at home
women who expose their skin to the sun
women who travel
women who get degrees
women who "try to prove that her intelligence is greater than a man's"
cosmetic surgery
selective shaving
any idea of equality between men and women
the soldiers of the Antichrist (I think we can all agree on that one)
women working with men
men working with women
pictures of women in ID cards
Saudi television channels of prostitution
On the plus side, the men won't be any older than 20 when they marry their 9 year old wives.
The word 'comprise' drives me totally bananas. Dear 'comprise': you are wrong! You are a wrong and backward thing and you should get yourself right. Yours etc., LM
Then again, both of those things could be true.
In the witty, gory video game Stubbs the Zombie, the dead roam a "city of the future" circa 1959, forcing the living to do their bidding before feasting on their brains. Meanwhile, on the game's soundtrack (YT playlist), indie rockers both famous and obscure reanimate classic songs from the late '50s and early '60s. Despite the album's high-concept nature, many of these covers aren't nearly as jokey as they could've been, and most of them mix a real love of the original songs with distinctive approaches.
I am loving this. It has a kind of How Did This Get Made feel to it but instead of films, geared towards television. Ugh, more awesome things to consume. Damn you!!!
The effects of mango worms last for only months but the eggs continue to hatch up until death of the host.
You should have listened to Shoegaze
What does North Africa have to do with Boko Haram (in Nigeria) or ISIS (in Iraq/Syria)?
Meanwhile, at the end of my street, no more than half a mile away, I have a branch of BetFred, Ladbrokes and William Hill. Only once have I bet on football. A number of years ago, my team, West Brom were in the promotion race. I put £50 on them to *not* win promotion, as a hedge bet.
I hear you. And I admit that I may be somewhat overcommitted to hating on SY, but, like, somebody has to do it. I mean really.
The heart of the criticism isn't that he failed to record the entire breadth of black music. It's that, based on his own tastes and ideas, he went out in search of a comparatively narrow slice of that spectrum and loudly declared this segment to be the "true" and "authentic" black music.
This made for a distorted view of the larger African-American community. Working and middle-class African-Americans could justifiably look askance at him for claiming that chain gangs and share croppers were the heart of the black experience.
He also ignored (if not deliberately and consciously obscured) the fruitful and historically significant cross-pollination into and from black music from the broader scope of American music at the time. The latter attitude is probably partly to blame for the curious fiction that American blues music is something that sprouted from the Delta unbidden, like the monolith in 2001, only to be churlishly stolen by scheming white folk as rock n' roll.
The more complicated story of American folk music gets kind of left by the wayside in that telling.
Well, at least he was holding forth answering questions about his music career. I had thought people were just wanting to sit at his feet for card room wisdom or something.
dancing on the edge of old age
grumbling about someone spending a great deal of money on something the grumbler can't afford
It's true that the inequity of time is hardest on those without deep enough pockets, but no grumbling here about women who can afford to buy themselves a few years of freedom from existential malaise, good for them.
Re men on this issue: lifelong monogamy centred on romantic love isn't a natural state of affairs, it's just how we've set up and justified idealized arrangements around reproduction and property, and more of us know that now. I personally think a series of ~3-7 year relationships interspersed with periods of singledom is optimal. It's just that that kind of approach means women get the short end of the stick, currently. I can at least imagine other possible ways to arrange households and child-rearing that don't centrally depend on the idea of love, but, it's hard to get over wanting it, and the roommates thing would be a problem.
Did he actually claim the copter got hit, or did he say it "took fire" from an RPG?
You all do realize that SWATting is a USA thing, right?
SWATters may be trollicious sadistic twits, but it takes police paramilitary ultraviolence, and lack of personal or departmental consequences when they make a mistake, to make SWATting possible in the first place.
Also, phone number (and email - not sure about Twitter) spoofing software is widely available and easy to use; no l33t skillz needed. Unless one has seriously locked down identity/location clues, less than a half-hour's search would yield a US target's probable location (especially if they are currently online or have a mobile device turned on) and phone number needed to place faked calls.
I had a completely different reaction when I read this story. This sounds exactly like something I would do.
But here is the difference. Williams was a journalist. He job was literally documenting and recording his experiences in real time as they occurred. He's not after the fact reconstructing some long forgotten piece of his past.
Hans Landa: You'll be shot for this!
Aldo Raine: Nah I don't think so. More like... chewed out. I've been chewed out before.
The Orphan Drug Act made it possible to keep my wife ambulatory. That being said, here's an example of unintended consequences.
This is like the climate change "debate," a debate between ignorance and knowledge. The only link anyone needs to read is the third, "Why Wikipedia's grammar vigilante is wrong" by David Shariatmadari, although of course if you enjoy foaming peevery feel free to indulge.
>History may be on your side.
What does that mean? Whose side?
The three horsemen of engineer's disease:
1) Climate change denialism
2) Rampant and violent misogyny
3) Minor, semantically identical Wikipedia edits
Although Dominion of the Devils (Insect Revolution) initially sounds pretty awful, it's worth remembering that inhabitants of what was Canada still have single-payer healthcare thanks to that giant cricket activist, Tomme Dug-Lash.
Swatting is the act of tricking an emergency service (via such means as hoaxing a 9-1-1 dispatcher) into dispatching an emergency response based on the false report of an ongoing critical incident.
i.e. calling SWAT on someone.
('cause I didn't know.)
Um, here's an, uh, map that shows where Americans use 'um' vs. 'uh.' "Every language has filler words that speakers use in nervous moments or to buy time while thinking. Two of the most common of these in English are 'uh' and 'um.' They might seem interchangeable, but data show that their usage break down across surprising geographic lines. Hmm." And these lines may give evidence of the so-called Midland dialect.
Should be noted that this also wouldn't be a thing if the Police were a little less eager to use their SWAT teams to begin with. The idea that a SWAT team could be deployed without the situation first being asessed and verified by an Officer on the ground is frightening.
It has plenty to do with it--again, see "that's so gay"--but meh, derail, w/e.
So it's fair to say you're a prescriptivist, then?
"the guy who proposed to me when I was 32 but I broke it off because..." and then the reasons are never clear. It's usually some vague sense of wanting more, wanting to find oneself etc., which makes sense at 25 but at 32 makes me wonder
This. If I had a nickel for every buddy of mine whose wife left him for some vague, ephemeral reason - if they even had a reason - I'd be retired already.
My sense of who I was lacked the normal range of experience. Case in point. That's her reason for not marrying this Matt dude? Reads like a line out of some cut-rate guru's self-help book. Maybe, the reason men won't commit, is they see stuff like this. Why make a serious commitment if women don't take it seriously?
I really am curious about what the problem with men is in this generation as well.
There's nothing wrong with men in this generation. Marriage is a huge emotional and financial investment and we see that a little less than half the time the payoff is losing a substantial chunk of your assets and income and getting to see your kids 50% of the time, if you're lucky. What kind of sucker would take that deal?
Upon my return, I will continue my career-long effort to be worthy of the trust of those who place their trust in us.
He's planning for this to blow over, which is probably delusional. He's finished.
If you believe people's feelings about cars have changed in the intervening years, I have news for you.
By the way, Seattle's biggest infrastructure project right now is a giant car tunnel.
"I made a mistake in recalling the events of 12 years ago.""It has become painfully apparent to me that I am presently too much a part of the news."
Even his resignation statement is full of dishonesty and spin.
"mistake in recalling the events" makes it sound like he misremembered the incident. I am sorry buster, but being shot down in a helicopter and intervieweing the survivors are so vastly different experiences that if you conflate the two, then you are basically senile and not fit to be a reporter anymore. So if that is really the case, then fess up and say that you lost your marbles and need to retire.
Also, the issue is not that you are too much part of the news. The issue is that you lied and distorted the facts. This is about the worst thing that a journalist can do. This is roughly the moral equivalent of a doctor killing his patient on purpose, or an attorney loosing a case on purpose.
The news business in the US is in a very sorry state indeed when the most trusted news anchors are comedians on a TV channel filled with "puppets making prank calls."
(thanks, oceanjesse)
Ah, Tom Scott...his linguistics videos channel is fantastic too!
Now where's his secret full-quality copy of the moon landing video?
I know it's out there somewhere!
Fox News literally does this every night.
Al Franken (former comedian now senator) has a great bit about Bill O'Reilly's misleading characterization of his war "service."
And if you're a non-British reader of British English who didn't realize that "er" and "erm" are essentially said the same as "uh" and "um," you're not alone.I remember when I had the realization that "er" and "erm" were pronounced "uh" and "um" that it just about blew my mind.
Every time someone says this I'm so puzzled, because they don't sound the same to me at all. I mean, I suppose it sounds the same in the sense that there's no distinct r sound, but the vowels in "er" and "erm" are often much more closed, to my ear, than the ones in "uh" and "um." Am I crazy? Am I just only hearing weird British-English accents that pronounce "er" and "erm" strangely? The world may never know.
This is great, because before today I'd never given any thought to the difference between "um" or "uh" or thought at all about which I used. Though as soon as I thought about it, I did realize that I always use "um" and I grew up in solid "um" country.
My favorite is the Irish "em". It sounds so much lovelier!
He's a kid (to me anyway), and yet he has the voice of a elderly dignified BBC science reporter. He could report about just about anything (and he does) and we can't help but just get entranced. If BBC doesn't hire him they are crazy. Maybe they are just waiting for him to look less like a kid.
He has a Tony Hawk Pro Skater NPC haircut and a t-shirt like a toddler's onesie. If he dressed in a suit and cut his hair into a caesar-type thing, I bet he would be fighting off Discovery Channel offers with a stick.
I remember when I had the realization that "er" and "erm" were pronounced "uh" and "um" that it just about blew my mind
posted by ocherdraco at 1:07 PM on February 8
oh shit now my mind just got blown; i had no idea
As I understand it, Williams told his dubious stories while he was doing personal interviews. The dispute isn't even over whether his helicopter really was in a warzone or whether it was a dangerous situation as he claims. He claimed his helicopter "took RPG fire," by which he seemed to mean that insurgents shot at and missed his helicopter with an RPG. No one disputes the helicopter ahead of Williams' actually did get RPGd. People are saying Williams' chopper didn't because there's no evidence it actually took a hit, but at least one of the pilots briefly claimed they actually did come under light gun fire. Maybe Williams didn't fully understand what was happening at the time and later came to have some false beliefs about it. So what? Who died? When did he report that on air as a news story (as opposed to telling it as a personal anecdote in a personal interview)? As far as I can tell, he never did misrepresent these claims as news to anyone. But I admit I might be missing something.
That's my teacher! He is such a great guy, and his teaching completely turned my approach to flamenco guitar around. Neat!
And on another note, i know all the 'two years maternity leave! wow! don't let American women know!' stuff is a joke, but it often falls really really flat when you think of what ISIS is doing to women, men, and children who don't fit within their system of thought and belief. And how it's creating a world for women that make The Handmaid's Tale look like a romp through the park.
(I know other societies have done horrible things to women. And are doing them. And many of them aren't ISIS. It doesn't make what they do any better though.)
I also question anyone who really considers him an actual working journalist. He's an anchor, which is to say an actor, reading material researched and assembled by others.
Yes...but that doesn't matter in this context. When he tells his lies about what happened in the desert that day, or he reports on his experience in New Orleans during Katrina (which may also be fabricated), he is adopting the role of a real journalist representing NBC. In those contexts he isn't just reading the news. He is reporting.
My SO also likes the Newsroom but I fear she loves West Wing so much that if Sorkin shat in his hand* and called it toothpaste she would line up to brush her teeth.
(*quite difficult while walking and talking at the same time)
"Famed God," meanwhile, is also said to have hacked the gaming consoles owned by two others and threatened to put somebody "in debt for life" by accessing banking information.
Im not sure where the article is getting 5 years, I guess just on the state charges since it doesn't appear the feds are involved yet. But federal wire fraud is 20 years. If he actually accessed banking info too, that's probably the most serious charge available.
The solution to the supposed paradox of "descriptivists who condemn prescriptivists" is simply to admit that language "correctness" is comprised of nothing more than the totality of usage decisions made by that language's users. Prescriptivists are entitled to their decisions as much as anyone else. They are even entitled to try to change the behavior of others, insofar as it is their choice to use language in that way (I mean through purely verbal means such as complaint, friendly advice, or what this gentleman is doing). Whether they ultimately succeed is another matter.
/shakes fist
Although the story in the 4th paragraph about having guards "Coerce" prisoners at gunpoint definitely doesn't put him in such a great light.
One result of Lomax claiming copyright on folk songs sung by uncompensated black prisoners is that Lomax's estate got to claim co-authorship of Jay-Z's Takeover. The criticisms of Lomax are based in real things he did, not just the projection of presentist historical bias into the Jim Crow past.
This much is undeniable: right at the time the Civil Rights movement was trying to bring whites and blacks together in a common cause, Lomax drew a hard line between white music and black music that — with help from the record companies — helped keep us apart.
In the very next paragraph, the article has two black people saying "Eh, Lomax was ok." What the shit, is that supposed to make it ok? Why even write the goddamn article then, if it's just one man's opinion of what black music is? Or are we sticking the breathless image of Lomax keeping black and white musicians and music apart as they tried desperately to come together in harmony?
Lomax isn't the problem here, it's the whole goddamn society that ignored black people, unless they drank from the same water fountain or didn't smile submissively when forced to seat at the back of the bus.
Christ, what a busybody shit stain of an article, composed of chattering small talk complaining about racism even as it perpetuates the article. White and black people did not live and work together, they lived and worked on the same farm or plantation, sure. But using the word "together"is such a striking misuse of the term, you have to wonder what the fuck the producers of this piece were thinking.
Fun fact: memory is unreliable. Memories are not accurate recordings of a given event. The act of remembering is a read/write operation. Every time you remember something, you add details to the memory that weren't there originally. Even worse, memories capture the gestalt of the entire event. Therefore, something that happened to someone else during an event can easily be transmuted into something that happened to you.
You all might want to speculate what's in the back of Buzz Aldrin's closet.
Not me though.
One modern hero fallen for boosting office supplies is enough for me thanks.
Well, let's hope that however this turns out, it forms a deterrent to other would-be swatters.
New York isn't the moon, and reasonably attractive people get to their late 30s unmarried solely by choice, just like anywhere else. The people who want to marry, and who don't, pretty much wear signs around their neck.
I disagree with this. Men in NYC feel like they have a lot of time and options and it's pretty hard to be a woman trying to deal with that. Especially in your 20s, finding guys who are interested in commitment is profoundly hard. So you end up unmarried in your 30s.
Then Neil and CH came out and made more, and more interesting, feedback & noise during the solo on their first song (and of course everything thereafter). I don't know if they were set-up by the sound-guy, or Neil just knew the Cow Palace's feedback dynamics by heart, or flat-out had better gear, but man, it was really something. Put their dicks in the dirt, as they say.
When those guys are on point, no one can touch them.
I know it's long, but y'all need to open it up, if to only to see the cover page graphics and that it's formatted in landscape.
bryanh is also the maintainer of Netpbm, so is a hero to me. Having corresponded with him in the past, I suspect this is a product of his odd sense of humour.
Made my kids cry the one and only time I tried to sing it to them.
But this is very pretty. If they actually recorded it in that bar? salon? The acoustics are amazing.
I really liked that game, but early on, i ended up in a situation where i needed to use one of the special abilities, and ran out of ammo. I got stuck because I got bit by the auto-save and I couldn't get back to the point where I could un-screw myself.
Also, the dance-off minigame was infuriating for me.
NBC news is on a roll with Williams lying about his Iraq memories and Snyderman breaking her Ebola quarantine. All we need is Al Roker miscalling a major storm for a trifecta.
I feel like it's enough to make a person seem somewhat deranged, that is until you realize why talking to them is so off putting.
Ugh, for real? I've been working on getting rid of them for years..
For once, the comments are worth reading. So many examples of this guy taking a minute out of his day that he didn't have to in order to make someone else's day better. Here's one example from the Times obit comments:
As the Sports Editor of the UNC student newspaper during Michael Jordan's sophomore and junior seasons, I got to know Coach Smith better than most, traveling with the team to away games and talking with him regularly throughout the year. Some 10 years later, posted to Sri Lanka as a Peace Corps volunteer, I wrote him a letter asking for a favor on behalf of a young Tar Heel fan who had broken his collarbone in a high school rugby game. A few weeks later -- faster than replies to my aerogrammes typically came from family back home -- I had a Dean Smith-autographed Carolina basketball yearbook to deliver to the recovering young athlete, the son of the Peace Corps nurse. "Get well soon, Jesse. Dean Smith." Coach Smith was a unique human being whose humility and dignity made a lasting impression on all those who had the privilege of crossing his path. May he rest in peace.
There are always unintended consequences and gaming of the system but, to my mind, this is the way government is supposed to work - consciously promoting the general welfare.
Gout affects 1-2% of the Western population, and a drug that many sufferers take daily now costs around $1000 a year. It used to cost them around $30. That drug has been around for literally thousands of years; the drug company invested $100 million (half of which was a fee paid to the FDA) and got three years of marketing exclusivity. Over those three years, US Medicaid alone was forced to pay the company more than $150 million. The price appears to have halved since they lost marketing exclusivity; I have no idea why pharmacies are justified in charging more than $2.50 for something that cost $.09 only five years ago.
So. Tell me more about the general welfare.
I love this game!
Aw, I don't. What this Beyond Transit thing looks like to me is the USDOT doing something pretty cheap (a PDF and some YouTube videos) to try to encourage more investment in our infrastructure. And they're actually addressing most of our MeFi transportation thread talking points in there -- the various explanations for younger people not driving so much are discussed, including the financial one, for example. I'm finding it both realistic (it's honest about where we are and what will happen if we don't fix our shit) and optimistic (it suggests we could fix our shit).
I'm really pleased to have the pointer to this document, but I do wish it had been framed in a way that wasn't quite so off-putting to potential readers. Maybe the table of contents could have been included under the fold?
I respect him because he did the damn work, and captured what he could.
Some claim Lomax (or at least John Lomax, the elder) actually forced Leadbelly to perform in prison clothes and stymied his career and development by insisting he kept doing the chain gang-style material that fitted with their emerging fetishisation of 'authenticity'.
Attitudes to 'authenticity' have never really moved on much further in pop music. The Iggy Azalea discussion beckons.
I want to retire to the Orangutan Surfing Civilization.
Languagehate, the demon of malice! The wallower-in-bile! Some say he feeds on the laughter of children, sucking all joy from their tiny bodies before discarding their dessicated corpses - of all Hell's foul abominations, none is more "kinda worrisome" than he!
That may be his only chance of leaving prison in one piece.
I think that you can only bet on multiple events, Mandolin Conspiracy, not single events. Although I understand there might be a private members bill in the works to change that.
I say "uh" (and "like," mostly unrepentantly--though my colleagues have teased me a few times). Both the place where I was born and where I grew up are firmly in blue territory.
Making the links for this post led me to the "placeholder name" article on Wikpedia, which is about words like "thingie," "wossname," and so on, and also links to a list for various languages. Unexpectedly fun to read! The connection between fillers and placeholders is that both can serve as shibbloleths--if you don't use the "right" ones, they mark you as a non-native speaker, a speaker of a different dialect, etc.
One of my Japanese teachers explicitly taught us Japanese fillers, but no language teacher I've ever had has taught us placeholder names. (I picked up "nei ge" and "zhei ge" as fillers while studying in Taiwan.) Now I'm considering whether placeholders would be fun and useful for my English students.
That is really fascinating! Enjoyable read. Just the other day I started putting on Quincy, M.E. while I work on stuff - the few episodes I've seen seem to highlight how far medical ethics have come in the last 35 years, but maybe I'm just looking at this the wrong way (the last one I saw had him give a guy horrible heartburn and tell him he was dying of a heart attack to get him to confess to a crime).
But yeah, as far as general welfare goes, it's not like one bad example completely undermines an entire program. I wasn't able to read the gout article, so I can't comment any more specifically than that.
Well, since the derail is continuing...
No, in this case it's pretty clearly because they're from a different dialect region where the word has a different meaning.
Is 'cunt' somehow not historically referring to a woman's genitals?
Do you not think that maybe, just maybe, it became an insult--as you say, most often applied to men as an intensifier--in exactly the same way that 'sissy' or 'pussy' over here has? Because it's more insulting to a man to be called a woman.
That's why it's a gendered insult, no matter what the intention--it comes from women being seen as inferior.
I eagerly await the "Lance, the teenage murderer of Friday Night Lights season 2" episode of the podcast.
I promise he's not judging you, so there's no need to feel offended.
Please don't undo a man's work improving the world just because you can.
I really am curious about what the problem with men is in this generation as well. But, it strikes me, that a lot of the external realities of relationships in the past have fallen away. Which leaves, at the core, the basic human desire for closeness and continuity and, perhaps, that fragile element of our humanity can't compete hard enough against the day to day grind of life and competing necessities.
Work, children, moral outrage, was the stuff that put a couple together in the past. If you want to have sex, you will have children, if you have sex and have children, you must support them. If you are supporting a family then you must work hard and if you are working very hard you must have the support of a partner at home to take care of all the other things that must be done to support the working partner. Sex is a sin, children are a virtue.
Now we are free to delay childbearing, have none at all, have sex without an endless parade of infants in its wake. Women may only make $.77 for every $1 a man makes but it ain't nothing. Women are allowed to work, allowed to be educated and have done so. Men and women both have a biological drive to procreate but men are generally off the hook when it comes to raising children. I think that men and women have achieved an intellectual parity in this realm where they can be together, enjoying the closeness and the continuity, and both in agreement about childbearing (not today, maybe tomorrow) but that eventually flies in the face of basic biological ability.
I have known actual real men in this realm, ready to be a father, wanting to be a father and hoping that the next relationship is with a women who will commit and also be ready and able to have a family. It's a real and true story and I believe it. I believe that if men's bodies could be manipulated to enable them to bear children that there would in fact be men who would choose that. However, the biological truth is stark for women. And there is no cultural narrative that explores the man's quest to fatherhood and encourages men to think along the lines of biological realities.
And men, in general, who kind of skirt the responsibilities of "true adulthood" seem to have a near-unlimited time-frame to do this and little actual consequences for delay.
I used to call them "warfighters". Now I call them "ISIScreators".
I betcha in a year or two we'll see online campaigns trying to get leniency for this guy "railroaded by the feds" for a long prison stretch for a "harmless prank." That will make it easier to see who the other assholes are.
I looked around and discovered the online campaigns started several months ago. Apparently this guy is a leader of "Finest Squad" which is some gamer team that is in a feud with Lizard Squad (notorious for the xmas xbox DDoS). So there is a huge interlocking network of YouTube disinformation videos claiming that anything that happens to Finest Squad is a prank by Lizard Squad, and vice versa. There is much mutual taunting. They are all assholes and everything they do sickens me. I wholeheartedly endorse the use of excessive police force against all of them. They are little terrorists, let DHS deal with them. There is no xbox in GITMO.
many of the Tiger-people in that area have a condition where they slowly fill with gas, eventually floating off
And you know what THAT means...
Nobody in that book would bat an eyelash, either. Aerial invasion by tiger-balloon people? Must be Tuesday.
they need to pick a better charge than filing a false police report
Nah, criminally, that's all it is - the cops are the ones making it dangerous. But like I said, even that is enough to fuck this guy over for life. Get an official ruling that he did that, and here come the civil suits.
Even more detail over at nasa.gov!
Detail?!? This level of research is incredible. They have transcripts of radio messages that mention the objects. They have photos of the objects in use, in flight and on the Moon. They have analysis of paint particles on the surfaces, and photos of where the paint came from. They have training manual images showing how the objects were intended to be used (and sketches of improvised uses). They have flight manual pages showing what the astronauts were reading when they were supposed to be using the items.
But I'll tell you what amazed me. I was looking at the coiled electric cords. At first glance, they seemed odd, with a copper layer outside where the insulator should be, and the ends were wrapped with white tape, probably teflon or some plastic sticky tape. But no. Zoom in, the wire is sheathed in mylar, and the ends are wrapped in handmade custom canvas enclosures, which is bound by woven fabric cord that is tied off with sloppy granny knots.
on Preview:
It kind of explodes some childhood notion I have that everything put into space was this futuristic equipment manufactured in some space-age facility.
When in all probability that light was made at an unremarkable workbench with a roll of electrical tape and some spare parts.
Not at all. Compare Utility Light S/N 0001 and Utility Light S/N 0002. They are identical in every detail. Well except maybe some of the fabricators knew how to tie a square knot, others didn't.
No one buried him with that shit? How's he gonna hang in the afterlife without a Crewman Optical Alignment Sight?
Swatting is often done without the use of Skype. The whole point is to make the call appear to be coming from where the caller says it's coming from. It's not remarkably easy to see through it on the receiving end, and when the call is something to the effect of great violence or the immediate threat thereof going down, time is of the essence.
That would indeed be absolutely ridiculous, but--we're talking actual SWATtings happened with those fake police reports?
Yeah, good point. Brandon here called in reporting a murder, for example; not someone making a pipe bomb.
I am not at all sure ISIS needs to worry about neo-con's stirring up inappropriate militarism and anti-muslim propaganda. They seem to be doing that quite well on their own. I will assume you are correct re: the nature of the article but this is hardly like throwing petrol on a fire--I would say it is a drop in the proverbial bucket.
one of the many intellectual problems with propaganda, and this kind of propaganda in particular, is the more time you spend responding it, the more you amplify it's agenda. you can take a nominally objective scholar, task them to analyse the ideology of a group like ISIL as an example of the "ideology of extremism" and there may be nothing particularly debatable about the analysis. but, the context is to suggest that the current violence in Syria and the Middle East as it stands is somehow the product of ideology, and Islamic ideology in particular.
ISIL is crazy and evil, it hardly needs analysis. but they didn't invade Iraq, or pulverize Gaza or overthrow a democratic regime in Egypt, or are desperate to maintain a hereditary monarchy in control the world's most exploitable oil reserves. They are only one of several despotic regimes grasping for power, some using billions in dollars of US military hardware and under the cover of "Western" support. And they aren't one of several giant nation states with massive military forces and geopolitical "interests," playing a game of power over the globe.
It's like Karl Rove says, politics is TV with the sound off. It may not be "rational" to go from analysing the particulars of ISILs beliefs, to believing that Islam is at the core of what is happening in the Middle East. but it's exactly the framing that the groups backing "think tanks" like the Quillam Foundation are trying to promote.
in the end it's Pepsi Red, as in blood.
I enjoyed the article. She seems like someone I'd like to know.
scaryblackdeath: “We're probably going to need to see a bunch of arrests for this sort of shit in order for it to stop. ”
I think more importantly, they need to pick a better charge than filing a false police report. Attempted murder springs to mind, because that's the actual intent. It strikes me as depraved indifference.
It should be noted, however, that Wilson was not arrested for alleged swatting. He's been charged with computer tampering, intimidation, and identity theft.
It's like saying Steve Albini is overrated
Remember about 10 years ago, the breathless excitement with which some people greeted the discovery that he was posting on a poker forum? Poker! There are Albini fans who've put him on a pedestal of what I think are over-sized dimensions.
The news business in the US is in a very sorry state indeed when the most trusted news anchors are comedians on a TV channel filled with "puppets making prank calls."
Comedy Central cancelled Crank Yankers ten years ago. Besides, the best news is on HBO now. (Season premiere tonight, incidentally.)
"So, you're saying that prescriptivists are as objectively wrong as climate-change denialists."
Like climate-change denialists, most prescriptivists believe and strongly assert facts that are objectively false. Like climate-change denialists, they build arguments around history, while getting the history wrong. Like climate-change denialists, they are fundamentally ignorant about the topic, making assertions and arguments while possessing very little knowledge of the topic as an object of study †. It's a willful, aggressive ignorance and in these ways it's very much like climate-change denialism.
But, more importantly, like climate-change denialism, prescriptivist peeving is a value-laden ideology that uses power and privilege to materially discriminate against the less privileged.
You want to argue that it's trivial, that it is, at its worst, a relatively harmless manifestation of the defense of cultural capital similar to "your favorite band sucks". But language prescriptivism is intimately involved with the systematic discrimination of the less privileged. For example, people whose native dialects are African American Vernacular English or Appalachian English are actively discriminated against in employment and otherwise.
The way of thinking about language, language usage, and other people that's inherent to prescriptivist peeving is built around some very toxic ideas that most of us never question and which are intimately involved in perpetuating injustice. Obviously the context isn't the same when it's one obnoxious wikipedian policing a bunch of other relatively well-off, educated wikipedians. But the ideas and the habits of thought that he's using in this endeavor are the same ideas and habits of thought involved in the racist and similar stuff.
So, yes, in numerous respects I think the comparison is apt and being fucking angry about it is appropriate.
† Climate-change denialists experience weather, so they think they're authorities on climate. Prescriptivist peevers use language, so they think they're authorities on language.
Oh, god, the dance-off. Yes, that was a poor decision, but there really was a lot to like about Stubbs the Zombie - especially the ability to mind-control any enemy you could reach with your disembodied hand, which made for some really fun gaming when you e.g. took over one of the flying jetpack guards...
Alex Seropian, incidentally, who founded the developer Wideload Games, was the cofounder of Bungie. He's now the CEO of Industrial Toys, which has recently released Midnight Star, a shooter for iPhone and iPad set in a world co-created by MetaFilter's own John Scalzi.
I've heard of descriptivists and prescriptivists, but this is the first activist I've seen. We're at an inflection point, between two different versions of the English language, and he's trying to shift it one direction.
I really did not expect this level of distaste for his activities. It's quirky and low impact, extending "logic" and "reasoning" to ridiculous levels. This is tilting at windmills in the finest sense. It is gloriously silly.
I hope nobody was surprised he was a white, middle aged engineer?
This is the worrisome type of profiling that makes this place feel a little unwelcoming. Why not list out his other personal characteristics that fit your stereotypes for this type of activity. For example, he's the son of a bureaucrat and a teacher, he's gay, has a brother, anything there lead to the type of stereotype that should surprise nobody?
When did lomas do his work? When did bands play with mixed blacks and whites? We know what Jim crow is..but what of ...Google..crow Jim?
If what Google attributes in the way of "hacking" to Famed God is in fact attributable to this guy, I have a feeling the SWATting part is going to get forgotten pretty quickly amid other charges. Guess we'll see.
Is the "Buried Mystery City" really a mystery if it's on a map?
I don't think it's fair to say he was searching for anything "pure".
I think it was all about the exploration of vernacular music. Black or white, he was looking for sounds that hadn't been drowned out by mainstream fashions. This required going to marginalized communities. Recording equipment was brand new shit at the time. I think it's hard for us to imagine what it must have been like, growing up before the existence of recorded music as a consumer item. I'm sure he wasn't a perfect human being but I'm glad he captured this stuff.
Who uses "uh" and "um" the same way? Weirdos.
(Like desjardins, I'm in a border zone.)
Needs more PYD.
I think the story is very interesting. I've always thought that being in a band with a spouse is insane. Then add in a child? How do people do this? But they made it work for a long time.
Ooh. I am already subscribed to The Flop House, How Did This Get Made, Read it and Weep, and Proudly Resents. But I see they have multiple episodes for my guilty pleasure, Lifetime's "The Witches of East End", this could be fun.
So the facial hair that Famed God sports? Is that what's sometimes referred to as a neckbeard?
Because it's not a good look. I can see why it warrants all the mockery.
After 30 years, we played our last show, just outside São Paulo
Third line, maybe one more to finish the verse...
"I have to go home and interview Yoko Ono over the phone,
Adding another line of lyrics....
This just in: mildly handsome British man uses popular American tourist trap as backdrop in attempt to overpromote well-known neurological hack into something from SCP.
Even in the social media world there have been plenty of meme-tastic videos over the years that go through how your conscious experience of the world is a construction of your mind, and ZOMG, it's all a bit plastic too. This is (generously) one step above being astonished by magnets doing their thing.
It's the visual version of the brown note.
The streamer world is such a weird area. There are lots of mini-celebrities that have their names and faces out there and they make a living from it, but the fame is incredibly contained. I can name you a couple famous Hearthstone streamers, but nobody from any other game since I don't watch them. The fame doesn't even cross into other gaming communities, much less the outside world. But it's enough to get the trolls and cranks going occasionally.
So, the famous streamers can deal with some of the same thing actual celebrities do...like crank fans. But then if the police show up at the house of a movie star or even the local newscaster, they know to include the possibility of a crank fan in their decision making. In the internet age, they have no way of knowing the person they are raiding has obsessive fans of their own in some weird online subculture.
And it certainly doesn't help that so many of the games feature loud simulated gunfire, or someone wearing a headset so they don't hear knocks.
They need to be provided better tools to properly identify callers, but there are times where they are going to have to raid anyway. In that case, all I can say is err towards not shooting people and pets as much as you can and to be friggin polite about it when you can.
I m pretty sure he is quitting because he can no longer be trusted to get away with his lies.
Adam Lucas is on point, and absolutely heartbreaking, as always:
In the next few hours and days, as the tributes to the legendary man pour in, you are going to hear all of the incredible stories again. Some you may hear for the first time. Some you may hear for the hundredth time. These stories are true, and you should remember all of them, because now it's our job to pass them down. Don't embellish them. They don't need it. They are good enough with just the facts.
It's true that the grammar vigilante isn't making the world worse as much as climate denialists, but the principle is the same.
So, you're saying that prescriptivists are as objectively wrong as climate-change denialists. Your position is that people who say that particular words must mean particular things are factually incorrect, because language is more flexible than that.
Further, you are saying that a guy who makes edits on Wikipedia and defends them on Wikipedia -- not one who posts "Actually, you see..." comments on Slate, or one who writes columns for the Guardian about how "ignorant" and "wrong" and "a waste of time" that other dude is -- differs from the Koch brothers or John Boehner in degree more than kind. That he is a villain.
I love language, and I feel passionately about it, but wow. That level of... yeah, I'll say it. That level of hate for this guy is kinda worrisome.
For 38-year-old Rubalcada, being at the M is a pleasing trip down memory lane, a visit to his primary workplace throughout 2010 and 2011. Back then, he had nearly $1 million in his account at the M. Dressed in slacks and a sport coat, he would saunter in and bet six figures a week on NFL and college games. He was, M Resort staffers say, one of the sportsbook's "bigger guys" -- a high roller who could afford to bet very, very big.
But he wasn't that at all.
In fact, Rubalcada was a faceless grunt in the most successful gambling enterprise of all time.
More on the current state of sports betting from the February issue of ESPN Magazine:
Somewhere or other I got the idea that "also" could be used as a filler word in German and probably confused a lot of people.
'uh' and 'um' are two distinctly different words in my experience.
"um" is used to denote thinking, as in:
'Hey, what was the color of Dad's old car?'
'It was, um, green, I think.'
"uh" is used to denote sarcasm, as in:
'Hey, why don't we paint the house chartreuse'?
'Uh, sure, I'll get right on that.'
"Uh" is often drawn out and somewhat deliberate, while "um" is short and unconscious.
Some people just plain criticise everything.
That being said, this girl reminds me of some people I have dated for short periods of time. Highly attuned to other peoples criticisms and pickiness because that's where their own heads were at, and therefore they weren't really in the mindset of "settling" and settling in. And I've been there too :)
What a frustrating conclusion for an arachnerd to reach. Don't write an article telling me how awesome mites are only to cap it off with, "And then we discovered another new species!" Pause for breath to bate. "Oh, but no one cares." Nooooooooo!
Here are your facemites, Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis. Interestingly, they aren't even all that related; mites are just so everywhere that two (likely more) species separately decided the human face was a great place to camp. This is a great article with a lot more on both of them (featured previously on MiteFilter), including what they, and D. brevis (who's a little more local, genetically) in particular, can tell us about human population divergences.
Nice post, MitenWisse!
I doubt those are bags for filled feces or urine, probably empty bags to use for those various items. The one for food might be a trash bag.
I read some of the "scientific" sources. Bravo. Nice hoax. Well done.
I'm genuinely curious as to what you found; when I dug around I found this on pubmed which indicates that under some very specific circumstances the effect can last over 2,040 hours.
Interesting collection of articles. Working through them now - I don't really gamble, and I'm no pro sports fan, but it's fascinating stuff.
In the Canadian province I'm in, you can walk into any corner store or gas station that sells lottery tickets and bet on pro sports. AFAIK, they don't offer much in the way of online betting to date.
Interestingly, Labrokes, to the extent it had an online presence for Canadian gamblers, pulled out a while back, but that seems to be attributable to UK regulations.
I totally love the idea that Armstrong had a bag of crap from the mission stashed in the closet that, every once in a while, he'd just kind of get it out and look at it and think about being on the fucking moon.
Sort of like the box of marginally functional junk I packed when I left my most recent full-time gig, except I reminisce about hanging out with a bunch of stoner nerds more than about being on the moon.
There is something about the original article that strikes as a bit of "yes, but" or "gotcha" or saying--well he failed in some area(s) as I am going to use a slightly different definition/nomenclature because this is what he should have done. Also, I think the use of the word 'segregated" in the title is one step towards being eye catching but not terribly instructive.
Pavement would like a word.
Would that word be "OohOohOohEeeOohOooh" or "OohOohOohEeeOohEeeeOohOooh?"
Wonderful, wonderful rendition. Thank you, banal retentive, for posting. I love it when someone takes a song seemingly simple and straightforward, and wraps around it something so creative that it makes you listen to the song as if you had heard it for the first time. This is how I felt when listening, and watching, this. Great artists can do that. Let's celebrate when they do.
Someday I want to read something, anything, that suggests that Courtney Love has a redeeming bone in her body (other than her talent). She must have one. I have heard not a whisper of it.
My guess is that she's smart but that along with the talent doesn't mean she's a good person.
I remember when I had the realization that "er" and "erm" were pronounced "uh" and "um" that it just about blew my mind.
Wait, what?
Mind. Blown. And I am in my fourth decade of life... a life lived poorly, apparently.
MattD- not always by choice, you see. And I don't think it was for the article writer either. Some folks would need time and space after such big losses, rather than to enter another huge transition (marriage) right away. Write the askme in your head.
File this under "Ostensibly Righteous Cause Draws Middle Class Youth Suffering From Ennui" and "Daeshbaggery Isn't Just A Male Problem"
I suppose "Incongruous Things America Is Blamed For Because Everything is Connected, Man" too, sadly.
I'm not a native speaker but I am a professional translator, and having made liberal use of 'comprised of', having made this 'error' leaves me oddly satisfied. I am both at the forefront of language change, and an enemy of annoying pedants at the same time!
Like any person capable of independent and/or critical thought watches the nightly news.
Very, very interesting. I am in the unfortunate group/generation that uses "like."
We've even had one of these in my small city. It highlights a number of other related or if you will follow-on effects, including danger and disruption to neighbors, costs of rerouting vehicles and transit, delayed response to other emergencies, and so forth. As of about three months later there seem to have been no arrests in the incident. Fortunately in this case the family was not home at the time and there were no injuries to anyone.
Attempted murder is a bit of a stretch as far as proving criminal intent, but I don't think reckless endangerment should really be a hard sell.
For some reason I've never heard that last line and it makes me feel like the whole song is an elaborate joke.
The most annoying part, at least to me, is that there's alll this focus on one guy who egotistically exaggerted about being some kind of war hero. Not a good thing, of course, but it's basically just chest pounding. Meanwhile, there are entire "news" organizations whose entire reason for being is to shovel lies down the throats of its viewers, who happily swallow those lies whole and beg for more, and then go cast votes on that basis (vide the 2014 midterms). So all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over Williams allows people to focus on him, instead of on a far more real problem -- namely, the propagandists masquerading as journalists who, unlike Williams, are having a real-world effect of fucking things up badly.
Re: Puppets and Crank Yankers, the reference is about John Stewart's appearance on Crossfire. Stewart is singled out as a newsman, and he points out that he's a comedian and that the lead-in to his show is Crank Yankers.
Yeah, I thought of Krebs right away. That happened to him around the time that a SWAT team killed someone's dog in a raid, and Krebs was justifiably nervous. Luckily, he'd already made friendly with the local chief of police before another "Internet friend" tried to Express Mail him a package of drugs. (Story also contains references to Silk Road, for added topicality!)
Krebs sounds pretty awesome.
The fake police reports I've seen posted on Twitter have been submitted online, not via phone, and are along the lines of "this person was acting weird and talking about making pipe bombs in their basement".
So yeah, bad on the people making the false reports, but bad on the police for being perfectly willing to send an armed group of angry fuckers with weapons loaded due to any dumbshit in the world claiming any sort of bullshit online.
That would indeed be absolutely ridiculous, but--we're talking actual SWATtings happened with those fake police reports? Because the Portland case (perpetuated by one or more GamerGaters) involved someone claiming they had hostages and were threatening violence. The guy who just got SWATted from Twitch, they said that there had been a murder and the perpetrator was still in the house. The Bungie exec, claims that the person was holding their family hostage with an assault rifle. Those are not "acting weird" kind of situations, those are "people are in peril this very moment" kinds of situations.
I'm very much against the militarization of the American police, but the idea is usually to come up with something so extreme that it would provoke an extreme reaction from law enforcement no matter what equipment they had available. Also, at least all three of those incidents were said to have been provoked by "callers", not online submissions. People who make fake police reports are bad no matter what, but it's the fact that these are clearly intended to make the police believe that there's a real violent situation going on at that very moment that make them so reckless towards human life.
Dibs on "Kangarat Murder Society" as a band name.
it's not that i wholesale object to calling 18 and 19 year olds teenagers - it's the obviously biased way in which that happens - 19 year white guy sending swat teams to people's houses, getting a hold of banking info, etc is a teen who got carried away with a prank. 15, 17, 18 year old black guys dying as a result of state sanctioned murder are rarely given the teen distinction and are instead thugs, thieves, drug users, and on and on and on.
this is not a "teen prank" - this is a man who could have gotten someone killed and the media (or any of us) shouldn't minimize that.
A 19-year-old Las Vegas teen
Not to be confused with the 16-yo Canadian kid accused of the "celebrity swattings" around L.A.
"NPR had a segment on this the other day where they walked through his descriptions of the event from then to now."
The evolution of his story was exactly the same as every one of my drinking stories from college - and I went to a commuter school. Luckily, my livelihood doesn't depend on keeping my ego separate from my recall.
BTW, there are some good arguments for referring to this group of assholes as Daesh instead of IS, ISIS, or ISIL.
Black folk music might have had a longer shelf life with the African-American community if well-meaning people like Lomax hadn't worked so hard to cast it as the music of the outcast, disenfranchised, etc.
The first relationship is borne from a small, tight knit social surrounding. Usually school life. Out of the known set of partners, you pick the one that is right for you. You commit knowing that this is the best you'll probably get.
You disconnect later in life, at a stage where you're in a bigger, looser setting. The problem is that you're much less likely to make such a strong decision about a new partner, as you can't really get a sense of them outside dating them, unless you date in the workplace.
The possible choice of partners also seems endless, with new people in bars, on tinder, in party after party with new people. The problem is twofold though: You have less to go on with each person, as you're around them less, and you have fewer friends in common, and therefore you're less likely to feel as strongly about the person, and them about you. The match is much less likely. The support group is smaller. The other thing is, unknowingly, you compare this reduced attraction to the stronger feelings for a partner from the past, and so it's hard for you to be "all in".
This creates a reduced confidence in any relationship. You're more guarded, less trusting, less giving, and therefore less attractive, since underneath, you believe this isn't gonna last, anymore than the last thing did. You join the Groucho Marx Dating Club.
You could be a man or a woman. The experience is the same.
Still, men these days eh?
No one buried him with that shit? How's he gonna hang in the afterlife without a Crewman Optical Alignment Sight?
All Neil needs is a stick, a rudder and an Omega Speedmaster.
That's some enjoyable Smashing Pumpkins trash talk. I know it's an easy target, but still...fun, fun, fun!
Thanks for pointing that out ultraviolet catastrophe. A couple more choice ones:
I was a graduate student at UNC, 1981-1986. When they were building the "Deandome", there was a bit of a hubbub about fund raising, with some new big donors said be getting dibs on the best seats for season tickets, at the expense of some people who had for many years helped the players scholastically, etc. When asked about the fund raising effort, Dean Smith said, "If people want to donate to UNC, I think they should give to the library". Another lesson in how to behave from a class act.
Not mentioned was the fact that Coach Smith was a big Title IX supporter. If memory serves, when he was finally cornered into endorsing Nike, he donated the "sneaker money" to the UNC Athletic Department, having the funds evenly divided between men's and women's programs.
On that last note, one of my favorite quotes from Dean was, as referenced here, insisting that Carolina was a women's soccer school, not a basketball school. He was always ready to shine the spotlight on somebody else, and you saw that come through in his coaching and how his players played.
My favorite is the Irish "em". It sounds so much lovelier!
Why thank you. :) I came in to note that's what we say here.
For my MA I had to record and transcribe several client sessions and they were brutal. It's bad enough to listen to yourself talk gibberish, and apparently I say em, like, so, y'know, and yeah a LOT. But to have to type every filler word I said over the course of an hour and then look at pages and pages of them...really, em, painful.
Lovely singing, and understated, which is a fine way to come to love a song or genre. Extra points for the sartorial statements.
Compared to Gojira, Mothra, Gamera, et al., intelligent Killer Whales are somewhat of a relief.
And it's not like they're wholly unjustified.
You wanna highlight this bad boy up for us? I already have two crosswords ahead of me.
josher, stereogum does a pretty decent worst-to-best walkthrough of the NY catalog, if you're so inclined. But if that caustic warble and weeping fragmented psych guitar don't grab you by the very viscera, it may be a lost cause indeed...
Guccimane, you must belong to a younger generational cohort than I. There's something right about what you say about Rollins and Albini though. "Rating" somehow doesn't seem like the right lens there, although over-exposed is a distinct possibility in the Rollins case. I see Albini as a kind of Zappa-esque figure. His fingers are in so many pies that you can't use any of the normal metrics to think about him. On the other hand, I see SY as the ultimate and in some ways primordial scenesters who discovered how to parlay that into a loong career without ever having to make any actually very good music. I guess there's something impressive and even interesting about that, but their records are still 98% dreary pretentious crap that doesn't even sound interested in its own conceit.
This is a problem with the mid-20th century field of folklore, rather than with Lomax personally, I think. I mean, I come at this from an interest in Irish traditional music, which is a pretty different context but has some of the same issues.
Ron Thomason of Dry Branch Fire Squad does a riff on this in the context of bluegrass music in this bit. Sorry it's not the whole thing, but the thrust of what he's saying in this bit is that folk festivals send out "cultural liaison officers" to find the most backwards "australopithecine" examples of white hillbillies to represent the "pure" essence of bluegrass music.
(I mean really, if she'd written an AskMe, saying "I begged my boyfriend to propose before my mother died, and he didn't. Now she's gone and he's proposed and I am feeling like this isn't the engagement I want" the DTMFAs would have been pouring in.)
Thanks for posting this and I loved the language logs take on 'Um'.
How about those of us who who use "weeeeeell..." to get time to think? "uh" and "um" have a pretty short half life.
The other negative effect of Lomax's insistence on recording only the "purest" black recordings, as untouched as possible by white influence is that it obscures the give and take that was going on between white and black culture throughout folk music even before rock n' roll.
pavement are great for right up until halfway through crooked rain crooked rain.
By the way, if you want an archivist from the same time period who was not guilty of "segregating" sound, there's Harry Everett Smith. His Anthology of American Folk Music didn't even identify the artists by race, let alone impose any attempt to segregate them. Smith shows the commonalities between rural black and white artists, instead of trying to drum up some racially pure "white" or "black" authentic musical experience.
I wasn't even sure what it was I hadn't heard of. Was he being accused of something called swatting or something called July swatting?
What does North Africa have to do with Boko Haram (in Nigeria) or ISIS (in Iraq/Syria)?
This is an excellent question. As in seriously excellent, no joke, people should really read up on this if you want to understand just how fiendishly complex this all is.
I mentioned it in another MeFi thread earlier, but John Ruedy's "Modern Algeria" is well worth a read, and so you have an idea of where this is headed: it's required reading for US intelligence agents who have anything to do with Islamist extremist groups.
The brutal colonization of Algeria happened just before, and then parallel to the installation of pro-Western dictatorships in oil-rich North African-Middle Eastern countries (Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc.). France mainly wanted Algeria for three reasons: it was in debt to Algeria, Algeria has vast natural resources, and at the time (mid-1800s), France had a glut of working-aged men and nowhere to put them. In order to get rid of its debt to Algeria, France invaded it, claimed land for itself, and then set in on ethnic cleansing that would see Algeria's pre-colonization population of 3 million reduced by half. At one point the French army was pulling up olive orchards, burning them, chasing farmers off their land, and finding them where they hid in caves: they would then throw in grenades and wait until everyone burned inside, shooting those who tried to escape.
Once the original Muslim population had been brutalized, France then set about "civilizing Islam" by destroying as many Sufi – tolerant, open, very much like Universalist Unitarian but for Islam – Quranic schools as they could (no exaggeration), destroying mosques, and limiting imams to under 200 for the entire country. Imams had to be approved by France. Guess which type of Islam France favored. If you guessed "simplistic and extremist," you would be correct.
Algeria and tolerant Islam survived there, in large part because many Muslim Algerians nonetheless held to tolerant beliefs. But "survival" still does not equate to a majority. Algeria finally had its revolution: pre-revolution, in 1954, literacy rates for European colonists were around 90%. Literacy rates for Muslims (France did population counts using that term) were 14% for men, 5% for women. And France claimed they had "civilized" the country.
Other Western powers have used the same tactics elsewhere. Simplify Islam to the point where it looks brutal and uncivilized, carry out a propaganda campaign focusing on the worst of the worst, then roll in to "save impoverished countries" from it. Look at what's actually been happening. How many decades have superpowers been "saving" Afghanistan and Iraq? It's so obviously the Orwellian tactic "Eastasia is at war with Oceania! Eastasia has always been at war with Oceania!" that it is a travesty beyond description.
Meanwhile, finally having won its independence 50-odd years ago, Algeria has been rebuilding itself and is one of the more peaceful North African countries nowadays.
a mix of smart and intelligent feedback, interesting personal anecdote, and the most self-righteous and smug bitterness I've ever seen.
So basically we're a really good IPA?
Being prescriptivist isn't inherently wrong. It's only wrong when the reasons are wrong--which is, to be fair, true of any prescriptivist argument that boils down to there being an objectively correct, superior version of the language that people are deviating from.
That was snark, in case you missed it.
Another example would be what to do about gender-default (not gender neutral) "he." This became the standard in professional writing and to some people it is more natural, but it has become rightfully criticized because it excludes women. That it's not interpreted gender neutrally is supported with experimental evidence. Arguing that we should use something else is prescriptive, but not wrong.
Personally I'm a fan of singular "they". I don't get my knickers in a twist when someone uses "he" or "she" instead, though.
It doesn't tell us that people who object to them as being hurtful and offensive are wrong because they're "prescriptivist."
No, in this case it's pretty clearly because they're from a different dialect region where the word has a different meaning. (Which happens; cf. "fanny"; gender neutral term for "backside" in the US, something different in the UK.)
... if you just say "mmm" does that count as an "um?" Do you actually have to say the "uuuh part" and expel air though an open mouth?
Meanwhile, it's notable to me that single woman in the article author's position has the option—an option she may well exercise—to have a child, or try to. A single man with a similar desire has no such option; that is the stark biological reality I face.
Surrogacy and adoption are generally options for single men (or men partnered with men) who want children.
I had read this article earlier because the author e-mailed me about it. I then saw it make the rounds a few places and when it showed up on my RSS feed for MetaFilter I thought, "it will be interesting to see the comments here". In none of the other places where I've seen this discussed was there so much anger, snark, and vituperation. There are no doubt many more online communities which are far more hateful and rude but I don't read any of their comments. There's something about this site that somehow attracts a mix of smart and intelligent feedback, interesting personal anecdote, and the most self-righteous and smug bitterness I've ever seen.
I couldn't help but guffaw over this: "Smashing Pumpkins took themselves way too seriously and were in no way punk rock" (as if they ever claimed to be) ... being followed by this ... "During Sugar Kane, the next-to-last song, an oceanic blue globe appeared on the screen behind the band. It spun extremely slowly, as if to convey the world's indifference to its own turning and rolling. It all just goes on, the globe said, as ice melts, and streetlights switch colours when no cars are around, and grass pushes through sidewalk cracks, and things are born and then go away."
Those two comments don't seem incongruous to me. The last quote seems to be saying, "Well, the world spins on and really, it will keep doing so despite our own personal dramas that seem big to us, like Thurston's and my marriage falling apart. We're small in the grand scheme of things too."
Every time someone reminds me about face mites, I think that I could go the rest of my life never hearing about face mites again. And I would be just fine with that.
Whether his lying is totally understandable or not he's a journalist so lying is kind of a big deal.
For whatever it's worth, when they swat people, they usually pretend that there are armed home invaders holding them hostage. It's the sort of situation where an armed police response would actually be justified (if it's the best strategy for dealing with it, I don't know) if the case was actually occurring.
police response is always armed... but, has this SWAT team vs. home invaders scenario ever actually happened?
I thought it was an open secret that IS were (initially) funded by some Saudi princes and a variety of super rich Emeratis in an attempt to replace Assad with a conservative Sunni regime. Or have I got that wrong? Hadn't Qatar hosted huge fund raising conferences for IS? Anyway, now the IS is levying taxes on their subjects, getting mad oil revenue, and have acquired former Iraqi and Syrian military hardware. Plus they were doing pretty well with kidnapping ransoms until recently.
I really do not understand why Saudi and the emirates are western allies. Wouldn't Iran be a better oil-friend if you have to have one?
"just a cover for militarism and a general anti-muslim agenda"--I am not at all sure ISIS needs to worry about neo-con's stirring up inappropriate militarism and anti-muslim propaganda. They seem to be doing that quite well on their own. I will assume you are correct re: the nature of the article but this is hardly like throwing petrol on a fire--I would say it is a drop in the proverbial bucket.
That's the Powder River Basin, supplying a significant fraction of the US's coal. If you live near any of the rail lines going that way, you'll see coal trains going away from it, and empty cars going back, pretty much every day.
Head-Ass-Mouth: it's a kill shot pattern where you get the perp in the back of his head to put him down, then you shoot him in the ass to humiliate him, then you roll him over and shoot him in the mouth to make sure it's all done.
I mean, that's just a guess.
Smashing Pumpkins...were in no way punk rock.
She says that like it's a bad thing.
I didn't read it at all like that. It comes across so much more like someone who is willing to look honestly at their own past. Almost in a positivist sense - that, she was, at the time immersed in an ideology of "punk rock" and from the standpoint of which the Smashing Pumpkins were "crybabies".
This takes a bit of the shine of one of my heroes - - I really didn't expect this type of petty thievery from him. :(
Given that we have stolen even the dream of stepping on the moon from the last few and probably next few generations of astronauts we might not want to judge the man too harshly.
But apparently, he wasn't in a helicopter right behind the one that got hit, he was on a helicopter that arrived on the scene about an hour later. This makes it pretty unlikely for his talk of being inside of the hit helicopter (as he did on Letterman) to be accidental. If that were the kind of mistake he's capable of making (and I don't believe it is), then I wouldn't trust his reporting on what he had for breakfast this morning. Instead, I think he told a stupid lie, trying to make himself or his organization seem more worldly or "brave", and then he either got stuck re-telling it, or kind of took ownership of it and kept re-telling it--like, in getting away with the lie that first time--taking the risk--he felt he had somehow "earned" the right to keep telling it.
If anyone is allowed to take shit from the moon and throw it in a box in their closet to pull out from time to time, Neil fucking Armstrong is allowed.
It wouldn't shock me if Buzz has a similar stash, and if so, good on him. He earned it.
slight derail: to look at the article from my first comment, copy the link and paste it into Google search. Clicking the link from Google will let you read it if you like. </derail>
I think it's a software solution to a hardware problem that can arise within the eye itself.
I was staring up close to a RGB+Yellow TV (Sharp) the other day and took some pictures of the tiny 4-part pixels for out of curiosity of how they would show up (not that interesting).
Reading your comment and an intriguing comment on the YouTube video (no really) got me thinking that maybe this exploits the underlying pattern buffering data structures used in the visual cortex and reveals artifacts of our 3D-pixel mapping systems. Then, I try to relate that back to what you're saying and I can see how they overlap. At some level your visual cortex has some orderly way of laying out "pixels" and organizing them into reasonably efficient patches of data. It has limited resolution and at the lowest level has to make decisions as to how to categorize an incoming photon or number of photos and store them within the memory array (whether immediately visible or for pre/post-processing use). It has to decide what color to store the information as, and is to some extent calibrated to process incoming photons as accurately as possible, but can be re-calibrated or "offset."
Something something something
Xanti Schawinsky had a prolific artistic life that spanned paintings to drawings, from experimental photography to stage design, from jazz music and complex theater work to exhibition design, commercial graphic and product design.
From The Faces of War exhibition and a few more. (Thanks Tom B).
All together now, with last line:
I knew I didn't want to raise Coco on the fringes of Soho
I have to go home and interview Yoko Ono over the phone
After 30 years, we played our last show, just outside São Paulo
An oceanic blue globe...spun extremely slow
His job would be safe if he'd lied in service of slandering Obama. Just ask Lara Logan.
As long as we're on the topic of falsehoods that flatter our biases, Ollie North was never, thank god, awarded the Medal of Honor.
Oops. You're right. I think I confused a metaphor for reality for a second. It just seems like we gave him a medal of honor. Glad I'm not a news anchor or this personal flub could call the intgrity of my entire being into question. Not too surprised my own memory's fallible. Haven't met anyone yet whose wasn't.
He went to Sevilla for a month and now he has been there for thirteen years. Bravo.
Did Brian Williams tell this helicopter story a lot?
Often enough to have created a history of changing versions, at least. Whether or not that rises to the level of actually having any importance is a different question.
Did this supposedly happen to him before or after the guy from ABC news was badly injured by the car bomb? Maybe he had to embellish his story so he would look as brave as the other news anchor.
Ah, this makes me want to revisit Seville, a truly wonderful place. I had the good fortune to see a Flamenco show in a small little back alley club while I was there - I feared it would be touristy, but it was mesmerizing and beautiful. I had been thinking of it as primarily a dance art, but was struck by the importance of the guitarist and the singer. Thanks for posting this great clip, carter.
(because of foolish worries about Moon germs)
Seems pretty practical to me as a safeguard, for a first touchdown on another world even if it does appear dead.
/I for one welcome, etc.
I'm one of those assholes who piles on the adverbs when I can't think of something to say.
Women of the Islamic State: A manifesto on women by the Al-Khanssaa Brigade is a manifesto by women, for women "that aims to clarify the realities of life and the hallowed existence of women in the Islamic State, in Iraq and in al- Sham, and to refute the rumours that detractors advance against it."
As a piece of propaganda, the document, translated here for the first time - provides a valuable insight into how IS is speaking to women in the Islamic world and providing insight into the reality of life for women under IS rule.
I am a "derp" partisan, myself
I got bothered by this a few years ago and tried to sort it out. I found out that it's widely used in two opposite senses, and just decided to turn my back on the whole mess and never use the word. I also tell people "the meeting has been rescheduled to 3 PM", not "the meeting has been moved ahead an hour", for the same reason.
I want to create a room where one walls is painted in Vanta black,a color so black light simply disapears into it, so you would think you are looking into a void. The room will be accoustically dead in the same direction as the black wall. So that you will see and hear nothing when you stare at this void. We will then tell visitors that there is something to see and hear, but only if they listen carefully. I think people will fall into torpor as their brain stops having anything to react to.
I guess we'll never know what tin pan alley, church music, and minstrel shows sounded like.
As interpreted by regular folks at home or among a few friends, no, mostly we won't.
I am sorry buster, but being shot down in a helicopter and intervieweing the survivors are so vastly different experiences that if you conflate the two, then you are basically senile and not fit to be a reporter anymore.
If he really was in the following helicopter, then I can easily see how this misremembering might happen. People who undergo traumatic experiences have a way of reconstructing those experiences again and again in ways that paint them in a better light. The human memory is not a simple write-once read-many storage device. Each act of remembrance is also an act of creative reconstruction. And the bigger the ego, the more likely that the memory will shift and shift and shift to a point where a feeling of helplessness (being in a helicopter in a war zone) is transformed into a personal heroism.
This doesn't excuse it, but it's a very human response, and something everyone does themselves, more or less.
(Stuffs explosives bolts in pants pocket)
The evolution of his story was exactly the same as every one of my drinking stories from college - and I went to a commuter school. Luckily, my livelihood doesn't depend on keeping my ego separate from my recall.
I have a spectacularly terrible memory, at least in part because during the decades when I had most of my adventures I also tended to enjoy more alcohol than was advisable (or, occasionally, sane). I tell stories about some of the more amusing things I saw or did to people once in a while (while trying not to be The Guy Who Tells Stories).
These days on Fridays, the evening during the week when I allow myself a few beers these days, I often get on the voice-over-IP horn with my oldest friend back in Canada, and we shoot the shit and maybe drive around together in a video game for a while. Once in a while, we'll end up talking about some Crazy Shit I or we got up to a decade or two or three back, and I ask him if he remembers it the same way I do, and almost without fail, it becomes clear that although I remember fairly well the gist of the story, the details were invariably different than I remember them. And not consistently, which is gratifying, in the direction of my memory being self-aggrandizing, generally. Just randomly incorrect, mostly.
So I guess I sympathize with Williams to some extent, although I think if I was a public figure of some kind and telling a story that in some way legitimized me in my chosen profession, I'd make a more concerted effort to confirm the objective facts about some event I was a part of correct. That just seems prudent, and not having done so kind of makes his fabulizing seem consciously self-serving.
the visual version of the brown note
The fart color?
This was in part because the folks doing the collecting had preconceived notions of what was interesting and important. Another example is Ralph Rinzler, who "discovered" the great Doc Watson. Doc was playing electric guitar, and really tried hard not to play acoustic; he was an electric guitarist in his own mind. At first Ralph thought Doc was just a rockabilly band member, not worthy of recording, and getting in the way of his search for authenticity. It took a ride in the back of a pickup truck and a banjo to change Ralph's mind. Story here, or search for "Doc Watson Ralph Rinzler pickup truck"
This is such an overblown scandal. Not that Williams probably didn't let his ego get the better of him a little, just that of all the contemporary examples of public figures lying or distorting the truth for personal gain or in service to some ideology, this is just about the pettiest, least substantial one I can think of. When Oliver North lied to congress and the American people, his punishment was the medal of honor. So obviously, we don't always disapprove of lying in its own right anymore. Which is it? Is lying bad, or is lying a necessary evil like Cheney would argue? Why does steroid abuse turn Americans off to baseball but get shrugged off when it comes to football? Williams didn't tell a lie that cost any lives or money, and yet here we go, burning all the other more serious and dangerous liars in effigy using Williams as our Guy Fawkes straw man.
If anyone wants a quick summary of what the USDOT is trying to address with this report, they've got a shorter PDF for us. Looks like a lot of the same infographics in it are used in the full report.
I just don't understand how disconnected from reality one must be to think swatting is a funny prank.
Jesus Christ. He literally has a neckbeard.
Some of the real monsters of the mite world live in soil, where one can find predatory mites armed with a medieval arsenal of mouthparts. Some have jaws with sharklike teeth; others bear smooth blades that snap together with tremendous force; still others stab with sharp and deadly sabers. These beasts stalk the tunnels of worms and the tiny holes between grains of sand.
That Wuthering Heights video very successfully evokes the period of the original song.
"Everybody in this country bets on sports," he continues. "If you were to take away the office pools, fantasy pools, people betting on sports, I guarantee the [TV] viewership would be cut in less than half."
While that is obviously hyperbole, I am certainly not the first person to notice that pretty much every newspaper in the US publishes betting odds on its sports page, even though actually betting on sports is illegal in the vast majority of the country. This information is meaningless unless you are using it to gamble, and it is available even in the most conservative parts of the country, where gambling is considered a sin.
I imagine that MAD-HOLE, Country of the Screamers, is having trouble building their tourism industry.
By the time the 1960s arrived, our full involvement was nearly inevitable.
And so we went into Vietnam.
It was supposed to be quick, they were just peasants with pointy sticks after all. And we were Americans, Goddamnit, we had a modern military and nuclear weapons and Aircraft carriers. We'd train them to speak English, how to fight, and they'd beat back the commies.
And America would be safe again.
A police action and military advisors quickly turned into actual war and more than a decade of bloody combat.
And we couldn't get out.
We won every battle, but we couldn't win the war
So, Senator Cruz suggests we start revoking American citizenship. Why we'll make them no longer Americans! The dirty Muslim bastards, that'll fix 'em! That'll fix 'em good!
Not to be a wet blanket or anything but before we start revoking citizenship, I have a couple of questions.
Here's hoping he rolls on all his little buddies too.
It at least involves a couple levels of redirection, fffm...
i think the new orthodoxy on Pavement is "not as cool as we once thought."
Let me tell you, even queers aren't exempt from constant social judgement of women's bodies. I have been continuously pressured to reproduce up until about a year ago. From society, my bio-family and even other WSWs.
I'm over 50 and have been sterile (correctable, but never wanted to) since my late 20s. Being a dyke didn't get me off the baby-making hook, being masculine didn't get me off the baby-making demand line, getting older didn't stop the baby talk (I have lots of straight friends having their first kids in their 40s), and don't even talk to me about what happened after pregnant transguys were on the news, not just part of my social circle.
We have all kinds of reproductive/contraceptive technologies now. Questioning and/or shaming women who make the best choices they can is unacceptable. Whether it's preventing pregnancy, delaying pregnancy, ending a pregnancy, getting pregnant with technological assistance, raising kids or adopting them out; women know what's possible for them, they and no one else (even if they have partners, it's the potentially pregnant woman's autonomic choice).
Our bodies, our decisions, full stop. Mine is "NO", and I don't need to justify it.
Fear of infestation -- psychoses and delusions of parasitosis, formication, hygiene-focused OCDs -- fascinates me. Of course the reality is both more unavoidable and benign or even necessary and more truly hideous and alien than the worst we can imagine.
When one hunts on arctic tundra in the summer, one can go for days in relentless clouds of huge mosquitoes, the buzz as loud as an airplane, your mouth gets full of them, you are literally covered head to toe in a carpet of dead ones you've smashed and live ones on top of those. For days. And worse when you have a kill to dress and the blood draws the mosquito whirlwind. Fucking miserable but just a relentless condition like weather.
Inuit science, which is correct in this as so many other explanations on which arctic survival depends, has long posited that the mosquitoes start the great caribou herds migrating north in spring, which migration is the difference between life and death for more northern subsistence hunting communities.
I've seen hunters give thanks to God for the mosquitoes as they pray over a new kill or serve the meat at home.
Just saying, there's a way these things are beautiful. Or sublime.
TIL that there's a British betting company called Ladbrokes, which completely sounds like a joke name.
I wish I wasn't allergic to you mites. Also the author had so much fun with this piece "Our shadows of shed life sustain multitudes."
I mean, I know that other online harassment/threats/etc. have not received appropriate attention, but this particular swatting case seems like exactly the kind of thing which causes the feds to clink bottles together and go "come out and plaaaaaaayyyyy".
Should be noted that this also wouldn't be a thing if the Police were a little less eager to use their SWAT teams to begin with.
Gotta justify the budget and use all the Iraq surplus gear somehow, and not everyone is lucky enough to have riots.
For those who haven't been keeping up, that bolded part is quite literally the case -- a lot of the transfer programs that give free surplus gear to police departments contain a clause in the agreement that if the PD doesn't use it within a certain amount of time, they lose it.
The bicycle/pedestrian recommendations, btw, are:
Incentivizing improved pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and mixed - use development in and around multimodal transit hubs to promote car-free travel;
Designing and retrofitting of roads to allow for safe, harmonious passage of vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians, including individuals who use assisted mobility devices
Educating drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians on their legal responsibilities and sound practices to safely share public streets; and,
Promoting policies that advance safe and independent mobility for people with disabilities and older adults.
I've read a few stories like these and there's always "the guy who proposed to me when I was 32 but I broke it off because..." and then the reasons are never clear. It's usually some vague sense of wanting more, wanting to find oneself etc., which makes sense at 25 but at 32 makes me wonder if they really want what they say they want, or if they still want some excitement. There's nothing wrong with the guy but a sense of ennui in the woman that she has to make peace with I think.
A wave of marriages passed through my friend group recently and every single one of them at one point had the "so how do I feel about this?" discussion with themselves. Maybe you call this ambivalence but to me that's just taking a step back and looking at things rationally.
I still really like reading these stories though - this was my life at one point but now it's not, so I can relate to the looking and the worry. But I'll also be the first to tell you that I just plain got lucky when I met my partner. Also I wasn't in NYC.
I didn't read very much of the document, but I kind of love the lame clip art on the front cover.
Why aren't younger Americans driving anymore?
It's an interesting trend and I hope it continues, but it isn't quite at the level of needing to change all of the roads to bike paths just yet.
At the same time, I get a very strong sense of a disconnect, where transportation policy and investment decisions are being made by people one or two generations older and who are fully in a car-centric mode, while as described millennials are using public transit and living in dense areas at much higher rates, though still predominately car-centric.
Oh my god I HATE "moved forward/back" when it comes to specific times.
So it's fair to say you're a prescriptivist, then?
No. It's fair to say I'm someone who's interested in where words come from. "That's so gay" wouldn't be used as a pejorative if there weren't a significant social attitude that gay = bad, for example.
Think about it, thentire crew spent 3 weeks in a trailer after the mission (because of foolish worries about Moon germs)
I'd just like to point out that those weren't foolish worries at all. Microscopic lifeforms can be extraordinarily difficult to detect - which is why there's such complex science behind the Mars rovers. Biologists at the time agreed it was extremely unlikely there would be some sort of infectious agent on the Moon, but no one had ever been there and they didn't have any way to know for sure.
I always bristle when people look at obsolete science and call it foolish, because it implies that the people were simply not thinking things through. It would have been foolish if they'd known there was nothing there, but they didn't. These were top scientists working with the best information available to them at the time, and the decision to quarantine was made with sound logic.
I think of a woman saving her eggs the exact same way I think of having money in the bank - it's a good idea if you can do it and I don't know why anyone would criticize it other than the usual grumbling about someone spending a great deal of money on something the grumbler can't afford - nothing new about that.
What I don't understand is how would anyone know anyone had put eggs in the egg bank unless that person told them? And if someone told me that's what they were doing, I'd assume they'd expect some kind of response from me, right? I personally would think that was great and I'd say so, but if the person saving her eggs has any doubts about the response she's going to get, why say anything at all?
Maybe one of these days it will be possible to store men's sperm. Then no one has to worry about a biological clock, which is a real thing for both men and women as far as the risks to the fetus go. What's also true is that it's not easy to raise children when you're dancing on the edge of old age, which is another thing to consider when it comes to delaying having children. My ex had his first child at the age of 20 and his next two children at the age of 40. He was in his early 60s when he was trying to get his boys into and out of college and he was the first to say it was a lot easier to raise kids when he was younger than when he was older. But from the woman's standpoint, if she wants to have a full-time, terrific career and raise a couple of children at the same time and have a good marriage with a husband who's having a full-time, terrific career and raising the children - well, it's not something that's going to be easy to pull off and it's not something that will be 100% perfect from the career or marriage or parenting side. It's simply never 100% anyway.
It's possible, of course, to have a good career and a happy marriage and a couple of happy kids at the same time - of course it is, but it isn't done without sacrifice somewhere and absolute dedication and spreading oneself very thin. It all comes down to how badly one wants children - and when - and with whom. That's why saving eggs is a great idea, as would be saving sperm.
I don't think there's anything different about men today than yesterday, just for the record. I think there's a lot of pressure on women and men both and that both often expect too much of themselves and of others - but 'twas ever thus - the picture has only changed in the fine details.
We've had the 'cunt' UK vs US usage discussion here in some depth before, so maybe not worth getting too derailed by it in this thread, since the main point about language differences in different areas can be made using other examples.
I prefer "comprised by".
"Comprisuendo" in formal contexts, of course.
Food is at the bottom
There is no bottom in space, is there?
Great story, Klugman always seemed like such a cool guy.
All the research/reading I've done on him suggests he was a great guy to know, but an absolute bastard to work for/with on Quincy.
There can't be many actors who've managed to get both Glen A. Larson and Donald P. Bellisario booted off of their show.
I'm talking about why it's an insult, which is very obviously gendered.
And really has nothing at all to do with how the word is commonly used as an insult in colloquial speech in the UK today. (I realise that's not the case in North America, but it only proves my point about the sense and meaning of words changing through use. )
I was hoping this kind of fpp would give pause to conspiracy theories about how Daesh was created by the CIA to help the defense industry sell more guns, or whatever. I guess not.
Trying to crash a brain is like trying to crash a room full of people sitting on a committee.
Increasingly likely as you add Ph.D.'s?
transportation policy and investment decisions are being made by people one or two generations older and who are fully in a car-centric mode
This is the case pretty much everywhere in the US I have any experience with. The decision-makers aren't necessarily hostile, though, and there's a great deal to be gained by being a voice for other methods of transportation during any and all public comment periods.
I urge anyone who cares about this issue to keep an eye on what their states, counties, and cities are doing, and pipe up to ask, "Are you considering ways to improve pedestrian and bicyclist access in this project?" You don't need to be an expert, and you don't need credentials beyond what you already have by being someone who lives or works in the communities affected. Sometimes the answers I get to this kind of question are delightfully specific, and sometimes they're a bit vague, but they've always been positive. It's important to remind everyone involved in making changes to our infrastructure that creating "complete streets" can be legitimately useful to people in their own communities, and isn't just some arbitrary, irrelevant requirement.
My state often has things like telephone-based "town hall meetings" before large projects, and it's an easy way to make sure your opinions are heard. They'll even read your emails into the meeting record if you can't stick around to listen to the whole thing.
The USDOT wants to hear what you think about this enormous PDF, too.
No podcast for 'Fly', the single worst episode of Breaking Bad?
I mean, it sucks to be thrown into the same old boring story. But, it's a...boring story.
How could you ever accuse Kim Gordon of being boring?!
Wow ! You made me seriously eager to look into it, Fraula. But - and I like Algeria, as much as you know some French people do - to state that it's been peaceful since it's independent : well, its peace comes with a price to pay, as I guess it's always the case. Of course, history is a glorious mess, and France, once again, has blood on both hands. But, and I know this because I've met some people my father's age who have been sent to Algeria during the war, soldiers are often victims even when they're sent by the oppressor.
And I was thinking about Orwell too while I was reading this thread, wondering if middle-east is going to live forever in one of his novels, if they will eventually have their own Orwell or if we need a new one ourselves.
Created by the legendary Jack Kirby, Kamandi is the Last Boy on Earth, just trying to make it in an animal-dominated post-apocalytic world.
More fantastic maps at Comic Book Cartography.
insistence on recording only the "purest" black recordings, as untouched as possible by white influence
Yeah, that's discussed in the article.
I reserve an exception for my normal stance of descriptivism for words people use incorrectly while trying to sound smart. "Comprised of" lands in that category, so this guy is doing the Lord's work.
idiopath: “It's a shame Lomax only recorded the most obscure music, as far from pop influence as he could find. I guess we'll never know what tin pan alley, church music, and minstrel shows sounded like.”
But we don't know what church music, as played in black churches from 1900 to 1950, actually sounded like – not in any great detail. And you can add to that list (as the article mentions) black colleges, and other important parts of the black community of the time. The "popular" things weren't preserved, because black communities simply didn't have the mechanisms for preservation; those mechanisms were denied them. That's what white supremacy meant.
I would have written my own filler word as "ah" but I guess it's probably an "uh." "It's, ah, one of those things that, ah, goes up and down?"
wintersweet: "Now I'm considering whether placeholders would be fun and useful for my English students."
No, it means "hard as a motherfucker".
Remember Geraldo? He was always right dead center in the middle of everything - and nothing. One made-up story after another - did he go to Fox?
Brian Williams isn't a soldier and he's not even a war correspondent - he's just a news anchor who found himself in the air in a helicopter at the war in Iraq, which I'd expect would be scary enough for anyone other than military personnel. While he was in the helicopter you can bet he heard all the stories about taking fire and dodging disaster and heroic pilots and such - at the exact same time he probably heard the sounds of major weapons and gunfire around him. I seriously doubt that he was consciously intending to mislead anyone with his story about being under fire - most likely it was the mere fact that the war itself came smack home to him in that moment and the experience made a "memory" that took on its own proportions.
Honestly, if I were in one of those helicopters I think I'd have to be wearing Depends and I know for sure I'd be talking about it today through my own terrified, if screwed-up, mind.
I like Brian Williams, though I haven't had a television in years now so maybe he's changed - but I doubt it. I am curious about what caused this to explode right now, though - I can't help but wonder who Williams crossed or if someone else is lined up to replace him and why. Time will tell the whole story, but I don't see any reason to condemn Williams while letting Fox slide.
In none of the other places where I've seen this discussed was there so much anger, snark, and vituperation.
I certainly have, although most of it was directed at people using the language "improperly."
eh, I meant to say that she- not just the way she looked- was the best thing about Sonic Youth. Bass, vocals, stage presence, etc. Should have made that 2 sentences.
Nice collection of links MTT. A bit off topic, pre SiSi days but an interesting story about women and the current subject matter.
Great post.
People are so afraid of making mistakes that they end up not doing anything. Our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents just did so many things without obsession over the outcomes as we have now.
I don't mean to say that they were careless but maybe they understood better the consequences of doing nothing.
If you want a kid you should just have one. It'll probably be hard and kind of suck for a while, but you'll get used to it eventually and look on with pride. At least that's what my mom keeps telling me.
It was hard to get my dad to throw away junk from his job after retirement, too.
My grandpa had an Ozark accent, and rarely said either. And he had impeccable handwriting.
I secretly hope that whatever "expanded film universe" DC is working towards, in imitation of Marvel Studios, includes Kamandi's world. I would watch that instead of dour, overly-serious superheroes wearing muted colors and frowning at their enemies, because about the only way Kamandi can work is by embracing that dour, overly-serious vibe to tamp down the insanity of that world a bit.
The only criticism here that rang true for me was having prisoners coerced into having their music recorded...to the extent that this happened as described, it's quite disturbing. Otherwise, I can't see Lomax as any more guilty of not recording other forms of music than anyone else alive at the same time. I don't think he had a responsibility to record anything, so it's all gravy. Was Lomax claiming to represent the full spectrum of black American music? If so, I can see some room to criticize his selections, but even then, it's a bit of a gift horse situation.
Bleach kills everything, right?
I love this article. Great stuff!
i think she says really true things about being a woman - in a relationship, in a band, in the media, in a parenting partnership - about how those things can wear you down. i've known my share of men who turned me into their mothers and then resented me for it. i'm glad she's telling her story and i'm glad she's not pretending it's all fine.
Really, some kind of category error going on in some of the comments here. If you want to understand what sort of threat ISIS is, find out who armed them.
if you have something to say, say it. this sort of coy - you're all doing it wrong and i know why but you should just look into it - type of bs helps no one.
The Drifters remaking The Walkmen
I wish this wasn't just a typo and was actually a real thing. "We've Been Had" sung by the Drifters would be pretty awesome.
Or possibly they're still sore about this bit of silliness. He's a very natural host/presenter, though, and the whole Citation Needed series of videos (Tom and three of his friends do a Wikipedia-based panel show sitting around a kitchen table) deserves to be better-known. One of my favorite things to put on when I need something silly but informative.
he's 19, so yeah - as an adult. fascinating to see multiple places describe him as a "teen" who "pulled pranks" - which seems like some pretty extreme minimization (especially compared to how the victims of crimes who aren't white dudes are reported about).
I mean, it sucks to be thrown into the same old boring story. But, it's a...boring story.
I mentioned it in another MeFi thread earlier, but John Ruedy's "Modern Algeria" is well worth a read, and so you have an idea of where this is headed: it's required reading for US intelligence agents who have anything to do with Islamist extremist groups.
I recently watched "The Battle of Algiers." It's a great film, and I think it provides good context on the impact of colonialism in the ME, and historical perspective on insurgency/counter-insurgency and terrorism.
Yep, as a standup comedian and sometimes public speaker, tapes of yourself are excruciating (does my voice really sound that weird?) They're a huge help though.
I really do not understand why Saudi and the emirates are western allies. Wouldn't Iran be a better oil-friend if you have to have one?
For one thing, the West had installed a pro-Western government in Iran, but it was not a very nice one, and then Iranians had other ideas.
Interestingly, there has been murmuring that ISIS might force the US and Iran to bury at least a few hatchets. We'll see.
pyramid termite:
We need timelines on this. Early ethnomusicology did ignore European culture, but as we come to the turn of the 20th century there was a shift from the enlightenment style rational universalism to romanticist nationalism, where the discovery of local folk musics was an essential component to constructing national identities.
The real standout is Rogue Wave's cover of Everyday, if you ask me.
I wish they had brought back the boots he wore on the Moon though, that would have been awesome.
Hm. I had heard that they brought the moon suits back but they don't exist anymore as they were taken apart thread by thread (in the name of science) in order to recover every last iota of moon dust.
I knew swatting was a thing... but I didn't realize it was so prevalent that people have goddamn youtube compilation vidz of multiple incidents. There's some scary shit here.
Tom Scott's voice is amazing. He's a kid (to me anyway), and yet he has the voice of a elderly dignified BBC science reporter. He could report about just about anything (and he does) and we can't help but just get entranced. If BBC doesn't hire him they are crazy. Maybe they are just waiting for him to look less like a kid.
(Also this looks suspiciously like the land of Oooo.)
All of Adventure Time looks suspiciously like Kamandi.
and how come ISIS is so very well resourced. Where are the funds coming from? Who armed them?
You know, the answers to these questions aren't exactly hard to find.
ISIS looted millions of dollars and possibly hundreds of millions of dollars from cities they captured. They also used to make millions a day in oil revenue although I believe that has been interdicted by American air power.
They armed themselves with Soviet equipment they looted from Syria and American equipment they looted from Iraq.
Remember about 10 years ago, the breathless excitement with which some people greeted the discovery that he was posting on a poker forum? Poker! There are Albini fans who've put him on a pedestal of what I think are over-sized dimensions.
Sure do! It was my first FPP.
It's the sort of situation where an armed police response would actually be justified
Even then, a SWAT team wouldn't (well...shouldn't) just burst into a home without doing any sort of reconnaissance of the situation first. That's how you get people, as well as cops, killed.
...slim sword in...
"Refreshingly upfront and crazy"-the next soda-pop campaign.
We should be calling ISIS ISIL, Daesh as the people who hate it, in the areas where it exists, call it. That we call it otherwise wastes a valuable propaganda tool.
The United States has allied with groups absolutely no less brutal, just more rich and able to cover their practices, basically Saudi Arabia, who is the author of Daesh, to counter the "Shiite threat" to their way of life. Iran's segregated society is starting to look a whole lot better than the societies of the Sunni Monarchs, the Wahabbi Monarchs, who can build high walls to conceal the same acts. Daesh openly undertakes their sexuo/social opportunism, and despotism in a more freestyle, low budget, milieu. The previous sentence seriously white washes the reality of de-evolved societies simply coming out of the closet for all to see. Shock, shock, shock surprise this is what we support for the convenience and fortune building of the last one hundred years or so.
We are dirty and this monstrous treatment of women as chattle is the ideal of many, coming to a city near you. It is so tempting to laugh this off and point fingers, there are sex slaves all over the US, religious fanatics who do or would, deny rights to women if they could, people who mutilate the genitalia of women, and systematic denial of equal pay, and other benefits to women, granted to cis-gendered male Americans.
Thankfully, I am reminded of a Frank Zappa lyric,
"It can't happen here,
It can"t happen here,
I'm telling you my dear,
That it can't happen here.
Cause I been checkin' it, oh baby,
Checked it out a coupla times,
And I'm tellin' you, my dear,
That it can't happen here!"
Ha ha ha ha ha, yeah, point and laugh in that mirror of ours.
Actually, its about ethics in war reporting.
I did read the comment, but to humor you I read it again--and still don't see the worrisome level of hate that you claim is there. After all, included in that comment is also the statement that he's not making the world worse as much as climate change denialists are; languagehat is obviously pointing out that this is relatively minor.
But yeah, I will agree with languagehat that the ideology that drives this kind of pedantry makes the world worse. Sometimes it makes it worse in small ways, such as when people derail an internet comment thread by criticizing someone's grammar. Sometimes it makes it worse in larger ways, such as when educational programs aimed to help children who speak non-standard dialects become needlessly controversial and are stopped. If that's hateful, then that's a pretty low standard for hateful.
Some Wikipedia confessions:
I just changed a couple of "composed of"s to "comprised of"s, just to bother that guy.
I once spent about a month gradually inserting references to the Alameda-Weehawken Burrito Tunnel into articles on random towns that would be over its path; so, for example, I added a bit to the pages for a couple of random midwestern high schools talking about how they have renowned earth sciences programs that take advantage of the school's local access to the burrito tunnel.
I can't for the life of me remember who it was, but I once likewise spent about a month carefully editing pages related to a random minor dictator and a specific make of ultralight airplane, in order to make it look like the dictator was a hobbyist pilot known for his deep enthusiasm for that particular plane.
On and off, I still every so often change the page for Tacoma, Washington to assert that the plural form of the demonym for that city is "Tacomen."
On the whole, despite being a grown-up and everything, I still think the highest and best use of Wikipedia is LARPing Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius on it.
50 quatloos to the first person who figures out what I've been doing to all the pages about Borges...
That too.
Purely as an aside - Williams' demeanor has always irked me. I always got the sense he was completely full of himself.
I disagree with this. Men in NYC feel like they have a lot of time and options and it's pretty hard to be a woman trying to deal with that. Especially in your 20s, finding guys who are interested in commitment is profoundly hard. So you end up unmarried in your 30s.
I hear this a lot, but is this really all that true, though? Perhaps you're certainly more likely to run into those sorts of guys once you hit 30 -- in that if those guys had wanted to couple up, they'd have done so long before then, but have chosen not to, out of personal preference or whatever -- but I'd imagine there'd be just as many commitment/family-oriented guys in her age range who just haven't had the chance to do so just yet, because of career or whatnot. So it's mostly a question of why the author isn't meeting the latter guys... is she just not doing a good job of filtering for the ones who're more likely to commit whilst dating, or what? I'm just finding it hard to consider All Men In New York City (And Particularly Those In Their 30s) as one monolithic commitmentphobic entity, but then again, I probably haven't spent enough time there, so I might as well be speaking out of my arse here.
I thought the whole point of Kamandi was that he was the only human!
Well, sorta. Kamandi is basically Kirby's riff on Planet of the Apes, with the concept extended to other sorts of anthropomorphic animals. I took the "wild humans" thing to imply that they were non-sentient.
Who armed them?
From what I've read, they've got mostly Soviet weapons from captured Syrian and pre-Gulf-War-II Iraqi stockpiles, with a large minority of American weapons from captured post-Gulf-War-II Iraqi stockpiles.
Whose strategy is playing out?
Two of the above groups no longer exist, two are on the ropes, and one is now a laughingstock as far as realpolitik goes.
ISIS, on the other hand, has expanding territory, lethal totalitarian power, sex slaves, and front row seats for the regular executions of their foes. That's vile and kind of unfashionable these days, but it's been enough to motivate wars through most of human history.
Their propaganda, as I've mentioned above, has a particularly circumscribed appeal and does not explain how they've managed to recruit.
Much like the wealth/power/sex/vengeance I mentioned above, the important propaganda theme here seems to be timeless: "join us and be rulers, or back off and be followers, or fight us and be dead".
The religious themes don't need to have that much appeal, either. Worldwide, tenets like "becoming an ex-Muslim should be a capital crime" and "adulterers should be stoned" are terrifyingly popular. It only takes a fraction of a percent of those to be active fanatics to provide as many soldiers as ISIS could want.
He was claiming to represent black culture at its purest and most authentic. Black culture at its purest and most authentic could be found among inmates in prisons, he thought. So yeah, that's a little fucked up.
Well put.
I believe Stubbs is the best co-op video game I've ever played (original xbox). I was introduced to it by MeFi, naturally.
I spent a lot of time listening to his old recordings and reading through his folk books as a kid, and AFAIK, Lomax wasn't that interested in recording church songs and Tin Pan Alley music from white musicians, either.
Yeah, that's true, but I don't think that absolves Lomax. I think it just points to the ways in which this is related to bigger problems in the field of folklore, at least as it was practiced during Lomax's heyday. Folklorists believed that there was such a thing as authentic culture, and they got to decide what was authentic. Authentic culture was not commercial. It was not self-conscious: it was not produced by people who were educated about the history and practice of the kind of art they were producing or who thought very much about what they were doing. Rural culture was more authentic than urban culture. The culture of poor people was more authentic than the culture of middle-class or above people. Cultural exchange was inauthentic and tended to sully pure cultural expressions. A lot of these ideas didn't have much to do with how people actually expressed themselves or what they actually valued culturally, and sometimes it reinforces negative stereotypes. It also dismisses a lot of amazing music as inauthentic and corrupt, rather than valuing that music on its own terms.
Obviously, Lomax is a really, really important figure in American musical history, and his work is really valuable and important. But I don't think that means that you can't question his fundamental assumptions or interrogate his legacy.
Just because the words 18 and 19 have the word teen in them does not make someone a teenager
Uhhhh.... It kind of does. That whole QED thing.
I see what you are saying. That is a pretty strict dictionary definition, and I suppose you can have overlap between being a teen and being an adult. When I was growing up, my impression was that we used it in a narrower way that corresponded to a notion of adolescence, which (I think) is that stage between puberty and adulthood. I thought this was a pretty common use of the term. As 18 is the age of majority, people become men and women at that point, no longer adolescents. I suppose people can legitimately equivocate on how the term is used, but it sure does seem to be convenient at times for biased reasons. It's that biased use that is irritating, not the definition (as nadawi points out quite well).
"mistake in recalling the events" makes it sound like he misremembered the incident. I am sorry buster, but being shot down in a helicopter and intervieweing the survivors are so vastly different experiences that if you conflate the two, then you are basically senile and not fit to be a reporter anymore.
Ha, most people think that the sum total of everything they remember actually happened exactly as they remember it, but it's really not that hard to wind up remembering something that never happened.
I like how some of the stuff is so purpose-built that it's just, you know, taped together, like the utility light. It kind of explodes some childhood notion I have that everything put into space was this futuristic equipment manufactured in some space-age facility.
When in all probability that light was made at an unremarkable workbench with a roll of electrical tape and some spare parts.
> ...Billy Corgan, whom nobody liked because he was such a crybaby.
This, itself, could be a song title.
All Men In New York City (And Particularly Those In Their 30s)
No, it's #notallmen, but as someone dating that demographic, I feel like it's a lot, and yeah you can't really know unless you're doing it, too, and know a lot of other people doing it. I feel like in conversations with a lot of single men, dating or not, having kids is like this abstract thing that's out there, but for women in their 30s, it's right in your face every day, like strangers remind you you need to hurry it up. Meanwhile, men aren't getting that message, so yea the pool is much smaller. That's not sticking the blame on men, but it does set up a dynamic that makes it really hard to find commitment-seeking guys, enough so that it's a huge project at times to just datedatedate.
I've also found that some guys in their 40s are feeling the urge to have kids and want to rush things, and it's not like you breathe a huge sigh of relief encountering that, too, You still want a person to build a partnership with, not just a sperm donor.
I think human memory is terrible and so I'm willing to give him a bit of latitude here.
I feel as though there must be a word for that thing where people get really fucking mad about how wrong prescriptivists are.
Prescriptivists are the ultimate mansplainers. They deserve everything they get
True. From their FAQ:
Pro Line is played by selecting your predicted outcomes for 3 to 6 sporting events, based on a list of events and odds for various outcomes. You must be correct on all your selections to win.
Are Sonic Youth really overrated? They're like a legendary band, a critic's band, an audio engineer's band. It's like saying Steve Albini is overrated. I think they're unrateable because they have been around in alternative culture for so long and they (the members) aren't dead yet. It's like rating, idk, Minor Threat or Henry Rollins or something. Or even Bikini Kill and Sleater-Kinney. It's weird to think of Sonic Youth as being rated in general when I can only think of them as "just are".
the most self-righteous and smug bitterness I've ever seen.
Nous sommes languagehate!
They are identical in every detail. Well except maybe some of the fabricators knew how to tie a square knot, others didn't.
The stuff on that site's amazing. That's kind of what I was getting at - these little differences that don't affect the utility of the item but hint at the manual process behind it.
I don't know if the report I saw was actively swatted; I lost the link ... I was hesitant to favorite it lest I be targeted for swatting myself ... isn't that fucked up? It's beyond Brazil and Tuttle-vs-Buttle -- now there's no goddamn apology for a armed goon squad coming to your home, because obviously you aren't in danger from this group of professionals. With all the money on militarization and surveillance, you'd think they could check the incoming number to see if it's Skype.
You know, I dream of doing this for "amount of" when it should be "number of." Occasionally I search wikipedia for "amount of people" and fix it. But now that I see the vitriol directed at this guy, I guess I won't. Also, I have other stuff to do.
It could be that everyone interested in relationships has already found them by then, but people's priorities also change a lot over time. I'd be surprised, for instance, if you didn't get a second wave of guys who have spent the last 15 years trying to climb the corporate/art/political/academic ladder and who are just realizing they maybe want a partner and/or kids and should probably spend some time trying to make those things happen.
(Also this looks suspiciously like the land of Oooo.)
GamerGate tried to swat a game developer here in Portland, at an address that hadn't been hers for a while.
Luckily the police here have the sensible policy of not doing no-knock swat raids based on anonymous tips. The police have some responsibility in the intensity of their response, alongside the obvious responsibility of the people putting in the calls.
How did we get to twat and cunt and dick and prick and sissy and pussy and gender-neutral and using feminizing insults to disparage men and rampant and violent misogyny and women being seen as inferior
from a debate over "composed of" vs "comprised of"?
I vote for "composed of" but it's an old, old issue and if there's some pedant working away at grammar and usage and he's annoying others with his hobby, I can see that as a good post for the blue, but why is it almost inevitable that a post will become focused on gender and insults?
Dominion of the Devils (Insect Revolution) does sound like a Godspeed You! Black Emperor song.
My husband went to the moon and all I got was this lousy box of priceless irreplaceable artefacts. How insane is it that there is new stuff we are finding new stuff from the fucking moon landing? Next week, John & Sandy Wright find a dusty old aeroplane in the garage they mistook for a corkscrew & cheeseboard set.
The Nightly News is light entertainment dressed up to look like news.
Ry Cooder shares an hour of vignettes about skipping school in the '50s to teach himself guitar by listenting to hillbilly radio, how he came to work with Flaco Jiminez, being schooled by the old time Cuban musicians in the Buena Vista Social Club recording and more. Music journalist Barry Mazor draws him out about his 50-year career in a delightful and highly entertaining chat - an hour didn't seem nearly long enough.
Seems to me, if you're kick ass without being kick ass as a means-to-an-end, then it doesn't matter squat whether others allow it or not.
It's not the average law enforcement guy who makes the decision to deploy a SWAT team. That's at a pay grade that should be looking at all the available evidence before pumping up the SWAT boner.
Attempted murder-by-proxy is what it is. It should be treated as such and punished accordingly.
I think there's an expectation of politicians lying, whereas the hope is that journalists stick closer to the facts.
NPR had a segment on this the other day where they walked through his descriptions of the event from then to now, and it was interesting to hear them slide very smoothly along a spectrum, ending with an entirely different description than what he had started with.
an older person and therefore likely less tech-savvy?
What do you need to use to check a SWAT call? Snapchat?
sonic youth are sonic youth - there's no one like them, never was and probably never will be - now whether you like them is another matter - i do - but there's no questioning the originality of their music
How are they rated now?
I never respected Alan Lomax because I thought he pretended to capture *every* aspect of American Song. I respect him because he did the damn work, and captured what he could. His work is a sample, and we are better off having them. I don;t know enough about his contemporaries or if there even were any!
I could care less about the correct use of comprised of, but this sort of douche does make me want to go out and needlessly insert them into random Wikipedia articles.
He's the sort of guy whose aim in live is to be the fourth official in a soccer match. I hope nobody was surprised he was a white, middle aged engineer?
By "unmarried" I meant "never married." Divorce and (more's the pity) widowhood are often not by choice.
The first time I showed these to my five-year-old, he gasped and said, "Mommy! They are so beautiful!"
Future Scientist of Gross Face Bugs, right here.
I know it (ageism, womb clock), but I really don't want to hear it. I only vaguely started hearing the ticking or whatever this year, it still hasn't generated any urgency around serious dating or baby-making. (Also I don't have nine grand to spare on the freezer rental.) The right circumstance or partner just haven't emerged, so far. Not ready! Is that strange? I resent the need to act now now now (completely irrationally, because what's to be done about it?).
Thing is, I know from experience that it's only a matter of time before I use 'comprising' and some pompous arse edits my text and tells me I mean 'comprised of'. Where will you be then, descriptivists? Somehow, not around.
Human memory is terrible, and I'm not sure he was consciously lying, but I would have hoped that as a journalist he would fact-check it before broadcasting it on national TV.
Reckless endangerment sounds about right. I like the idea of multiple charges and then recoup the costs involved in a SWAT mobilisation.
AFAIK they haven't racked up a death yet - but with police getting ever twitchier that's going to happen eventually. And if it happens to someone black you know it's going to be John Crawford all over again.
I'm curious to read this book less so for the gossipy details (not that I don't read that stuff!), but more for her own experiences in attempting to navigate a life on her own terms. She's expressed a lot of things in interviews that resonate with me.
I'd imagine for her to sell this book to a publisher she pretty much had to include the juicy bits.
definitely worth rolling around with in your head for a while
Definitely agree with DirtyOldTown.
It's like rating, idk, Minor Threat or Henry Rollins or something. Or even Bikini Kill and Sleater-Kinney.
I think Bikini Kill are underrated as a matter of fact. What a band they were!
Yeah but it's not speaking to women in the Islamic world though is it? It's speaking to a bunch of alienated, rather naive and ignorant, immature kids.
Well how is his cooking blog? Did anyone make the two-nuns-and-a-pack-mule energee smoothee?
I'm pretty sure we put in an option to skip the dance-off, were you so inclined. We knew it was a total departure from everything else in the game and was likely to throw some people. But it was also delightfully surreal.
My idea, incidentally. Sorry and/or you're welcome. :-)
(Sorry, re-reading my last comment it sounded skeptical of the article's author's experience, which isn't at all what I meant -- I just feel like there has to be another explanation here beyond "everyone who wanted a partner already got one in their 20s.")
I am delighted that I can be a host to so many bacteria, mites etc. its a good exercise in humility and responsibility
Thanks, Dean Smith, for all you did for my home state.
(Tar Heels of a certain age may notice that my Metafilter name is borrowed from an obscure Carolina player.)
huh, weird, it wasn't subscriber-only going directly from Google.
Basically there was a gout drug used since ancient times that was available until 2009 for $0.09 per dose. A company applied for orphan status for an unrelated condition, received exclusive marketing for the drug from the FDA under the ODA, raised the price to $5 per dose in the US and shut down generic production.
Yeah, that's discussed in the article.
I know. The second half of that sentence was the point of what I was saying.
The switch to the minor key is beautifully done. This is really neat, thanks for posting.
No one is mentioning Fargo yet? Did anyone see where Billy Bob Thorton's character set up the poor personal trainer near the end of the series?
I'm sure that plot device came into the writer's room from internet chat about these events
Sound change often "skips over" words like these-- for example, the vowel in the word "peep" should have shifted, along with everything else, during the Great Vowel Shift, due to the fact that there's some sound symbolism going on there, but it didn't.
Except it did, as "pipe"--which is why we have "peep" as a separate word, attested from c.1400 (as "pepe", replacing the earlier sense of by-then vowel-shifted "pype" or "pipe").
I just don't understand how disconnected from reality one must be to think swatting is a funny prank.
This jerkoff calls himself "Famed God." There's your answer.
It's mites all the way down
Big fleas have little fleas,
Upon their backs to bite 'em,
And little fleas have lesser fleas,
and so, ad infinitum.
I have a Turkish friend who later informed me that "um" is very similar to a derogatory Turkish term for a part of the female anatomy. I take it Major Lance's song "Um Um Um Um Um Um" won't become a popular song in Turkey any time soon.
Snyderman breaking her Ebola quarantine
For example, I don't remember this at all.
From my first link above: A study from the Queen Mary University of London has found that suffering from depression, being financially comfortable, well-educated and socially isolated were common factors among those sympathetic to acts of terrorism, identified by researchers as the first of two stages of early radicalisation. The second, it said, was contact with radical, unorthodox beliefs.
Those whose families had lived in the UK for generations were more vulnerable than migrants, the report found.
...At a briefing organised by the Science Media Centre, at the Wellcome Collection in London, Bhui said that parents worried about their children should look out for signs of depression or disaffection and warned that those who indulged in fantasy worlds or alternative identities were more at risk
Um, apparently I'm from "Solid Um" land even though I guessed it would be mixed. I feel like I use them interchangeably but I could be wrong I guess.
Thorzdad:Even then, a SWAT team wouldn't (well...shouldn't) just burst into a home without doing any sort of reconnaissance of the situation first. That's how you get people, as well as cops, killed.
Well, it's possible they do; in at least some cases they'll get the recon wrong (or not find sufficient information) and end up rushing the house. But in any case you can't really blame the police for sending the cavalry to what they think is an active hostage/shooter situation. This isn't the same as no-knock drug raids or something.
And men, in general, who kind of skirt the responsibilities of "true adulthood" seem to have a near-unlimited time-frame to do this and little actual consequences for delay.
But are there actually few consequences, or is it simply that our societal conversation about parenthood and age focuses specifically on women? The truth is there is very little data out there about the risks of being an older father. There is some indication it's also associated with increased rates of mental illness, cancer, and Down syndrome. It is definitely associated with schizophrenia. For a variety of reasons older men carry more mutated sperm than younger, and there's some indication the DNA passed on by older men has a higher risk in general of mutagenesis in the DNA they pass down. This means their age affects not only their children but all generations to come.
But this is not a well-studied field, so data is sparse and what data does exist is not part of the social conversation about age and parenthood. So for the vast majority of men they figure if the fetus survives pregnancy then the only age-related downsides are related to their ability to keep up with their children. If they think about that at all, because let's face it, the expectations of being an involved dad both with the kids and around the house are still a lot lower than that for mothers.
My point is while there are clear, unchangeable biases in parenthood between biological men and women, we have no idea whether those biases are as pronounced as we all tend to assume. It is quite possible that men who go for conceiving at 45, 50 are introducing the same level of medical risks to their offspring as older mothers--but because their bodies aren't responsible for carrying the child, the risks are more likely to end up being long-term and multi-generational.
It frustrates me to see these assumptions that The Science has checked off advanced paternal age as a-OK when that's simply not true. More effort has just been put into studying advanced maternal age.
Okay, I get it. But the waste management cover?
This what I imagine was going through Armstrong's head when decided to kept this stuff:
"I spent years dealing with that asshole Aldrin during training, then steered this goddamn thing away from the field of boulders the fucking computer was taking us into, then landed this monstrosity on the Moon so sweetly, that the contact sensor didn't go off. Goddamn right I'm taking some souvenirs with me. You can have this shit when I'm dead."
It's called war propaganda and someone in the news business has no business doing that
Fox News literally does this every night.
I was a rock band roadie for 40+ years.
A hundred people I know could have written that.
Yup. And the whole of North Africa's been destabilised by taking out key players and the whole continent's paying with lives upon lives.
He's the kind of kid who gives hackers a bad name.
Yeah, but just imagine the horrors that are living on the mites themselves. It's mites all the way down.
I recently bought Android: Netrunner and while reading the manual to my girlfriend I felt really weird that the whole thing uses "he" as default when talk about the player. I automatically started using singular they because I didn't like how it made me feel as if I was excluding my girlfriend.
Lost their job? ITYM earned a nice paid vacation.
There are always unintended consequences and gaming of the system but, to my mind, this is the way government is supposed to work - consciously promoting the general welfare.
Do you love to hate TV? Join the podcast The Televoid as they "travel to the deepest depths bad TV has gone."
Yes! Great game, great record. So much lovely stuff here.
I can't even remember how long ago I learned about the face mites, bacteria, and fungus that lives upon me. I loved it then, I loved it now.
I am the giving tree.
Dance and eat and love and explode little ones. I will grow more follicles for you.
The map of Titan has this interesting fact: "Population: Before Thanos 114, After Thanos, 35630."
I always thought Thanos was a bad guy, but he seems to have really taken on the Titan anti-immigration block with their NIMHOM* attitudes.
*Not In My Hollowed-Out Moon
But the waste management cover?
Joke re: "coverup" "load of shit"
I'm pretty sure I ran into a rabbit ear mite once in a D&D game. It was bigger, however.
There's a Wild Human Preserve? I thought the whole point of Kamandi was that he was the only human! (I have not actually read these comics) Are there enough others that they set aside all of Central America for them?
I want to create a room where one walls is painted in Vanta black
You should paint two of the other walls with the McCullough effect grids, and the fourth with mango worms
Would that word be "OohOohOohEeeOohOooh" or "OohOohOohEeeOohEeeeOohOooh?"
Zzzzzzzzz is the one I was thinking of.
MetaFilter: a mix smart and--never mind, he actually was describing MetaFilter.
I reached semantic satiation on the words "compose" and "comprise" by about the third paragraph, and am going to go read the comics now.
Well, let's hope that however this turns out, it forms a deterrent to other would-be swatters.
I think this is only the second or third time I've seen this lead to an arrest. We're probably going to need to see a bunch of arrests for this sort of shit in order for it to stop. That's going to require a serious investment of time, energy and probably money from law enforcement.
Thing is, though: why wouldn't they? Because even by the most cynical read of law enforcement and their motivations, this is still a matter of people trying to bait cops into overreactions, property damage and eventually someone really is going to get shot. I'm not the cop-hating sort myself, but you'd think that even the worst cops wouldn't take kindly to that sort of manipulation.
Clip from an appearance on Letterman in 2013. Talk of his helicopter getting hit by ground fire--RPG and AK-47--begins at around one minute in.
"Two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire -- including the one I was in -- RPG and AK-47..."
Seems like it doesn't even matter what he gets criminally now, this guy's fucked financially. He needs a great lawyer. He can't plead guilty for a lesser sentence, because if he admits doing it, bring on the civil suits from the victims and cost recovery suits from the cops. Same thing if he loses.
Attempted murder springs to mind
I know a guy who got shot in a mugging, and they didn't charge the shooter with attempted murder. Apparently it is a difficult charge to convict on, perhaps because the element of intent creates an area for reasonable doubt to thrive in. Whereas the things the mugger was charged with, like assault with a deadly weapon, were more objective. That's my 25 year old memory of his paraphrase of what the DA told him, at least.
"Uh" just has such a nice simplicity to it. Fillers in other languages I know ("ano, eeto" in Japanese, "este" in Spanish, etc) just seen so complicated. I mean, dint get me wrong, I love the sound of a good "eeeeeto," but there's just something so reductionist about "uh," the world's most basic vowel, that it will always hold a special place in my heart.
I don't mind semantic shift. I get it, language is, as my good friend the linguist always likes to remind me, "a living thing." But, you know, I think what bothers me is that of the myriad reasons for it sometimes the best explanation is that most people just can't be arsed to learn a common definition. It's frustrating when you have to accommodate other people's laziness.
And then there are those white areas dotting the west where the roving bands of retired English teachers and aspiring business gurus armed with stopwatches and green yellow and red flags must be attempting to establish the self-sufficient outsider communities of Toastmasteropia.
To answer another direct question, I did not mean that ISIS is directly affecting Boko Haram. But there is unrest and a power vacuum in Libya, feeding into alliances and arms and resources trading further south. This directly affects what resources are available to Boko Haram, complicating an already unstable situation in Chad, Mali, Sudan and Central African Republic. I understand this is a derail so won't mention it further, mods pls delete if you think fit.
Yes, the mangoworms information didn't change my vision, but rather my whole sense of touch. It seems my skin is a little looser fitting now, and there's something filling the gap. Thanks, guys! That's some whole new perceptual trickery there.
I work with people and their remarkably protean memories and desires all the time. For some of the less well functioning, I've seen them literally dissociate--or wall off/mutate beyond recognition--recent, easily verified events within *seconds*. People with strong borderline or narcissist traits seem do this as part of their adaptive process all the time and are often utterly unaware of their ongoing re-editing. For less obviously ill people, some or all of their most treasured childhood memories can turn out, on further examination, to be confabulations or imaginations.
In therapy, frequently, there often comes a moment when a person who's sufficiently self-aware and able to mentalise realises a glitch in their memories, a discontinuity between what they remember is true and what they suddenly appreciate now also feels true. CBTers calls this uncovering incongruent schemas or something similar, dynamic therapists have a range of different models for it. But it's amazing and humbling to witness. I don't think it's healing, per se, but I think it's evidence of a growth process occurring.
Between 1983 and 2010, the Orphan Drug Act has had a role in the approval by the FDA of 353 drugs for the treatment of diseases affecting less than 200,000 people. The ODA reduces the financial burden of researching medications for diseases that would otherwise be unprofitable for pharmaceutical companies through tax incentives, patent protection, research subsidies, and the creation government-sponsored institutions.
For information about diseases and treatments in the FDA's OOPD
nadawi: flip side of the "[urban] youths" dogwhistle, yeah?
It's the same thing as what makes people get really fucking mad about how wrong climate denialists are—a love of truth combined with a dislike of people making the world worse with their bullshit. It's true that the grammar vigilante isn't making the world worse as much as climate denialists, but the principle is the same. People should let go of their bullshit and get used to the world (including language) as it is.
What I think of when I hear someone talk about this song.What I think of.
I'm also amused that Neil managed to keep this stuff. Think about it, thentire crew spent 3 weeks in a trailer after the mission (because of foolish worries about Moon germs), then spent a lot of time being examined and giving debriefings. So one would expect that people went through all their bags and stuff, saw this bag and asked him about it and Neil just smiled and said "Yeah, that's just stuff I want to keep" and everyone just shrugged and said "Oh, ok." Ha!
I wish they had brought back the boots he wore on the Moon though, that would have been awesome.
Meanwhile, it's notable to me that single woman in the article author's position has the option—an option she may well exercise—to have a child, or try to. A single man with a similar desire has no such option; that is the stark biological reality I face.
I disagree. This specific article is about women's choices, but men who want children also have choices as gay/bi men have shown. So far childless heterosexual men simply have not had the societal pressure to address this issue- because as mentioned earlier, society erroneously thinks time will never run out on men's sperm. Presuming you'd be a competent parent, I encourage you to "be the change you want to see" in this regard. That's how women developed their options.
So, you're saying that prescriptivists are as objectively wrong as climate-change denialists. Your position is that people who say that particular words must mean particular things are factually incorrect, because language is more flexible than that.
Yep, language is much more flexible than that; see for instance the difference in US vs UK colloquial use of "cunt" and "twat". In the US? Gendered insults almost invariably directed at women. In the UK? Largely perceived as gender-neutral when used as insults and more commonly directed at men, and being more or less like an intensified version of "arsehole", "jerk" or "idiot". What words mean is determined by how people use them in speech and writing, and dictionaries and grammar and style manuals can only ever provide a snapshot of how language is used at a particular point in time.
I like the Atlantic land bridge to Ireland.
That level of hate for this guy is kinda worrisome.
It's interesting that you consider a linguist pointing out that it's only a "debate" if you include the uninformed to be "hateful."
No, I consider a linguist saying that this guy is making the world worse by editing Wikipedia to change "comprised of" to "composed of" (literally, languagehat says that, go read the rest of the comment you clipped my sentence from) to have a worrisome level of hate.
A key rhetorical tactic in HJS publications is to link acts of terrorism with the spread of Islam, in Europe as well as the United States. This has been noted by a former HJS member, Marko Attila Hoare, who in a letter written after resigning from the group noted the Islamophobia of HSJ associates like Douglas Murray, who has argued that "Conditions for Muslims in Europe must be made harder across the board. ... We in Europe owe—after all—no special dues to Islam. We owe them no religious holidays, special rights or privileges. ... So don't flatter them."
This sort of "scholarly" analysis is ultimately just a cover for militarism and a general anti-muslim agenda, exploiting the lunatic qualities of an organization like ISIL.
Don't be so fist-pumpy. Due to a bizarre quick of genetics, many of the Tiger-people in that area have a condition where they slowly fill with gas, eventually floating off to an aerial demise (I think they mostly get eaten by horrible mutated starlings, but I digress). Anyway, the Expanding Tiger Empire sees this as a very serious issue, and wishes that you wouldn't celebrate it. Thank you.
Would y'all actually get to the recommendation before pessimistically concluding it is cars?
maybe it even is cars, but please at least give things a chance to not be shitty before haughtily dismissing them.
What impresses me most about Sonic Youth is how long they kept at it. Fucking professionals. And good music too, even if the best stuff is front loaded.
There's probably less disagreement here than meets the eye.
I think there's simply no question that "c*nt" is pretty broadly used and accepted (as a general insult) in the UK, whereas here in the US I can't imagine trying to use it (hence the asterisk).
At the same time, fffm is no doubt right that, while referring to someone as any sort of genitalia -- e.g. "prick" or "dick" -- is an insult, the female versions probably come off as worse insults due to the long and continuing history of misogyny.
So I suggest we move forward with "cloaca". Or at the very least, "Berk".
The post title completely exploded my understanding of this song.
I always thought it was "dreadful, sorry Clementine", and I wondered what was so dreadful and sorry about her. The song never seemed to say.
Now I realize the "dreadful" is a modifier on the "sorry", which is an apology/lament.
What a difference a comma makes!
After some swabbing, poking, and DNA sequencing, we found mites on every adult we sampled, including one species new to science that seems to live mainly on people of Asian descent. Think of it: A mite that probably lives on millions of humans, maybe even billions, and yet it was totally unknown until that moment. I was thrilled
That was not my response. BRB, off to wash my face.
I grew up "hating" Dean Smith. His teams were just so good, and he coached them so well that the times our team did beat his team there was an extra jolt of adrenaline in it because we beat the guy who kept luring away great recruits from our state, who kept dominating, whose teams were so strong. I didn't think about who he was as a man, just as this powerful force keeping my team down. He was the Goliath, even when our team wasn't David.
As I got older, and learned more about the man himself, that "hatred" shrank to 4, maybe 6 hours a year. This is a man who was hung in effigy on the campus for the crime of losing to Wake Forest, but still went out in 1960s North Carolina and acted on the principle that all people are created equal and should have equal opportunities and access. He thought you did the right thing because it was the right thing to do. It was hard to not do that, he said. He was pretty remarkable.
Languagehate is obviously the Star Trek mirror-image of Languagehat. He turns up in threads that mention etymology; and grunts, while making stabbing motions with his fingers. If anyone asks why he just rolls his eyes and leaves.
Also, he has a sinister goatee.
Who armed them?
The US did, though we temporarily loaned the weapons to the Iraqi army first.
Then Neil and CH came out and made more, and more interesting, feedback & noise during the solo on their first song (and of course everything thereafter).
I saw Sonic Youth and Neil Young & Crazy Horse in Vancouver for that same tour. I quite liked Sonic Youth, but I can still remember Young and Crazy Horse's performance. Neil Young and Crazy Horse contributed way more to the Seattle Sound of the era than Sonic Youth ever did, I must say.
I feel like you could make a living as a fantasy/sci-fi cover artist just by taking photographs of mites and adding some trees or buildings to the background.
One of my favorite players growing up was Phil Ford running the four corners for the Tar Heels. Then, as I got a little older, I realized it was Dean Smith who pioneered the four corners. Then I went to UVa and watched an inferior team beat Ralph Sampson and the Cavaliers (Wahoos!) by taking the air out of the ball. Well, I hated the four corners after that, but I respected Dean.
More than a great basketball coach with a nasally voice, Coach Smith was a terrific member of the community advocating for those who couldn't themselves, for those who earned it and for basic human rights. Not your typical dumb jock athlete/coach.
I now have family in Chapel Hill. Whenever I go visit, I make a pilgrimage to Carmichael and the Dean Dome.
You were one of the truly good men Dean Edwards Smith. RIP
I'm going to hazard a guess: A lot of it is more along these lines, plus self-driving cars. Now to see if I'm right...
Head-Ass-Mouth: it's a kill shot pattern where you get the perp in the back of his head to put him down, then you shoot him in the ass to humiliate him, then you roll him over and shoot him in the mouth to make sure it's all done.
Pish-posh. Once you watch my training DVDs, you'll be able to do it with one shot, just by tossing the perp into the air, like a disc of pizza dough.
I know a guy who got shot in a mugging, and they didn't charge the shooter with attempted murder. Apparently it is a difficult charge to convict on, perhaps because the element of intent creates an area for reasonable doubt to thrive in. Whereas the things the mugger was charged with, like assault with a deadly weapon, were more objective. That's my 25 year old memory of his paraphrase of what the DA told him, at least.
Yeah, IMHO, attempted murder would not fly here. Attempted murder under depraved indifference would be more like "you yourself literally tossing a hand grenade into an occupied station wagon".
I hate it when I forget where I've parked my car and whether or not I've been in a helicopter hit by a rocket-propelled grenade.
I wish they had brought back the boots he wore on the Moon though, that would have been awesome.
...He might have.
One of my favorite Armstrong stories is something one of my old bosses told about his family attending a party thrown by his in-laws; at the time, there was super-puffy snowboot popular with kids, which was nicknamed "the Moon Boot"; the boss's youngest daughter was three and had a new pair, and kept showing them off to people at the party.
My boss said that one of the people at the party was Neil Armstrong, and sure enough, his daughter walked up to him and proudly crowed, "look at my Moon Boots!" And according to my boss, Neil oohed and aahed over them a bit - then winked at her and said, "I have a pair of moon boots in my closet back home too."
BTW, I'm an insulin-dependent diabetic who knows from ridiculously inflated prescription costs.
"New donation, $1 from F the Police" Oh, gamer audience. I love and hate you at the same time.
Maybe if women would've stayed in the kitchen....they brought violence upon
themselves by stepping out of the kitchen trying to prove themselves to the
world that they exist so as us men do....we put on our big ass Rockey
launcher naval shipyard boots while wearing big white long ass t-shirts and
tell our buddy to hold our beer while we stomp them back into the kitchen
and now go make me a sandwich....bitch.
I don't like music, is that a genetic predisposition as well or am I weird
If this isn't one of the cutest damn things I've ever seen I don't know
what is. +Lance Ratliff - you've gotta see this :)
You can't train raptors! They're the most dangerous animals on the planet,
I know this because I dug up their bones.
wow, he must really like sucking that hollywood dick.....'violence against
women is not okay'....Yah I am sure the people doing it didn't know 'it's
not okay'...WTF?!!
can anyone tell me what porn video they use for the oculus..? for u know..
*cough* sciencetific research into the universe regarding the stars and
planets that may or may not include human life.?
A new Italian flag...dummies inside!
Surely i'm not the only one who think that "zen" people are... awkward
right ?
With the invasive touching and stuff...
everyone seems to think the movie is going to be bad but me. im more
excited for this than any movie this year.
I make short films.
Give me a chance? :)
And this is why I love Conan :-)
0.29 seconds was enough, ok I get it ;)
So it's going to be like the first movie only modern CG. Just hope they
don't use real bones this time, legend has it that the original film crew
were cursed.
i just don't understand how anyone who was on a chopper behind one that
took fire would ever confuse the two. just disgusting behavior, but as
expected from the propaganda network. lowest ratings and still looking for
the floor :))
Okay this is laugh out loud funny I thought it was brilliant! XD
If you only know that song because it was on Pitch Perfect, you're still
too young, just saying. It doesn't count unless you know the original.
I wanna see Nick the Gardener🌳
Anyone got sauce on the redhead???
Oh, but if this was a bunch of women strippers twerking on guys, Feminists
around the world would bitch and moan about "unrealistic standards for
women" but seeing how it's guys there's nothing said about it. What my
point is … holy fucking double standards, and that Feminists are stupid :)
I actually found that genuinely calming.
Ich bin ja sonst kein Fan von irgendwelchen Remakes, aber *DAS* könnte doch
recht lustig sein...
i was here before the millions of views came in B)
"I WANT MOMMY" Lol so adorable
This whole "ohhhmmm" skit reminded me of the Family Guy shits when someone
falls n just hold his knee n keeps saying the same house over and over ave
over and again. Those Family Guy scenes last a little too long in my
opinion and this damn "ohhhmmm" skit with Jeff Bridges lasted WAYYY too
long and want even funny. The Family Guy skit can get away with being a
little too long bc it's friggin Family Guy and it is funny for the first
half of it. Again, that "ohhhmmm" skit wasn't even funny whatsoever.
Happy Friday Googleverse! Maybe this will help get you in a rockin
mood...Will Smith & Jimmy Fallon Beatbox "It Takes Two" Using iPad App:
I know it's kinda of a douchey thing to do but I like the fact that at
least he acknowledges that he dated her. Either way I liked that joke
because I fucking HATE that bitch.
Two-year-old sings a metal version of The Alphabet Song.
via Laughing Squid.
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You should try it, before it's too late =)
Pet the lamb that thinks it's a dog
Homo-Erectus.. I see what you did there science..
God these Youtubers are defending themselfs
I can't really tell, but is some of this math rock? The time signatures of
the instruments at the beginning especially seem unusual.
If these animals could speak they’d probably say “Be together. #NotTheSame.”
For the love of God, Youtubers/teens/elders react to youtube series like
RWBY, VGHS, Red Vs Blue, Sync, etc. especially since just Mounty Oum just
passed away.
It seems likely that these old folks are watching is 180-degree video
that's responsive to your head movements. So you can look around a scene,
but it's not exactly interactive. The people you watch do not respond to
your behavior. It's more like a wraparound movie.
That doesn't make the experience any less intense! Porn movies are crazy
too. The point is that virtual reality and porn are on a collision course.
Pornography production studios are spending an assload to develop the tech
that will be used to make immersive and interactive porn better and better.
This video has it all: The dirty old man, the woman who has seen it all
before, the horny grandpa, the woman who has apparently never seen anything
at all before, and my personal favorite, the all-knowing amateur sex
Just try not to think about your parents/grandparents watching porn. I mean
just look at this:
Thumbs up if you're coincidentally sick when they uploaded this video!
Well shucks, 3rd time posting but, I think ive figured out the persona
naming this time. They are based off the seven deadly sins, superbia,
avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira, acedia. Luxuria, sounds familiar
right? Its the name the cat gets when it changes. I also cauhht a glimpse
of the word Acedia so i hardcored paused and played around that timeframe
and well, you guys can see the image http://imgur.com/1RpF1Jj. Sory if its
LQ, I didnt have good internet connection when i did this. Just take a
Smoking is bad for you Trish... just sayin...
Bands like Deftones, Thrice, Glassjaw, The Contortionist, Mastodon, are
bands that evolved while keeping their artistic integrity. This is a good
pop radio song, it's not a good Incubus song. I think it's the ppl still
acting like Incubus are doing something unique that need to get with the
times. You might want to expand your musical tastes if you think this is
Am I gonna have to choke a bitch?
that bitch is you obama.
I would love to watch you hang you filthy faggot negro.
99 percent of women will come out of the movie theater just as delusional
as this one - just wait and see 😁
Am I the only one that expected Justin Timberlake to come out and they
would do another history of rap.
About 3:30 Bridges started sounding like a large scale nitro powered radio
controlled plane engine didn't he.
Yo wtf, this guy isn't even funny! Any thing he said the Audience would
fucken laugh like retards! Seriously though, that pissed me off
OMG shut the fuck up with this already!
BBC Sport Six Nations Game of Thrones opening sequence:
All animals, including (and especially) farmed animals, are capable of
having fun, enjoying life, suffering, being afraid, being happy, loving and
being loved. Try to see all beings through eyes of love and you may be
inspired to stop eating and wearing them. If you do your mind will then
open to a whole new compassionate worldview and you will experience deep
peace. There is a quote attributed to the Buddha that goes, "All beings
tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. See yourself in
others.Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?"
Man, when that crack appears all I can think of is Ice Age with the
squirrel and the nut.
can you do a video on hair remedies that actually work. They say stuff like
egg can make your hair stronger because of the protien, or coconut oil to
make your hair moisturized. I know, so of theories can come out different
on ppl with hair, with different types of hair. But maybe like the
general/most common ones would be cool.
Hell ya! Gimme a thumbs up!
Bill Clinton here is having a good time.
Goddamn haters! You call yourselves fans of Incubus even when you blatantly
slander their creative direction just because YOU don't like what your
listening too? The truth is, this is what Incubus has produced and it is
something that they are proud to release. Only true fans would give it a
listen and respect that, whether they like it or not, by letting it be and
moving on, without the negativity an unnecessary comments and digs or
playing it on repeat! ;D Have some respect! Especially those that loved
their previous albums!
I am absolutely loving this song and I can't wait to see Incubus at
Soundwave in 13 days!!! 👌💜
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so um. the old man moaning and groping an imaginary lady at like 1:21 - 1:29
is a total weirdo!!! who does that! I feel totally sick to my stomach lmao
Can I just say I don't even watch tv pd. I watch YouTube that's it. I go to
school, go to the gym, come home and watch YouTube. In my opinion the
content on here is more entertaining than tv
Neanderthals were very good with music. Especially rock.
I dare you to watch this video without laughing out smiling 😁
Yay! 6 Nations is back on! And, look, it has a Game of Thrones-style
opening. Geeking out hard right now.
This will be so scary!
Subscribe to my channel if you want guys :)
Conan is the biggest asshole. But he's such a smooth asshole. :D
This guy is so ugly and has zero talent.I dont know why people like this
They tricked me into watching a commercial? You win this day internet...
I thought It Takes Two was a song by Katy Perry 😜
I don't understand this, if Neanderthals are a different species of
Hominin, how can we, Homo Sapiens, interbreed with them, produce fertile
interspecies offspring, and have their genes survive till today?? I thought
the whole point of being a different species is that one can't breed with
another different species to produce fertile offspring (like how tiger &
lioness can interbreed but the resulting tigon would be sterile).
Either Homo Sapiens & Homo Neanderthalensis weren't of different species,
just members with radically different physical expression of a same
species, or interspecies breeding can produce fertile offspring,... or I'm
missing something.
Day 3 of watching the Persona 5 trailer: still keeping a good pace by
watching it at least a thousand times per day
Have people heard of the phrase "doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results" I have two points with this idea. 1. There
are people who keep complaining ever since science for them to come back to
a science sound. They listen to the next new Incubus material and to no
avail do not hear science in the music. That was now 5 albums and 20 years
ago. Coming back and back to see if you finally get your wish is the
definition of insanity. It's just not going to happen. But if you were
discerning music listeners and truly appreciative of the bands purpose as
musicians finding science 20 years later wouldn't be your goal. Incubus was
never going to be science again and again. Incubus is motion and
experimentation and evolution. Where other bands stagnate incubus adapts.
They don't force sound they create new sound. They don't sumbit to their
last sound rather design a new sound. Their dedication and motivating drive
has always been to create original sound album to album and hell even song
to song on each album. They are an intellectual, deeper band than the
average person is willing to have patience for but if you do have the
patience to peel back the layers of this band you see a truly rare bird.
That is the opposite of insanity. And if you will the opposite of falling.
I want to finish with a few songs that are in my view songs that define the
bands mission of purpose and if you don't understand then rather than
complaining about this band or their future direction they just might not
be the band for you. Aqueous transmission, just a phase, rouges, in the
company of Wolves, sick sad little world, monuments and melodies, rebel
girls. The band with the most musical options wins thus incubus wins with
their dynamism. :)
"anastacia got one"
"please let go my keys"
I have loved this band for 15 years and I don't plan on stopping any time
soon. I can't wait for the album, guys.
if you play a viola and tune it without needing anything else do you have
ap? my cousin can do that, but i'm not sure if it's just normal for
musicians because she's been playing the piano for quite a white now (she
was just tuning my sister's viola because she didn't have a tuner).
Ahh the indian,chinese duo you gotta have that in IT
Amazing trailer! But, I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't shed some
light on the whole "folding chair with ball and chain" thing and the "You
are slave. Want emancipation?" quote
I got the chocolate thing ;)
The problem is a robotic mouth, hand and vagina need to work your jimmy in
order to make the simulation complete...OR
We could just go back to actual fucking people...like the good ol' days,
you know...
Before woman became of self righteous self empowered and picky
A#? A#!?!? Don't even mention sharps around me! That's a Bb, and don't you
forget it!
Help me reach 100,000,000 subs by tomorrow thx
I got a vacuum in the ears beacuse of that ommm.. :(
So tired of anyone making a video and becoming an overnight phenom -- it's
really getting old
1. That music always gives me chills.
2. How was Lee Newton not given a part in the Jurassic World spoof?
I thought this one about a HOT couple who saw 50 Shades and did this was
better: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/5520835b34/
i think it rascist to call them black people ,and to say black dont crack
that is very racsits
Aren't raptors supposed to have feathers?
Keep the music replace the lyrics then this will be good song both don't
match well at all I love Incubus but I just can't like this song it's just
awful to me like not enough effort was put into this particular song hope
the rest of the EP will change my mind
hahaha..i thought that was funny ! he's trying his best to get back at
#MagicMikeXXL trailer. You're welcome.
When your acting years are coming to close, always reflect the embodiment
of your best work. Jeff Bridges has been more Jeff Lebowski as of recent.
day one!!! This why i brought my XBOX1.....................waa
wwwwaaaaiittt minute!^*#!
Just bad AGAIN.....Ever since they lost Dirk they've lost their edge and
went all gay artsy shit.....They'll never recapture the first few albums
vibe ever again.....Sad really.....
Když už si myslíte, že vás v počítačích nic nepřekvapí - Raspberry Pi 2
nesmíte vyfotit s bleskem, jinak se resetuje.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with attempts at remaking films. i just
wish instead of remaking classic movies they took movies that were bad and
made good remakes.
Blah blah blah. It was entertaining. I'm not going to knock it because not
enough females had a part. Or the way the characters lived in the house
together. Can't please everyone. Someone is always going to complain or say
something should be this way or that.
I enjoyed it and look forward to the new season.
Pretty hype but the MC is giving off Donte the Demon killer levels of
If I hated a race, I might campaign to flood all of their countries with
MILLIONS of people that are not their race, and tell everyone to “mix in”
until no people of that kind were left.
If anyone objected, I would scream the R-word! at them and get them fired
from their jobs.
If I hated a certain race, I might do that, but I am not doing that.
Anti-Whites are doing it to White people in EVERY and ONLY White countries.
It’s WHITE geNOcide!
Anti-Racist is a codeword for anti-White.
This man has a lot of nerve! Tyler avoid him because he has darkness about
him. He require her to do strange things in the bedroom which she simply
could not agree with! Tyler is good girl! There is also rumor that John
Mayor is associated with a werewolf role-play network that play rough. My
brother tell me.
"I have a bad shoulder" haha!
I'm not trying to be cool, but weed for me very helpful. I was sick and
feeling like death one winter and all these medicines my doctor and mom
made me take just made me feel like shit. When i smoked a few bowls of
medical weed i felt soooo much better! I don't think it cures the flu or
common cold, but it definitely makes you feel like you're not dying. The
downside is if you smoke the weed it wont really cure you, it just makes
the effects of the sickness ware off, but if you take your medicine after
smoking that could work better.
IMMIGRATION = = = = = Just means FEWER White people.
MULTICULTURALISM = Just means FEWER White people.
DIVERSITY = = = = = = Just means FEWER White people.
INTEGRATION = = = = = Just means FEWER White people.
ASSIMILATION = = = = = Just means FEWER White people.
RACE-MIXING = = = = = Just means FEWER White people.
Anti-Racist is a codeword for Anti-White.
its funny now, wait til she starts liking women over men and gets tats and
wearing dark rock stuff haha
Jimmy you've always been a huge inspiration to me, you're doing an
incredible job with the Tonight Show, keep it up :D
How about you properly shield your project. Part of creating your own
electronics means proper engineering of the entire project ie. shielding
the board. All boards generate rf, which means you need to protect them
from outside interference. Even a phone with a plastic case has shielding
material around the sensitive parts of the board. Has nothing to do with a
board being defective.
I wanna see this movie, but I feel like I should see the original jurassic
park 1st, thoughts?
Absolutely love this video. Not just for the animals, but also for the
nostalgia of the animated Robin Hood movie.
Hi there,
I've sent you a private message but if you haven't got it please could you
get back to me at dominic@viralspiralgroup.com and I will give you all the
information you need :)
Hope to hear from you soon!
How you would react to my videos? Check it out if you want :)
were not all these fedora rices just leave youtub alone :(
to keep this away from us so movie makers won't lose money. I'm here to
tell you that 23 hours ago a bunch of new movies got leaked. Avengers age
of ultron, Ted 2 and 50 shades of grey were part of it. I've been trying to
find a site play them all day but haven't had any luck could you guys help
I really want to see them and stand up to our Government aha.
ABC IS KRIEG!!! haha
Quick question how come rugby doesn't have pads and helmets like in
American football (rugby)
Grandissimo spot, peccato per la bandiera italiana sbagliata.
I think it's sick that people should comment negative things on a music
video of a song about loosing someone , just because he's gay doesn't mean
you have to one hate his music and two it shouldn't matter the real people
to be disappointed in are the ones who hate on people for what they like ,
it doesn't matter , it doesn't affect you
Wait, so you not only did another HISHE of a trailer, but you also placed a
trailer of your next HISHE inside this trailer HISHE? :P
But seriously, that was hilarious! xD
If you teach that sheep to heard other sheep, you win life.
Please, no Indiana Jones with Chris Pratt :(
anti-racist is codeword for anti-white
Feminism is the reason there is no CHIVALRY anymore.
MUSLIM, pro immigration, pro white genocide.
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So get one before it's too late! =)
Audi is promoting Fifty Shades of Grey? This is where we find out those are
cock rings in their logo.
Are we gonna have a party full of blondes with a black cat and asian harry
potter for racial diversity?
I'll get Levi and I some pocky and +รt๏г๓ รtгเкє and Death the Kid some too
+Shadow The Kitty Crafter +SmokeFang The Warrior ;)
Not all metal is "angry". Get your poser asses outta here.
I want to preface this opinion with the fact that I love youtube...while i
don't watch every artist or channel, i watch a lot and i really appreciate
the creative freedom youtube allows for. Now for the "however"...I was
very unimpressed by how defensively some of the youtubers on this episode
reacted. It's totally their right to react that way, hence the name
"React". However, I think that that response reveals more insecurity on
their part than wrongdoing on CollegeHumor's. All great things are subject
to satire, so maybe take it in a positive way. Youtube has grown so large
that even improv satirists feel it appropriate to incorporate it into their
material...anyway thanks for a great, thought-provoking episode :)
What about violence and rape against men? Are we ignoring that?
“Anti-racists” SAY they are against White racists, White racism, and White
What they are REALLY against is White culture, White civilization, and
White people.
They SAY they want a world without “hate”, without “racism.”
What they REALLY want is a world without White people.
What they REALLY want is a world without YOU.
What they REALLY want is White geNOcide!
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
that fat lady is not comfortable with her sexuality thats why she reacts
like that.
It's not to late to learn that it's ok, everybody likes it, to lie about it
is ridiculous since everybody feels same.
HAHAHAHA I LOVE HIS HUMOUR. the taylorswift part.
DONNE. ..un film" pieno" di contenuti😂😂😂😂finalmente...donne.. a luglio
tutte al cinema😆😆😆😆
because of these fucking techs now they have raised rents so sky high in
santa clara county that people witt reg jobs and reg pay cant afford to
live here anymore.
So tired of all the remakes. Get an imgination fuckers
HAHAHA Laughed hard when she said "You're so Dominant" :D
This is the future of everything!
Doesn't look that bad
My valentine is gonna be my dog
I read "mental", not "metal". What a let down. Aaaahhh. :(
Whoever did the casting of this show did a superb job.
I hope this one sticks to the strip club and leaves relationship stuff out
it. It's not necessary to have a love interest in every film.
some one please tell that fucking corny sissy clown jimmy fallon to act
like him self and stop trying to be somebody else.yo jimmy fallon foreals
man we all know your fake,your whole persona is fake,you always try to
emulate and copy pitbull's style.and stop with them hand gestures man you
acting as if you had manipulated guns in the past.boi your corny and you
know it.what a fucking clown
I always get sad when I read the comments section.
"What about millions dying in the middle-east"? Huh? Since somebody wisely
chose a positive video like this to mention random (while grave but
unrelated) facts just because they blame President Obama, let's take a
moment to complain about children dying of starvation in Africa, people
living in slums in India, and many such problems around the world that have
absolutely nothing to do with the video itself. I'll never understand how
whining about these problems in a YouTube comment will make any difference.
And then come the smartass internet trolls who feel strong and proud typing
hurtful junk in the comment section calling women names, and to make things
worse - the comments actually getting upvotes. "I am on the internet, I can
do whatever I want to".
This shows where we are heading as a civilization.
>"Should stop violence against women"
>Actively supports muslims.
>Won't do barely anything against ISIS besides tossing firecrackers at them
while they slaughter men, women and children brutally to say the least.
Look! In the White House! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO!
Le Raspberry Pi2 est timide, il reboot quand on le photographie.
Il semble qu'il soit photosensible et réagisse au flash de l'appareil photo.
#raspberrypi2 #flash
Chris Pratt/Starlord sucks, he doesn't know the power of the Darkside of
the Force and Guardians of the Galaxy was shite in my opinion.
"No Running, No Refund" should be a shirt, or make it a poster.
Religious/anti-gay people have every right to judge us gays and express
your opinions, but at the end of the day you are just whining and b*tching
and don't accomplish anything. We are slowly accomplishing our equality and
becoming more confident and outspoken as a group. We can tell this scares
you because it shows.The sad part is that while you are bitter, we are
still gay at the end of the day and it can't be changed.
This guy is a douchebag and the grammys like most abc/cbs/nbc, etc music
shows suck. case closed
Desperately single lol ;)
This isn't as far fetched as it sounds. We have trianed lions, Tigers,
bears, and other predators to A. do tricks, and B. not immediately eat
their trainers. Raptors were pack hunters, and modern pack hunters are
capable of accepting another species as their leader. Humans did it with
wolves after all, that is why we have dogs.
However, trained does not equal DOMESTICATED. A domesticated animal is safe
for almost any human to be around in almost any situation. An elephant can
be trained to go into battle, but they can panic and go wild. In this
state, it is all but impossible to regain control of the elephant even as
it tramples your own army. Lions and Tigers are similar, they panic or "go
wild," and they will attack or kill anyone within reach. So, the Raptors
could accept Chris as their pack leader, and it can be safe for HIM to be
around them, but anyone else is liable to be eaten.
Oh TV. I can't quit you.
Am I the only one here, that's sick and tired of these loser science
channels ruining life with their scientific terminology and bs theories to
"prove" that good things for you is in reality bad things for you??
How does a apple cause cancer?
I can see if the apple is grown in some destroyed and rotting soil for the
fruit that grows from out of it makes it bad, but a regular organic apple
is really good for you.
Please quit using huge words to try to sway people to believe you actually
know what the fuck you're talking about.
All in all, you have to be pretty fucking stupid to believe that organic
fruits or veggies is cancer causing foods.
Sexual deviants and perverts, having no objective evolutionary value to the
human species, and having made marginal, if any at all, contributions of
civilisational importance, simply can not be content with the concession
granted to them by the legal recognition of "civil unions". No, but
instead, they have to make a disgusting travesty and grotesque mockery of
the Christian sacramental rite of heterosexual marriage, under the pretext
of "tolerance" and "love". If this isn't cultural appropriation, then I
don't what is. Ugh, absolutely appalling - them, and all others who
support the sacrilege of God's sacramental rites, and the destroying of
traditional family values.
Hahahah, Lilly is hilarious haha! She is so funny and entertaining, all
because she is being herself :D She was one of the ones to inspire me to
make a video so give my video a chance :)
Freaking love college humor
This Movies Gonna Be Scary AF! Anyway Have You Guys heard about the 10
leaked movies On the news last night? Apparently some hackers released the
movies online if someone finds them let me know! :) Thanks in advance!
Super strange glitch :D
Whenever i get hiccups i guzzle down half a can of fizzy drink and they are
gone :-)
The Heavy Metal version of the Alphabet Song
My dad's pretty tone-deaf, and my mom's a music teacher, but she doesn't
have AP (also known as "perfect pitch"). I have AP, and can produce a song
from memory after hearing it a few times, in the right key. I don't know
anyone else personally with this ability. It may be genetic, but it may not
be inherited normally like other genes. Maybe it's a specific combination
of recessive genes.
Definitely not a Christmas ornament.
People are retarded. You can't just outrun an avalanche like you see in the
That joke about Taylor Swift was so racist. Not cool.
the man who said it was boring and said he seen too much, on some other
next level shit
Совершенно роскошное промо второго сезона Silicon Valley ))
Holy fucking crap. My heart was in my mouth.
Dang. Did I just like an Incubus song? Playlisted!
Everything in the universe is a sound. All matter and energy operates at
frequencies of vibration which then attracts other matter and energy
resonating on similar frequencies. This phenomenon could easily be likened
to humans through the phrase "misery loves company" as two humans vibrating
at the very low and stagnate energy, which is misery, would naturally
attract each other through the universal law of attraction. Thats what
friends are. People we resonate with. Opposite for enemies but not always.
so I guess it's the end of heterosexual videos from Sam Smith
The ending is purely a "did I make it alive?" moment - fascinating.
Pure speculation. As always. This is why I never trust the social media.
Ha Ha! Brian Williams must hold his head in shame for a month.
Lets talk about sex baby lets talk about you and me lets talk all about the
good things and the bads things baby lets talk about sex...
So cute! Lol luv it do more
New life goal... be in a YouTubers React video...
"Oh, I forgot... the helicopter I was riding in wasn't hit by an RPG, it
was the one in front of it"
As if this wasn't bad enough, he's still exaggerating: It was an hour ahead
of you, Brian, not in formation.
I hope the protagonist new weapon is a gun because in P3 & P4 they were all
swords it's about time for the protagonist to get a new weapon and a gun is
a excellent choice.
Is it me, or did they get the colours in the wrong order for Italy, at 0:21
Buon pomeriggio e buon sabato:-):-) Smith - Lay Me Down:
I sincerely hope Brian Williams gets cancer and dies, and I swear to G-d
I'm not joking.
"Subject matter was boring.......... I've seen too much".
YouTubers react to creepypasta 1999
Youtubers React To Bocu No Pico
*Le snowboarder filme les premiers instants d'une avalanche*
Des craquements sourds puis des pans entiers de neige qui se détachent...
des images impressionnantes filmées à l'aide d'un GoPro.
A quoi ressemblent les premiers instants d'une avalanche ? Réponse dans
cette vidéo mise en ligne le 3 février sur YouTube. Les images ont été
prises par une caméra fixée sur le casque d'un snowboarder en hors piste.
Des craquements sourds puis des pans entiers de neige qui se détachent...
le surfeur n'a qu'une poignée de secondes pour s'éloigner. Très court mais
Enjoy the NEW YouTubers React to Every YouTube Video Ever! Today they
discuss the stigmas of making YouTube videos. Very interesting! To help
support all the YouTubers in this episode visit their channels and
I know a lot of metal cats who dig Jesus. It's the people who are negative
across the board who need to reflect. Nice vid. This will get a ton more
hits since being on CBS THIS MORNING. My daughter recently rocked out to
this and loved it, especially the "mommy" ending. Classic. She's now
rocking out to "Xanadu" by Rush.
Brian Williams Pussy Faggot Boy!
I'm assuming you're a troll and not even a very good one at that. Speaking
as someone who's actually doing a PhD in Computer Science, all through my
bachelors and masters degrees women were essentially non-existent. Any
given class always had less than 5% women. As soon as you moved to the
social sciences, those classes were about 60% female. People in Computer
Science tend to be less in shape and less concerned with their appearance.
None of this is a stereotype, it's observation-based evidence and accurate
for many, but not all, people in the field.
where can I buy this? Research reasons
So everyone was out of mana?
Magic Mike XXL - Official Teaser Trailer ...07/01/15 😘💋😍💯
Why is the characters and area giving off a Catherine vibe. Could this be a
prequel or set in the sane universe? OH GOD I CAN'T CONTAIN THAT IDEA
Youtubers react to yourchonny !!!
You guys need to have at least one of your groups react to ghost and
turntable turn about by the mystery skulls
nothing but horrible movies coming out = horrible hishe :(
This one needs no introduction. If you don't get it, you just don't get
why is this kid's cartoon on the popular page?
looks so emo
Conan-"STAHP TOUCHING MEH!" haha that omming dude is such a homo
A world where violence isn't tolerated as you send men and women into war
Let's get to the truth. Brian Williams LIED period. Guess what will
happen to him now? Same thing that happened to the guy that said, "If you
like your plan you can keep your plan. Period"
Very cute: )
lindsey stirling is a not very cool person. kind of insecure. it was a joke
parody video jeez
Or a bouquet of bacon
Easy mistake, to be frank. This one time I gave birth to a beautiful son,
but in recent years I have come to understand that it was actually my wife
who gave birth to him, and I was just watching.
When you're that close to something happening, it's easy to believe that
it's actually happening to you. Cut the guy some slack.
I want to ride one of those duck things.
That was Lindsey Sterlings violin playing
Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if multiple Hominins became
the dominant species' on earth. But then I remember we can't even seem to
cope with different genders and skin tones without being prejudice and
discriminatory... :(
Porn is wrong, it will destroy your health.
My english especially at listening is not really good. Could you +SciShow put
subtitle? Because you speak sounds annoying and very fast.
All the signs of an avalanche were there at the beginning of the film, the
slope, the angle, signs of fresh snow build up based on the ridge on the
left end of the screen, perhaps a sign or two of avalanches fallen in the
distance. The snow is also untouched, so most probably the board and weight
activated the weaskest points. Looking at size of the avalanche and the
slope at the beginning of the video, this snowboarder was very lucky. Angel
on his shoulder.
Will Smith et Jimmy Fallon #beatbox #rap et un public en délire terrible !
Did anyone else find it hilarious that Jack was wearing the exact same
shirt as the guy in the clip?
I am a heterosexual guy. Should I watch Magic Mike?
That violin piece seems familiar, anyone know who's playing it? Cheers!
1) Fifty Shades of Grey
2) Magic Mike XXL
Woman have their fair share of movies this year
Is he gay? (I really am just curious, this is my first time looking him up
or even listening to his music)
This show perpetuates the myth that male intellectuals do not have smoking
hot girl friends and live alone or with a bunch of other male roommates. I
for one find these stereotypes insulting and I think HBO owes reddit a big
Travis Peregrine
3x gilded redditor, stage 2 atheist, mod of /atheism
Another video that could've been fit into 30 seconds lol
Jeff Bridges would fit so well into my family. He looks like my uncle and
laughs like my grandma.
ペルソナ5 PV1
What about the innocent people being tortured and killed in the
middle-east? What about our borders? What about CERN? What about our
collapsing economy and dead bankers? What about our right being taken away
by police states? What about the New World Order that you want established
to control all the people along with depopulation plans?
You gonna raise awareness for them too? Or is that going to be kept hush
POS muslim president
Is it just me or does anyone else hope (and I could probably check IMDb)
that Chris Pratt's character is the little boy from the first Jurassic Park
movie all grown up? Well at least I think that would be a cool tie in.
1:35 Wow! Neat trick ;)
Menaje... Menaje.. uhmm? uhmm? ajajajajaja
Why are people taking that taylor joke so seriously smh. He's literally
just stating a fact, she does do all she can to avoid him and he doesn't
deserve it considering SHE'S the one who wrote some shitty song about him
and even titled it 'Dear John' now THAT is WAY more douchy than what he
said. He's the one that feels awkward when she avoids him and he's just
doing what a lot of humans do when they feel awkward, make a joke out of it
Lol what is this over produced mess of a song? Also what is with the melody
of the vocals?? Cmonnnn for once id love to hear a new incubus track and be
like "oh damn" Beeeeen a long long time
When we have: Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for
EVERYBODY, what do we have over periods of time?
We have fewer and fewer White children.
When we mix more and more non-Whites with fewer and fewer Whites in the
same living space?
In time, White extinction. Its genocide because this doesn’t happen by
chance. It is being forced upon Whites just like a rapist does not take no
for an answer.
How is this not White geNOcide?
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
How is Lee NOT in this??
Oh he wants to be a dog but he's not but he also is
From what it looks like social links aren't their or they are called
cooperations which might mean negative stuff might give you power or it
might just be how you are with your team...
Awww... Lovely video! 🐾🐾🐾
Why is it that EVERY White country is forced to be
Why is it that EVERY White country is told to end its own race/culture?
No one asks that of ANY non-White country.
Immigration/assimilation is FORCED upon ONLY White countries.
Anti-Whites call themselves “anti-racists” but their actions lead to the
elimination of only one race, the White race.
The purpose of “anti-racism” is to genocide White children.
Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
Dude you can't just act like the black dogs and think you're one of them
thats racist motherfucker
Whatever you do stop reading this comment right now. I'm warning you don't
go any further.
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKILENTON
I warned you.
Thank you Obama!!! I am glad this issue has been brought up by you and I
hope that people begin to open their eyes and love their fellow human. And
for men who are upset he only mentioned women, this message goes for not
just women, but men too! I'm sure the statistics for men being raped are a
little skewed because sexism and gender roles have men believing that if
they claim rape, they're being weak and "unmanly". But I for one, along
with many others who truly believe in the equality of the sexes, know that
rape is rape and violence is violence no matter who you are! Here's to a
world where we stop judging one another based on appearance and more for
personality. If you see someone making a joke about rape, please let them
know that it is NOT funny. Jokes like these make rapists think that what
they're doing is normal and taken lightly. If you see something wrong, try
to fix it! Don't just skip over problems hoping silently to yourself that
they'll get better or that someone else will handle it. Change starts with
you! Embrace it and face it. :)
People who can't create are usually the biggest whiners. They can listen
and criticize all day like it is their job, but could never actually get a
job in a field that had them use any semblance of creativity. Provoking
them always makes things worse because their general negative attitude just
snowballs into attacks instead of a level of human interaction comfortable
enough to call "Human". So enjoy they song, I enjoyed it, but my favorite
is still their old S.C.I.E.N.C.E. album back in the day. I am glad Incubus
is back though, been a long time.
It really is not "ON US" regarding rape.
Rather, it is "ON THEM". What I mean by that is my hot sexy cum is all
over the stupid bitches face, tits and ass.
Shame on you WHORES for looking so hot ans ASKING FOR IT!!!
I am a nice man.
Looks like old Bill is still having sexual relations with women.
Love the message of this song. *Do you wanna see incredible talents?*
If yes you HAVE TO watch --- > +Joanna and Alexandra 's videos. You are
gonna be a huge fan from the first seconds Seriously i havent seen
anything like it. HINT : *they sing amazing,dance and play more than 15
musical instruments* .! wow! #futurestars #hugefan
Awesome new song by Incubus!
Metal Alphabet: http://youtu.be/zBvhTA9asug
I would buy Will Smith's new album.
I'm really surprised this show got a second season. First one was mediocre
at best. I kept expecting Judge gold, and it never came.
Im straight but I would go gay for Sam if he sings me a song before bed lol
*Le snowboarder filme les premiers instants d'une avalanche*
Des craquements sourds puis des pans entiers de neige qui se détachent...
des images impressionnantes filmées à l'aide d'un GoPro.
A quoi ressemblent les premiers instants d'une avalanche ? Réponse dans
cette vidéo mise en ligne le 3 février sur YouTube. Les images ont été
prises par une caméra fixée sur le casque d'un snowboarder en hors piste.
Des craquements sourds puis des pans entiers de neige qui se détachent...
le surfeur n'a qu'une poignée de secondes pour s'éloigner. Très court mais
I remember when he said he never thought he would be 23 on the verge of
spontaneous combustion. I was a teenager and thought wow 23 is old. Now im
30 and i want to be 23 on the verge of spontaneous combustion....woe is me
Lee should of been a dinosaur in this video!!!
Yeah, yeah, it's cute. Android for the win.
Just ask Bill Cosby. He probably raped half of them. (and that's only half
Seriously, BRAVO President Obama!!! And most of the pathetic deniers on
this thread are just poor, victimized white male sexists. Actual studies
of rape have consistently found 90-94% of rape reports are TRUE. Date rape
is rampant on most college campuses and also among other American women
ages18-24. Date rape is very difficult to prove and often not reported.
love will smith
Upon closer inspection you notice that the new velvet room is a jail cell,
with the twins being wardens or something of the sort, and of coarse you
see Igor. My prediction is that something may have happened that brought
the main character, which I'll call "Potter" for now, that made everything
go bad and maybe is the cause for the shadows...
So he is the first that goes against fate and destiny and reality. So
Potter was called upon the velvet room to imprisoned from the rest of the
world for causing chaos. But maybe he makes a deal with Igor and gambles
his life out, but at a cost. He must become a shadow or earn personas to
get super human strength and fight other shadows for his freedom and to
redeem himself for the destruction he has caused........
Look at 1:58 it just proves my theory
Maybe that's why the trailers have been saying
"Want Emancipation"
because it's Igor striking a deal with you.......
Then again it's just a theory so don't take my word for it :P
Half of you probably didn't even see the first one. While it did obviously
spend time focusing on the stripping scenes, it actually showed the perils
of being a male stripper, such as not being taken seriously or not being
able to have a relationship. Furthermore, it also showed how easy it is for
drugs and ego to ruin your life in that environment. Disapointed the
trailer didn't show any real substance, much like the first trailer did.
Hopefuly this new film will have more layers than just dancing and
Damn trailer had me throwing money at my screen......I need some air!!!
Brian has always been a good man, he helped me change my diaper one time!
I'm allergic to "remake"s, but this doesn't look that bad.
Is it just me or do modern Hollywood trailers suck ass? They're all the
same! Bunch of action shots thrown together with no coherent path, and then
someone saying something like "if we don't do this now, it'll be too late"
or whatever the fuck this dude said, and then some stupid ass throwback to
the original.
HA HA HA..... NO.
This is just stupid.
So talented
Will Smith & Jimmy Fallon Beatbox "It Takes Two"
I hate those people who kept on saying "This movie is gonna suck!" as if
they had seen the whole movie, where they have only seen 5% of the movie
from its trailer.
Watch the video called '' the true story of pou (a social experiment) ''
you'll be shocked
LOL I love older people. I must make a confession. I taught my 80yo
grand-pa how to look up porn on the internet, he called me an hour later
and told me that stuff was gross...I got another call about 20 min later
from grammy to let me know she was telling my mother that I taught her
father how to look up porn, my adorable grand-father totally threw me under
the bus when grammy busted him.
With all the movies featuring Chris coming out, I just think the market
will be overPratturated...
We all know steve is gonna hate on it, even it does end up being a great
movie. Steve is gonna hate it.
It's so funny how all the Vlogers reacting are saying there is more to it
than that. But if you look at their channels it is full of what the video
pointed out.
As soon as I saw that they trained raptors in the trailer I just couldn't
take it seriously. The other movies portrayed them as highly intelligent
predators not pets. It just doesn't feel right. Although the end of the
third movie with them giving the eggs back kind of set up a more docile
side to them.
Chris Pratt should ditch the motorcycle and ride around on raptors with a
saddle like a real man does.
In the words of Elsa, let it go. It was six years ago when all that
happened. Besides, I'd avoid his ass too if I were her. He's creepy,
immature, and stuck on himself.
This is brilliant, MORE
Why does he think he's so cool? Just keep it up - she will have more
material for another song!
0:21 False dichotomy. Musical aptitude, like all aptitudes, is partially
0:32 It's childish to say music "may be in our DNA" and does nothing to
further the viewer's scientific understanding of the subject. You guys are
better than this. We watch this channel to hear science. Not vague
platitudes. How about use the word "heritable" at least once?
0:40 Familial clustering is *not* evidence for heritability. It's a good
place to look for things which might be tested and found heritable. But
it's also banal to say some families are more musical. We all know this
from common experience.
1:38 Relationship between musical aptitude and familial clustering ... of
what trait?
1:41 How could heritability as determined by identical/fraternal twin
comparison possibly be environmental? The quantity is genetic by
00:18 ...that moment when you dont know if run or stay quiet...
Почему то российские рэпперы вспомнились...
New Zealand are Dothtraki.
I like how they got the order of colour for Italy's flag wrong...
U can tell that Sam love Jesus if he is gay he's gay ugh I don't like that
but it his choice to be Gay or naw so Sam is a man and u want to be gay I
say follow your dreams everyone
And u guys follow your dream and I hope I made your day your beautiful just
the way u are and don't bully u guys are all so pretty in every way i love
u guys all even tho I don't know u guys but i love everyone with my own
heart . Don't change your life keep it the way u like it Jesus love each of
u and can't u believe that he knows all of u yes Jesus dose it so cool but
guys all im saying is love Jesus and pray bc u never know when the day for
lord to come be prepared love u all :) ☺️
This issue with on-board LEDs. All leds light when voltage is applied, and
also can generate voltage when you make spot light directly to LED.
So if light source too powerfull LED works as short circuit. It's known
Actually it is not a big deal.
This whole thing was great but I actually busted out laughing when the
pterosaurs attacked and Will said "no running.." XD
Since our "musicality" is completely arbitrary, I don't really think
genetics have much to do about it. Enviorment is much, much more important.
Say, if you never listen to or play any music at all untill you're 20, you
will be pretty tone deaf. Whereas if you train from a very young age
(preferably at a piano) you can get perfect pitch. Being a musician I know
quite a few people with perfect pitch, and they've all played piano from a
very young age. A testament to this is how people from different cultures
have different kinds of pitch, depending on the kind of temperement used in
those places. I even know one guy who had to spend several years correcting
his pitch, because growing up he had a piano that was way out of key.
So in conclusion; I think musicality is purely about practice. Sure there
are some people who will never understand notes and pitch, but the vast
majority will with a little practice, especially if they've grown up
listening to music.
I literally JUST listened to that song before watching this!! 0-0
So adorable :)
I'm amazed at how surprised people are that there were "other species" of
homo apes... and NO, they did not go extinct. They had sexy time with homo
sapiens sapiens (us), and as a result mixed with us. Neither the original
homo sapiens species nor any of these other hominids survived... we mixed
so much we became something new: homo sapiens sapiens.
They had to remake the old film?? REALLY?? is Hollywood running out of
ideas for movies?
Wales would definitely be House Targaryen. The crown was violently taken
from us by the brutal yet alcoholic House Baratheon that is Ireland, but
the Dragon is seeking revenge...
England is obviously House Lannister, because no one else likes them, but
they think they're better than everyone else. Although Phil Vickery/Tyrion
is more likeable - talks a lot though...
France are House Stark because they were once dominant and respected but
have since been decimated... Although there is some young talent in that
team ready to take the world by force again....
Scotland are Castle Black. Stuck up north, relatively weak but resilient
and perhaps a growing force to be reckoned with under their new Commander.
Italy are... um.... basically Ser Dontos.
Ah, so it's CLEARLY my genes fault that I could never master Mary had a
little Lamb as a child. Thanks for making me feel better SciShow!
What was the name of the tune in the background ?
" Be together. Not the same."
Android: Friends Furever: http://youtu.be/vnVuqfXohxc
For anyone wanting to know the music used it's Crystallize - Lindsey
Stirling (Dubstep Violin Original Song)
Rest? When I was sick and had a 41 degrees temperature about 2 years ago I
just went running in the cold. The cold air lowered my body temperature,
blood pressure calmed my headache and I was as good as new. But I remember
before that that when I used to rest when I was sick, I'd get worse.
If you haven't already, could you do a video on you explaining....science?
Commercials like these are what we need
Oh #sixnations how you made my heart soar and then crushed me under the
weight of disappointment as the second half slipped away from Wales' hands.
The land of dragons and daemons can still claim the throne. England had a
strong and dominant second half, but it is a long seven weeks and it is not
yet even foreseen who shall be victorious, although my heart is forever
with the land of my fathers.
Seen via +Jo Lane via +David Mills
I hope you teach your daughter not to be a fundie christian, we dont need
more of those I say!
Hi my friend, what is that song? :)
Nope. This looks horrible, sorry xD They basically told us the whole story
in the trailer, too many revealing jumpscares (that are not even that
scary), and some of the scenes are just plain funny xD Im all for "give
remake movies a chance" but this one is a fail :D They are trying too hard
to scare us. Less is more.
I bet that iPad app just became a lot more popular.
alcohol boosts the immune system? awesome I always assumed it was a
hindrance. Time for some hard cider.
Yeah, just like I expected. It looks like shit. Boring generic character
designs, story and style just looks like a graphically improved Persona 4,
again terrible character designs and yeah, Persona 4.5.
Persona 3 while being very different from any other SMT game managed to
have a really good story, it was hold back thanks to a lot of terrible
characters but there were some decent ones too, like Akihiko, Ken and
Shinjiro. Persona 4 threw that all out the window and just became a weeaboo
simulation. I don't care what anyone says, but Persona 3, 4 and 5 does not
deserve this much attention. Give it to the real SMT games like Nocturne,
Digital Devil Saga, IV etc.
if you're reading this I hope you having an amazing day! don't be afraid to
be yourself no matter what anyone else thinks! don't stress to much and
listen to Sam Smith!
We got ducks, we got eaters...
Homosexual propaganda. Stay away from our children, please.
0:56 Those are Ben Wa balls.
Can Jeff Bridges just be on every night on Conan?
Is your book available on audible.com?
You people realize Catherine was basically a tech demo for this engine
Hey guys, I think that everyone has the right to like and the right to
dislike the new song.
As well the right to think that the old incubus kicks modern incubus ass.
Going ever further than that, you even have the right to think that anyone
that like "this pop incubus stuff" is a knob head.
But that would make you some kind of an ass..
But if you think that in any way you're superior to someone just because of
your musical taste, well I got some news from you, you're not.
Just realize that you have all the right to think that something is good or
not, and debating it is not a problem at all, but the sooner you realize
one simple thing as: "people have a different taste than I do and I can
live with that" I guarantee that most of the butt hurt around here would
just sound dumb.
Why do you think the lamb thinks it's a dog? Just because it's a minority?
What if you had 1 dog and 3 lambs, and the dog played with the lambs? Would
you think the dog thinks it's a lamb?
guys, Italian flag is wrong...I'm sorry, nice idea but huge mistake (it's
not a little detail, national flags are important)!!:-(
"No refunds" -William Haynes 2015
Why can't all garlic be kung fu garlic?
Chris Brown should make a song!
oh wait...
You didn't make a mistake Mr. Williams. You lied. Much like those liars the
Clintons. Bill lied to a federal grand jury. Hillary told the world that
she had to dodge sniper fire. She also had the nerve to claim that she was
named after Sir Edmund Hillary.
Happy #TGIF ! Here's something for all you Game of Thrones fans :)
.....And before you eat that healthy Apple, make sure you wash off the
carcinogens/cancer causing chemicals that they spray on the apples with
some nice toxic-irritant fluoride water...YAY. Kinda counter-intuitive,
don't you think?
This mother fucker can go to hell. Fuck his apology. Like people are
saying, you apologized ONLY because you were caught. You thought you could
get sympathy points? WRONG-O! We don't take kindly to people telling
bullshit stories especially when it comes to serving in the military OR/AND
fabricating combat situations. What REALLY pisses me off is when they say
"I was doing it to show respect and thank those who serve(d). RIGHT. How
in ANY fucking way is this thanking us? Oh I was in a helicopter that was
hit by a RPG. I'm saying that because I thank you guys and gals for
serving. Fuck you cunt.
Don't trust this guy, hope he stays away from our country.
Don't worry I'm sure this is the first and only lie to come out of NBC
Nightly Lies i mean News.
Loved the first season (but Im still curious how actual Silcon Valleyists
see it - the only one I know hasn't watched the show yet).
Middleditch and Miller were especially great in S1, and this trailer for S2
looks promising.
Porn is the reason why women dont get respect
So disappointed with this.
Sounds like shit. Feels like they don't even know what they should sound
like any more. I think Brandon has lost his interest in Incubus type
He's try to fit a square peg into a round hole and this is what we get.
Their last CD was absolutely horrid and this song is pretty much the same.
A random mishmash of music set to uninspiring lyrics.
Listen to a song like Redefine and you'll know why I lovED Incubus. This
pop shit is not incubus. It's made for soccer moms and easy listening.
They need to change the name of the band if this is the kind of crap they
plan on making forever
Guys I heard that a lot of new movies have been released. I've been
searching all day for a website playing them but haven't had any luck. Does
anybody know of a good website playing new leaked movies? I heard Avengers
2, Ted 2 were part of the list of movies that got out that's why I'm
searching so hard! Could somebody help a brother out lord bless you.
Que grande!!!
My boyfriend is IMPOSSIBLE to get candy for! Chocolate makes him
I don't know what brought me here. I don't listen to this kind of music at
But this song is truly beautiful. It's important to recognize all kinds of
You can hear in his voice that what he is expressing is a true form of love.
This is not a choice someone makes, only a feeling they have. Love is love.
If you guys like movie trailers, I make live-action movie trailers on my
channel for video games. People seem to be really enjoying it so I was
hoping that some people here may enjoy it as well :)
What's amazing is the shitty music is shitty
great video...funny as hell.
How can there be 8 remedies that work if there are only 7 million people!?
Whoops! I forgot that I wasnt in the aircraft that exploded from RPG
fire... I was in the aircraft behind it. Again, whoopsie!
NBC’s Brian Williams Addresses Iraq RPG Helicopte…:
What if you had the Oculus Rift on watching porn while having sex?
I don't get all the hate. Nu-metal fan boys stuck on the nostalgia train,
perhaps? Time to grow with the band, me thinks. Too much bitching without
any constructive feedback. There's a lot of love that's gone into this
track and it's polished to shine. I actually think these guys have been
trying to find their sound for a while and this is getting real close to
where they ought to be. The vocals fit the bill as it just stacks up. Well
done guys. I feel it from start to finish.
I feel gross after hearing him give these speeches/lines/jokes. I find
myself wishing someone else was hosting. *shudder*
licensing / permission to use?
What are you gonna sue someone if they pirate your tiny grainy video of
your pet?
LOL, I wish the internet had a SLAP function.
taylor avoids him because she can't face him after she wrote a fucking song
about him "dear john". she's such a coward.
Imagine this... a flaming liberal guilted into telling the truth for a
change! Or is it only because the troops he was with kept calling him out
on his BLATANT LIE... well then he isn't being truthful now is he...
blaming a faulty memory. This sounds like how insurance fraud operates...
"well... uhhhh.... I was in the car that got hit (when he was in the car
behind the car that got hit). Liberals are big liars... it's a mental
disease... and they act funny when they get caught.
Iphone still better
Interferon sounds like a robot that always gets in your way.
Tritt das Phänomen auch bei anderen Modellen/Versionen des RPi auf?
2:23 "I've seen too much" cue thug life music
The album will be great ;)
Listen to our songs and subscribe to the channel guys if you want :)
Why were they fighting Sandmen? Monsters and personas have never overlapped
like that unless it was an enemy with a persona. Well, I haven't played 1
or 2 so maybe it was thing that they ditched in 3 and 4 and are bringing
back. It's most likely they are just placeholding, but who knows.
Girl u make my day, sometimes I go back and watch your videos because they
are just so funny, you were the first youtuber i subscribed to. Please
don't stop making videos and please for real don't stop being the sunshine
to my cloudy day.
Loved this one.
Looks like Catherine meets Persona, yup, now i'm getting this,
what the fuck is this stupid shit and why is it the most watched video on
youtube today
So left-wingers lie. John Kerry lied about his "heroics" in Vietnam.
Only thing that is shocking is that anybody watches these serial liars at
night anyway.
POLTERGEIST Trailer #1 (2015) Sam Rockwell Horror Movie HD:
A me non sembra una buona idea rifare questo film..
Forse molti non lo sanno, oppure lo hanno dimenticato ma.. Quando vollero
realizzare la 3°parte di questo film negli anni 80,
Tutti i membri della truppe cominciarono ad ammalarsi. Compresa la piccola
protagonista che allora aveva 9/10 anni, si ammalò gravemente di una
malattia misteriosa... Che la uccise...
Please do a YouTubers React To 5 Seconds of Summer
Why did they remove composite video connector? It was the only reason I
bought model B.
I wonder what they come up with if they came across Andre the Giants
This made my birthday, I absolutely love it!!! :)
He should apply for a job as Hillary Clinton's Press Secretary.
Do you think Dino Hat Dude was on Tinder? Yeah, he was definitely on
Too bad your new bae just got snatched up and eaten, Dino Hat Dude. TOO.
A mistake in recalling events? In the real world we call that a lie Mr.
Williams. You lied and you got caught in it. But like most stories the
liberal media put out every night it was just that, a story, not true and
made up. You should be made to resign because if you are willing to lie
about this, what else are you willing to fabricate for your own image and
THIS WAS POSTED ON MY BIRTHDAY! I love you superwoman, so glad i could
watch this on my special day
Doesnt it seem like those transparent automobiles would get dirty super
fast.. like as soon as they roll over a dino terd...done!
Music isn't in my DNA.
I couldn't give a rats ass about any music.
If I ever listen to a song it's purely because some of the lyrics make me
laugh. Weird Al songs being some notable examples.
Hey I have the most amazing Q ever
OK you know how the earth spins right. Well if you're in a helicopter and
you hover straight up in the air about 20 feet high for about 3 hours will
the earth spin below you and you end up in a different position when you
If not
Then how high must you hover in order for this to work?
Well i guess there's 4 differences type of audience will be watching this
1. Homo
2. Metrosexual guy
3. Girls / horny girls
4. MILF / widow
5. a Guy forced by his girlfriends
just ate a thc gummie 40 mins ago and the beginning high just started
kicking in and this kinda made my brain space out for a little while
Brings me back to highschool
I have absolute pitch :D a.k.a perfect pitch, which is what I typically
refer to it as. Just saying, I would have said Bb instead of A#, but
they're the same note anyway. I was a little confused for a second lol.
Awwwwww Mitch is sick, HAHA you can hear it. FEEL BETTER BABE<3
*Einstein won the Nobel Prize for his paper on the Photoelectric Effect*
...which seems to be what is causing this bug in the Raspberry Pi 2
microcomputer. A flash of light is a wave of photons which can wash away
free electrons from metals, creating a small voltage spike that can disrupt
the functioning of sensitive electronic circuits. I have read that the
circuit being disrupted is in the voltage regulator.
Why didnt he scream AVALANCHE
ignorants(i mean you people) yes you, finaly a good video from ASAP and you
simply have to "debunk" it, yes because half of you are nobel prize winning
rather than eating antibiotics that destroy your imune system, and all good
bacterial cultures in ur body, you should try some natural ways to heal a
common cold, or mild flu and it actualy works.....you know why these
studies are so mismatched? because everyone has a diffrent imune system,
and it doesn´t matter what you do, it´s still your imune system that heals
you, wheather you take antibiotics or remedies....have you ever seen a dog
with flu, or cold? or to be sick from something other than foodpoisoninng
despite they sit all they outside even in -20C temperatures like my dogs? i
haven´t, and you know why? because they can produce vit. C like everyother
animal in the world, it´s funny that just humans can´t produce their own
vit. C and have to get it from food, it could be the reason why people are
sick all the time, cuz vit. C is the main fuel for the imune system, and
when you have a proper imune system, you don´t even get sick.....but don´t
believe me, i´m no scientist like you others.....just take your
anti-biotics for every bullshit reason and end up destroying your gut
microflora like my friend did, i don´t have to go into details but it´s
bad, realy bad., i´ve had a mild case of that, i couldn´t eat without
extreem stomach cramps and diareaha, every meal was painfull to digest, i
was underweight and sick all the time, my doctor described me antibiotics
for every bullshit reason and i as a good sheep took them, then when i
changed my Doc. he told me that cuz of the antibiotics i damaged my gut
microflora and imune system and have to imediately put off and use
probiotics.....now i´m healthier than ever before, and i haven´t used
antibiotics more than 4 years, i gained weight, can eat anything without
any problems whatsoever and the tests i was at showed that my imune system
is much much stronger than it was before, and i´m only using natural
remedies, but don´t believe me, just be ignorant and stay the way you are
if it´s best for you...
Amazing video, thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, there is already some
freebooting goin on facebook:
Thumbs up if you could tell I was sick in this video!
un agneau élevé avec des chiens border
Meet Pet. She’s an orphaned lamb who has been brought up with 4 Border
Collies: Dice, Fly, Jess and Megan. As a result, Pet thinks she’s a dog.
Her owner says, “She thinks the oldest dog Dice is her mother! Sleeping in
the same basket and following her everywhere from a very young age!”
I love how Pet springs around and follows her pack!
Fine Fans are the best subscribers EVER!!! Thanks for watching our shows
every single week! NEW Vids Sun, Thurs & Sat! Subscribe:
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Over 300 episodes of REACT! Click to watch! http://goo.gl/4iDVa
MAN I WISH THIS WAS ON +Netflix!!! And man I wish I could be on this show
too! I would so fit! :)
Magic Mike truly represents the hard working men of America
Regardez cette vidéo sur YouTube :
Who thought this was a good idea? They spoil the clown part, who the ghosts
are, and overuse jump-scares? In other words, NO MYSTERY, SUSPENSE OR
This remake is going to suck ASS!
youtubers react to holasoygermain pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee X(
*Will Smith & **+Jimmy Fallon** Beatbox in **+The Tonight Show Starring
Jimmy Fallon*
Adoro a este chico... sam smith!! ♡♥♡
Lay Me Down
Yes, I do, I believe
That one day I will be where I was
Right there, right next to you
And it's hard, the days just seem so dark
The moon, the stars are nothing without you
Your touch, your skin,
Where do I begin?
No words can explain the way I’m missing you
Deny this emptiness, this hole that I’m inside
These tears, they tell their own story
You told me not to cry when you were gone
But the feeling’s overwhelming, they're much too strong
Can I lay by your side, next to you, you
And make sure you’re alright?
I’ll take care of you,
And I don’t want to be here if I can’t be with you tonight
I’m reaching out to you
Can you hear my call? (who's to say you won't hear me?)
This hurt that I’ve been through
I’m missing you, missing you like crazy
You told me not to cry when you were gone
But the feeling’s overwhelming, they're much too strong
Can I lay by your side, next to you, you
And make sure you’re alright?
I’ll take care of you
And I don’t wanna be here if I can’t be with you tonight
Lay me down tonight, lay me by your side
Lay me down tonight, lay me by your side
Can I lay by your side, next to you, you
And make sure you’re alright?
I’ll take care of you
And I don’t wanna be here if I can’t be with you tonight
Sí, lo hago, creo
Que un día estaré donde estaba
Justo ahí, a tu lado
Y es difícil, los días parecen tan oscuros
La luna, las estrellas no son nada sin ti
Tu toque, tu piel
¿Por dónde empiezo?
No hay palabras para explicar la manera en la que te extraño
Niego este vacío, este agujero en el que estoy dentro
Estas lágrimas, cuentan su propia historia
Me dijiste que no llore cuando te fuiste
Pero el sentimiento es abrumador, es mucho más fuerte
¿Puedo recostarme a tu lado, a tu lado?
¿Y asegurarme que estás bien?
Cuidaré de ti
Y no quiero estar aquí si no puedo estar contigo esta noche
Estoy llegando a ti
¿Puedes escuchar mi llamada? (¿quién puede decir que no me oyes?)
Este dolor por el que he pasado
Te extraño, te extraño como loco
Me dijiste que no llore cuando te fuiste
Pero el sentimiento es abrumador, es mucho más fuerte
¿Puedo recostarme a tu lado, a tu lado?
¿Y asegurarme que estás bien?
Cuidaré de ti
Y no quiero estar aquí si no puedo estar contigo esta noche
Recuéstame esta noche, recuéstame a tu lado
Recuéstame esta noche, recuéstame a tu lado
¿Puedo recostarme a tu lado, a tu lado?
¿Y asegurarme que estás bien?
Cuidaré de ti
Y no quiero estar aquí si no puedo estar contigo esta noche
abcdefghikjlmnopqrstvuwxyz There. not that hard.
Check Mate.
Why can't I watch vertical videos vertically on the mobile youtube app?
This is ridiculous
The Italian flag is wrong. What a shame, to what extent people who made
that can be so ignorant?!
wtf is lia saying thats all her content is bye
He looks like Seth Meyers.
Ops ....
Raspberry Pi 2 - Photoflash Glitch: http://youtu.be/wyptwlzRqaI
This reminds me of the time I came under heavy sniper fire while in some
foreign country, you know, one of those ones where the women have no rights
and everyone is surrounded by dust?
It would be cool if you started a separate channel on video game endings!
Why is everyone so against raptor training? Who can say that it's illogical
if no one has ever even seen a real raptor?
This video is sick
Help me reach 100,000,000 subs by tomorrow thx
I like the song, it's very touching but the video!...come on people!
telling others that being gay is something right in the name of the
because this is not love...love is pure...and if being gay is ok then why
god didn't create us just men or just women...I mean even the gay lovers,
there has to be who will be the man and who will be the woman just like
Ellen (she always dressed like man) and her wife(if you know what I
mean)...please don't ruin the normal nature of love, marriage.
I really feel sorry for those who are gay because their sick mind...they
have the wrong idea of what is the real love. here is another example:
there's - and +, right? - & - can't be together and also the +&+ ..but -&+
they connect with each other...
and so the women and men...
it's even disgusting to just thinking that man with another man (woman
with another woman) are getting married.
** you gay people need therapist
P.S>> sorry if there's any mistakes in my writing, English isn't my first
For those of you who keep asking the red headed woman's name is Lezzie
Velasquez ;)
Did PETA file a complaint because imaginary Raptors were eaten by an
imaginary bigger dinosaur in the production of this video? I would assume
they were because there was no mention of imaginary characters were not
harmed in the making of this film parody...
Too bad these pop stars are poisoning our culture and the minds of the
I wish my invisible boyfriend would do my research paper for me XD
I was expecting to see one of those comments like: " This sheep is NOT
playing, or acting like a dog!! It feels threatened because there are dogs
and a camera!!! You are sick for uploading this!"
I think everyone is missing the point behind why taming raptors is a stupid
idea. It's not stupid because it can't be done, it could probably be done.
It's stupid because it makes the raptors not scary anymore. It used to be
that if you saw a raptor, you were dead. That thing would gut you before
you had time to crap your pants in fear. But it looks more like now they're
just circus animals and whatever random made up thing that isn't as cool as
T-Rex and never will be is the thing they're pushing for being the new
default scary nature monster in this movie. It would be like if they made
another alien movie and showed that the xenomorphs can actually be tamed
and now people keep them as pets and it's okay. Even if shit hits the fan,
the initial premise is such fridge-nukery that you've turned most people
off anyway.
TL;DR: Taming raptors is stupid because now they're not super intelligence
death birds, they're just circus animals.
Who else is a loyal theorist and freaked out when he was on here?
The velociraptors are all female? Incoming rule34.
Isn't this like the Dumbest thing a person could do? Its like taunting
mother nature!!
Is musical ability genetic? And were there more species of ancient humans
than we once thought? SciShow News investigates!
I really hated the first season of this show due to the lack of female
characters. Why on Earth wasn't a female a part of the Pied Piper crew?
Statistics show that females programmers now outnumber males, so it would
make sense for one of our race to be part of the crew. Unfortunately HBO
has a sexist agenda and sees us as nothing more than objects. See their
other backwards, sexist shows such as Game Of Thrones for proof, where
female characters are only ever used as sex objects.
Berta Lovejoy, Feminist, Promoter Of Equality, Love, and Peace.
Brian Williams is a typical sleazebag Liberal pile of Dog Shit!
How about......................NOOOO. You should have mentioned that men
are also victims of domestic violence and rape. Granted, women do make up
the majority of the cases. However, framing this as a women's issue is
sexist. You did make it more equal at the end +The White House . However,
in the beginning it was still sexist. This makes me not want to do
anything. I won't rape but I also have no legal obligation to stop a
There are two types of people commenting on this video: People who support
this cause and lazy dumbass pigs sitting behind their laptops all day who
hate on this announcement because the one who announces it is a different
ethnicity from the previous presidents. The next president is assumed to be
a woman and if thats true then I'll bet that she'll also be hated on
because of her sex. Grow the fuck up, America.
It looks pretty cool I just hope Sega doesn't ruin anything
Was Hillary in that same chopper?
A natural, that was awesome..!!!
I would LOVE to hang out with Jeff Bridges. He seems like such a chill
dude. If I had cancer, my Make a Wish would be to hang out with him for a
What bothers the crap out of me is when I start singing and someone
corrects me by starting to sing the same song in "the correct key." It's
called freaking transcription, it's the same song, and my memory is not
magical like yours to remember the exact place on the scale the music is in
the actual movie or song, nor do I care, because it's the same song
Fuck it. Let's go bowling dude.
Does cracking your knuckles actually cause arthritis? Is cracking your
knuckles even bad?
I’m in Southeast Asia.
Am I to understand that Brian Williams is retaining his position at NBC
after his obvious fabrication? If he is, what is the point to being honest?
Why should ANYONE honor the difference between fact and fiction? Don’t I,
too, deserve a huge salary by telling lies about myself? On my résumé,
maybe? Is NBC Nightly News in the business of delivering facts or fairy
If Mr. Williams isn't quickly fired, and maybe sued for his damage to
NBC’s reputation, the toleration will simply be one more marker in the
American decline that shows little or no sign of bottoming out. Is anything
IN the shell labeled “United States” anymore?
*More commercials need to be like this!*
I might not have to fast forward through them. This is the new 1 minute
spot for Android.
#android #androidcommercial
Do human beings can not be like this?
Holy balls.. That tone that was played, I guessed it was an "A"... I was so
damn close xD
No No Raptors!
1 Search on Google HDpixels
2 Select 1st Site
3 Go in 2nd Popular Post
4 Click Sponsord Link
Enjoy Day
It is amazing after watching this video the loser that thumbs down it. Just
lets you know folks can't please everyone so you may as well just do you.
Why do people hate Obama so much. Like I know he's not the greatest
president (that being Kennedy), but he's trying and he's promoting great
causes like this anti-abuse for Women event, like I can't very imagine Bush
promoting this. He's really a good person, and I don't think he deserves
this much hate
OMG I can totally relate to the food part. Who doesn't love a bouquet of
I have a bad shoulder. Brilliant
I've got a VINE ACCOUNT OF NEARLY 26,000 FOLLOWERS. My vine name is Tommy
Polo. Come check me out. Let me know if there's any way I can get paid for
making vines!!!
This just solidifies it, I'm in love with Vanessa Bayer
Such an underrated show and light years above Big Bang Theory. I also like
that you don't have to be a tech whiz or nerd to get the humor. The show is
universally funny and more people should watch it.
the rugby championship is much better Six Nations because its got better
I think our instinctual response to rhythm and tone came from birds. Yes, I
know, we evolved from apes, but there is this little thing that dna-based
viruses do where they can transfer genes from one species to another, even
without any direct contact between them. Humans see color better than other
mammals (though not as well as birds), walk well on two legs better than
other mammals (like birds), have the vertigo instinct (where you want to
jump off a ledge and you don't know why and have to pull back, and it makes
you feel sick due to conflicting instincts). And, primates share a lot... I
mean a LOT of viruses with birds, so it's possible that's where the
genetics came from.
Mommies, never leave your kids with their father.
Will Smith, you are the man of my dreams.
Interesting discovery my friend!
the sheep is such a cis gender, repot it, gg
Honestly I don't support gay marriages at all but I would never kill or
torture or even criticize them for their choice. But I would not allow
their supporters to force me to accept their way life .
He seems real full of himself. The way he smirks after every damn thing he
says... *(eye roll)*
Wow. Channing Tatum. :)
Magic Mike XXL - Official Teaser Trailer [HD]: http://youtu.be/RwPR0q5es0A
I got then song reference but only because of pitch perfect...
did u diedded
They're back!!!
favorite parts:
boquet of Cinnabons
fresh Mcdonald fries
and 100% right on the "box of chocolates"
10% of the chocolates are good. The rest of them bad boys are disgusting.
Guys I heard that a lot of new movies have been released. I've been
searching all day for a website playing them but haven't had any luck. Does
anybody know of a good website playing new leaked movies? I heard Avengers
2 and Ted 2 were part of the list of movies that got out that's why I'm
searching so hard! Could somebody help a brother out lord bless you.
Hilarious video, but oh man.... ever since you mentioned that you say
"gifts" as "gifs" I am noticing how I do that too and am going
crazy.....like when you say a word too often and it loses all meaning?
Yeah.... 9_9
This new content isn't as good as I thought it would be. :(
If you guys like movie trailers, I make live-action movie trailers for
video games over on my channel. People seem to be really enjoying it so far
so I was hoping that some people here may enjoy it as well :)
If they gonna make those raptors "tamed" in the movie it will suck hard.
And stop fucking complaining that if people tamed wolfs, tigers etc. they
can tame raptors, its fucking retarded to think like that. Dinosaurs were
not mammals. Have you ever seen tamed nile crocodile or comodo dragon? IDK
why but I REALLY hope that Jurassic World will suck hard so they WONT make
another 1.
Hahaha. CBS cannot for the life of itself find a good Late Late Show host.
I went to the live taping of Kunal Nayyar's hosting and boy was he awkward
and unfunny as hell.
The only reason the audience is laughing so much is because they rile you
up a LOT before the host comes out and they force you to laugh at every
joke so the host becomes confident.
This idiot along with Kunal Nayyar are so unfunny it hurts. I miss Craig :(
Youtubers react to: Starbomb - Luigi's Ballad
1 in 5 women lmfao!!!
Seriously, do not say 1st comment
Friends Furever
Be together, not the same!
So what the deal with the raptor training? Are people really this stupid
now days?
The original story was about the soldier who helped Williams while he was
in Iraq. It was a dumb story, but whatever, that's nothing new. Williams
exaggerated the danger and risk he was in at the time. Now Williams is
apologizing and setting the record straight. Understand that this is the
least important thing on Earth right now. It does not matter, you people
are freaks for thinking anything more than "boy, what a waste of time".
Some guy lied on TV? Big fucking whoop. Seriously, grow up and get over
A Xenon flash circuit usually contains a capacitor that is charged up to
350V. At this voltage Xenon isn't conductive, therefore you have to ionise
it. That is done by transforming a fraction of the 350V to over 2000V. To
to this a little transformer ist used which is basically a coil. Ethert the
field ov the 2000V or the magnetic field of the transformer may harm the
I also think that not only the RPi B 2 will have this reaction to a Xenon
camera flash. Any complex device might have these.
Get ready you straight haired dick famers.
Lindsy Stirling music I believe?
Showing the clown move was a huge mistake. One of the best things about the
original is the way it spends the whole movie building suspense surrounding
the clown, and even though the movie isn't even about that clown, you still
spend the entire time thinking it's going to move, so when it finally does,
it's a huge payoff. But they crapped out in the trailer here, so there
won't be any suspense this time, because you know exactly what it's going
to do.
Welp, this is going to suck! In the theater two weeks tops. Then
available for streaming on Netflix two weeks after that XD
Anyone whose has watched Pitch Perfect knows lets talk about sex baby ;)
In case anyone is wondering this is snowboarder and mountain rescue worker
Sorin-Alexandru Radu in the Retezat Mountains , Southern Carpathians. I
know the place as I almost died there as well. Twice. Either way , he
survived the incident unharmed , hence the video being online.
Ar cam trebui sa faci un drum pe la biserica sa aprinzi doua-trei lumanari
sa stii ! :)
I can feel the spiritual power flowing through me
I'm willing to wager that men have suffered more from violence than women
have. But ok.
We need a movie that is classified as a horror, but doesn't have jump
scares; great atmosphere and suspense, but is just overall...unsettling.
One that makes everyone leave the theater quietly, and paranoid for the
whole week.
Maybe I'm a bit ignorant but, he's marrying another man in a church?!
Really?! I respect, homosexuals can do what they want, I don't care, but
homosexual marriage in a church it's absolutely out of place...
Who is the narrator? It sounds like Jonathan Pryce from the new season.
i have to say this white people humor is dry and overrated non of this
I always loved this song and the new version is so beautiful... If anyone
sees this, I made a Violin cover of this! I thought the violin might suit
Sam's voice well :p
The only thing gayer than rugby is soccer.
"You're so dominant." SODONE!
There is no way in hell that I'm going to be watching this misogynistic
show. Where are the female characters? Statistically women are outpacing
men in Computer science, electrical engineering and pretty much ever other
STEM related field. Not to mention this glorifies the degenerate life style
of the male race. Promoting drug use like smoking weed. Using bad language.
Being out of shape and eating unhealthy. I can't say I'm surprised though.
HBO is ran by a collective of idiotic males. Something about the Y
chromosome turns what would have been an intelligent woman into a violent
Wie kann man am besten Spaß mit einem iPad haben? Will Smith & Jimmy Fallon
Beatbox machen es uns vor. Unser Video des Tages:
http://youtu.be/oazFK9awniE SO macht es wirklich am Sonntag Spaß.
Can you please have them react to 2ne1(Kpop Band).& Maybe Show them Come
Back Home, I Am the best (which actually used by the Windows ad), and Gotta
be You or Clap your Hands.
Smells of chili peppers...but in a good way.
Valentine's Day Gift Guide: http://youtu.be/pTFicHQUY_M
Sam Smith is one of my biggest inspirations
I love his voice and he is amazing!! :D
I hope to be as big as him one day, i'm a musician too and i covered some
songs :)
Would love to have your support, could you give me a chance?
channing tatum got a great package
who's that redhead porn star?
Watch the video called '' the true story of pou (a social experiment) ''
you'll be shocked
CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, BBC and PBS all lie, all push propaganda.
Turn them off and let them die. This is not a left/right thing. Turn them
off and wake up unless you like being lied to.
At this point I don't give a rat's ass. I love HISHE and all, but Jurassic
Park / World is dogshit and it always will be.
*like this comment this important for it to reach top rated*
Hurry up because Valentine's Day is only a few days away!
When you don't know what to give your partner on Valentine's Day, text
him/her saying you've already got the present and it's what they've wanted
for so long and tell them to guess what it is,they'll list the things they
like and you can buy whatever they said.
*Make sure it reaches the top so everyone can see this comment.*
*like away!*
If these animals could speak they’d probably say “Be together.
Came here to look at cute lamb. What did I get
> racism
> transexuality
> complaints about vertical filming
> Fucking vegans
I hate all of you
The video doesn't even show the best character, Ron Swanson.
Ron gifs are the most popular meme on reddit. This video has failed as much
as the PS4 and Xbox One.
Arlington McDonald, anti-trolling officer, mod of r/pcmasterrace, reddit
Best Android commercial to date.
How much alcohol is "a little"?
What an amateur! Kids if you are ever in an avalanche this is a good
example of what not to do. I'm a semi-Pro Snowboarder who has taken on the
largest and most dangerous Appalachian slopes and I've seen it all. When
you notice the slope start to crack like that it's the snow starting to
turn back into its natural form, water. That's why you ALWAYS wear a
life-vest when snowboarding.
If you want to learn more you can come to Reddit where I'm the moderator of
Surfs up!
Christian Tipling, Snowboards and Snowtubing Enthusiast
M'lady - Jemma Mackenzie
I'm here to inform you that the Reddit Court of Justice has shadowbanned
you for filming vertically. In order to appeal the ban, you must first go
through a very rough process: stop being a fundie, don't visit 9gag and
subscribe to /r/adviceanimals.
LeTip Fedoral, moderator of /r/coontown and /r/european
Nice thumbnail.
Italian flag is wrong, at 0:21...
Is that a one direction song? Hehehe.....
this song and video make me cry
Funny stuff! My elevator rides just don't measure up.
Apology accepted. Brian Williams has taken nothing away from our Brave
fighting troops. Now let's move on.
This has to be one of the weirdest videos on YouTube.
Atlus, XBOX ONE versions ASAP Please! Don't curse this game to be a
playstation exclusive.
Guys I heard that a lot of new movies have been released. I've been
searching all day for a website playing them but haven't had any luck. Does
anybody know of a good website playing new leaked movies? I heard Avengers
2, Ted 2 were part of the list of movies that got out that's why I'm
searching so hard! Could somebody help a brother out lord bless you.
Wow girls need to stop viewing us as sex machines :( Lmfao. But Guys I
heard There was 8 movies leaked last night that havent come out yet
including ted 2 and the new avengers if someone has the website let me
#trailers #Poltergiest #SamRockwell
Morning ;-)
1:08 was that Kevin Nash lol?
This is why even intermediate snowboarders should take freeriding lessons.
I'm not saying that if he had done an appropiate bs turn, it wouldn't have
cracked, but still it's a measure of precaution.
- Never speed-check or do a semi-carved pressured turn or butter-checks on
the top, especially on crust. Try to make it very smooth and on the
curvature of the edge.
- Never ever brake and look at it! just try to go closest sideway to exit
from it (in this case would have been left). You drove right into it.
-Check the damn layers for 5 mins to see what you're dealing with
(especially in such open space where avalanches grow big)
Some are avoidable!
Bine ca esti teafar!!
Numai bine!
Loved this. But I hope the movie is just as good.
A fag who sounds like Michael Bolton? How special
Life on earth would be so much more interesting if multiple 'species' of
humans survived.
It would probably be like The Lord of the Rings, with different humans
having their own traits and cultures and halfbreeds between them.
This is unrealistic expectations! How do you expect all us ladies to age
like that?? These ladies are so beautiful! (also, the '69' *wink* guy was
actually the naughtiest one lol)
YASSS!!!!!! Now just imagine Steve farting inside one of those glass balls!
1 million views in just one day? The hype is real for both old & new
Persona fans, SMT fans included too. So international release then, Atlus?
Fitting tribute to the best team sporting tournament out there (excepting
maybe the RWC!).
Cant believe we sneaked a win tonight, injuries galore, 5 SN newbies, and
playing away at the MS...after the national anthems finished I thought
"This is going to be a massacre", and 10 minutes in it was looking that
way. OMG then what happened? Anyone could have won that match tonight, but
a gutsy win against a magnificent Welsh side on their home patch is
something to be savored. Joy!
It takes two to raise a family these days in the US, both working at double
of a theoretical minimum wage enough for one person only to provide for a
family of 4 (2 parents plus 2-3 children.) If the mother wants to be a stay
at home mom and breastfeed the babies instead of hiring someone to do it,
and raise the babies instead of sending them off to daycare that breaks the
bank, so the lowest price is sought, so you end up with feral children that
require metal detectors to show up at math class and even then on focused
on bullying each other and status not on education, and then companies like
Microsoft cannot use them as programmers, and they have to open offices
across the border in Vancouver cuz they are way past their H1B visa quota
importing brainpower in the US and the Canadian government is willing to
cut them a deal, in order to do business with them, even if that means
their own citizens stay unemployed, because they are unemployable because
they are feral chidren raised in a daycare because the mother had to go to
work, because it takes two, in the USA to pay the bills, because the bills
are too friggin high. And now here comes Obamacare, and hoses all previous
status quos with a first 100/mo/person health insurance cost that's headed
to 900/mo/person easily once status quo is established, just like a drug
dealer is willing to give you the first bit of heroin very cheap, almost
free, just to establish status quo that takes your pockets to the dry
cleaners that he runs. With Obamacare it takes 9 to raise a family of 4.
Fuck Obamacare. In fact fuck car insurance companies too, or any kind of
mandatory insurance purchases from private for profit businesses.
I'm confused. Triage uploaded a video about how most of these aren;t
supported by widely conducted scientific trials
And lie about the apology. I mean cmon man. You can't just admit you fucked
up. You didn't "misremember" you just lied.
Yet you're so egotistical and full of yourself you couldn't do it.
Fuck you you piece of egotistical SHIT.
it's just a joke. why dont you guys comment on taylor's jokes about her and
her love life. jeez, you guys making a fuss because he's not a woman but a
Осиротевшая овца по кличке Пет (Pet), которую в детстве приютила группа
колли, стала вести себя так, словно она и сама собака.
This is a constant source of noise in electronic circuits. It is something
we measure, and control for in my circuit measurements lab. Ramin Honary
seems to be correct:
"Einstein won the Nobel Prize for his paper on the Photoelectric Effect
...which seems to be what is causing this bug in the Raspberry Pi 2"
What is persona, can someone explain the story or the idea behind it?
This makes me want to go hit my wife......
The OLD incubus albums; 'Enjoy incubus', 'Fungus Amongus', &
'S.C.I.E.N.C.E.' were just their own spin on Primus meets Phish meets RHCP.
They even said so themselves. It reflected their teenage youth and angst.
They grew up a bit and made 'Make Yourself' & 'Morning View', two albums
that Mike admitted to not really trying too hard creatively on and they
were essentially the same album. He said they wanted big, simple anthem
rock & that's what they did. Then they ran into legal troubles, lost their
bass player, got a NEW band member and made 'A Crow Left Of the Murder' &
'Light Grenades'. Musically, these two albums are really too complex for
the average listener to take in and enjoy; they reflect a Frank Zappa,
gonzo artist vibe. Then, 'If Not Now, When?' was released and it sounded
like they were tired and wanted to just chill for a bit. In interviews,
they really didn't know if they would even be able to make another album.
They thought they were through. It was definitely a far cry from their
ragging funk days but it was heartfelt, stood on it's own, and reflected
their age and maturity. Now, they have a new record label, a new manager,
and it sounds like they have leaned a little bit more towards noodling and
experimenting like they did on 'A Crow Left of The Murder'. This music
isn't pop/radio friendly. No station would allow all those swirling, noisy
effects into their airwaves. It's really still very much 'punk' to a
degree. Not unlike EVERY album that has been released by them, it's
slightly different. Using new instruments, new effects, new studios, toys
etc. People are saying it's too electronic sounding? Uh, they have DJ in
their band? A musician who, not unlike the rest of them, gets new toys and
develops new skills from album to album. Let the man flex! It's a bold move
by them to make this kind of music. It's passionate, esoteric, and
inspiring. Dig deeper and give the song a few listens.
OMG! this site gives away Free Xbox, PSN, Steam, Amazon, etc.. Gift Cards
Visit: https://plus.google.com/114249109706689463107/posts/a27wv4VE6ei
You should try it, before it's too late ;)
I don't care a bit if Sam Smith is gay. Love is love. All gay people can
love all they want, Society wouldn't mind ever since. BUT PLEASE, NO to Gay
Marriage. They can use the word 'civil union' or 'civil partnership', just
don't destroy the sanctity of the word Marriage. Since time immemorial,
marriage had always been the union between a man and a woman. tsk tsk SMH
Few teaspoons of virgin coconut oil can reverse Alzheimer, processed sugar
and acidic foods feed cancer cells. Oxygen also kills/starves cancer cells.
Breathing and placebo have strong effects on the body.
Am I seriously the only one that thinks Chris Pratt having a team of
velociraptors is awesome?
That one guy was getting it in lol he thought that shit was real lmao
Also if you have a sore throat based on bacteria in the throat (i.e. strep)
what you do is get the strongest proof vodka you can find and gargle it for
20 seconds then swallow (do this at your own risk and make sure you can
handle the taste cause you will choke if not and risk inhaling it in your
lungs). The idea is the alcohol kills the bacteria at the back of your
throat thus relieving your symptoms. I used to get strep 3-4 times a year
so bad I had abscesses on my tonsils and they wanted to remove them,
haven't had it in 2 years since I started doing this.
I am less excited bout Valentines day, more excited bout my b'day on 13th
Feb. Friday the 13th (creepy witch voice) luv u superwoman
"Holy fuck, an avalanche is starting...holy fuck why am I stopped..."
Why do people film in this aspect ratios. Our monitors are not vertical. I
am tired of this anti-PC vertical crap. Stop the PC discrimation!
Pants: shat. Incredible footage. And he's OK!
Cannot. Wait. The Silicon Valley Season 2 promo is here and it's just
great. If you haven't watched Silicon Valley Season 1, I highly recommend
This guy is so full of himself. I DVR one episode too watch Bob Sagot. You
can just tell by the way he talks he's full of himself and chicks are
stupid too waste their time on douce bags like these. I honestly didn't
even know what kind of personality this guy had when I first started
listening too one of his songs.
Have you tried other light sources?
I think that the elctronics in your camera generate a mini EMP that kills
Where are the black and muslim characters? I am sick of western propoganda
brainwashing everyone into thinking only white males can be scientists and
inventors. Black sub saharan africans( egypt) and muslims (islamic golden
age) are far superior to superficial western civilisation. Muslims and
blacks continue to lead the world in innovation and western proganda lies
are convincing you otherwise!
I am so ashamed of my white privilidge that i only date blacks and muslims
now !
You go baby girl!
The only way to win is to not play.
Oh boy, I can already see how the comments are going to go without even
Something like, WAHHH, wahhh, whine, whine, their old stuff was better, the
real incubus, they've gone pop, sold out, wahh wahh WAHHHH!!
Good lord are you fuckers obnoxious. Every new song a band produces is not
automatically "poppy". There's also nothing wrong with pop. Stop whining.
Craig! Craig! Why hast thou forsaken us?
Do you see what has taken your place?
I like it. Incubus has done so much experimenting and have never had two
albums sound exactly the same. Chances are each song on the album will have
a different song. The lyrics are incredible on this. It's definitely a song
that gets better the more you listen.
New Poltergeist remake / reboot...
POLTERGEIST Trailer #1 (2015) Sam Rockwell Horror Movie HD:
im vegetarian and havent been sick in a year so
Diese Entladung erzeugt einen elektromagnetischen Impuls von Radiowellen.
Im Nahbereich bestimmt in einem großen Sprektrum. Dieser erzeugt einen
Spannungpuls auf allen elektrischen Leitern, so wird dann schnell aus einem
digitalem 1-Pegel ein 0-Pegel und umgekehrt. Kann mir vorstellen dass von
den Längstwellen bis zu den Mikrowellen alles dabei ist. Mit dem Handy geht
das auch. Gewitterblitze machen das übrigens auch. Der Mensch ist also
schon immer Radiowellen ausgesetzt gewesen.
I know this is so overused but...what the fuck did i just watch lol
Now show them virtual reality solitaire and see how they react.
Its obvious hes lip syncing but its not even good lip syncing
Glad you're ok dude! I'm hear reading all the negative comments, and just
happy you were able to upload this video safe and sound!
Friends Furever
Be together, not the same!
I have a bit of interesting information. My mother and bather both sang in
their High School choir and over the years I had been interested in being
part of a choir without that knowledge. I eventually joined my school's
marching band where I played trombone following my brother who had made the
same decision as I did, we both chose the instrument without hesitation,
the funny thing about it is the fact that after I chose the trombone my
mother told myself and my brother how she was a first chair honors band
trombonist about the age we were, and that it was interesting how we just
picked it up with no problem. I didn't even have to learn any sheet music,
if I heard it played once I learned it. I also have a way of learning songs
on piano by ear in the correct key, and I have a grandmother who could also
do the same thing. While I'm not the best at any of this, I picked this
stuff up fairly easily.
Picture the scene : You've just finished an intense session with VR Porn on
the Oculus Rift. You take it off and see your dinner on the desk. It wasn't
there before. WHAT DO YOU DO?
I thought she said BANKING not baking.. was gona say XD
Let me get this right... Taylor Swift is allowed to write songs completely
bashing people but when someone makes a joke about her (especially John
Mayer), everyone gets their panties in a twist and attacks. Personal
business apart, John Mayer is one of the most all around talented artist we
have as of now. The majority of his songs aren't wrote to make the radio,
but to have a deeper purpose, along with being an amazing guitarist and
singer and being much different from what you hear today. Besides, HES ON A
why are you even watching this...? "Poor Taylor Swift..." If he is such an
awful person, why have Katy Perry and him got back together so many times?
Gosh, I hope all you people judging are perfect and, if it were ever to
happen, are ready to live life in the public eye and look perfect.
Oh look! Everyone's an expert in snowboarding in this comment section! This
must be like the biggest congregation of snowboarding experts in the world!
All you know-it-all pussies, just suck in the moment and stop giving your
faulty advice, while sitting behind a screen. Grow up.
P.S. I'm not referring to actual snowboarding veterans.
Nice demo! Just curious what song(s) were you streaming to the radio?
Why do I want to punch him in his face? I'm really not a violent person...
but I have the urge to punch him in the face.
can't wait to see you guys in Bangkok !!
am i the only one who thought the megaraptors running with chris pratt on
the motorcycle was an awesome scene
Everybody else, just go home. lol
I bet if that doge and that sheep had a baby it would be a sheepdoge.
What the whole point..not like they get naked lmao..been to real one and it
noting like this..paints??? Wtf
Cannot. Wait. The Silicon Valley Season 2 promo is here and it's just
great. If you haven't watched Silicon Valley Season 1, I highly recommend
"Wow ....That was the most stupid thing I have ever seen"....agreed
YOUTUBERS REACT TO HOLASOYGERMAN I want to see their faces when they tell
them how many subscribers he has :D
As soon as i saw the keys i knew it was a commercial. damn this whole
youtube commercial thing is catching on ughh
I can imagine someone flipping through the channels. And this happens.
Jojo part 3 was a story where the main villain was sealed away in the past
then re-emerged which in turn gave the main character his ability to use a
stand. The MC then goes on a journey defeating the the villains minions
each of which representing a different arcana of the tarot cards.
Jojo part 4 was a story where the main character was seeking out a
mysterious killer in his home tow. The killer possessing a method which
could either unlock someone own stand abilities or result in there death.
Jojo part 5 is a story where the main character starts out as a thief...
noticing a pastern here.
Did you unhook all of that crap first to take out all the variables instead
of hooking everything up?
I can't imagine why so many people are leaving hate on this.
This is a wonderful message of equality and anti-abuse.
There is no reason to leave hate comments, even if you don't like Obama you
have to agree that causing abuse and/ or pain to another person it wrong.
Who is the asian guy?
will should have took a picture of the girl being taken and said instagram
or worldstar or something
lol the fuck is this shit Youtube? Why the fuck yall postin chinese shit
under popular?
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz give me a shout out on feb 13th its my birthday
and it would mean the world if you said my name plz plz plz plz plz pretty
plz lol :D #imasubscriber
0:34 "Do you wanna see a dick"??
Anyone know what music this is?
Love this! I make a tea of hot water, apple cider vinegar and honey and it
does wonders.
This dude was so lucky! Scary to see the snow spider like that.
Reckless inexperienced dude, glad I'll never use him as an instructor. Oh,
I can actually use this guy, for bad example. Bro tip: try not to use your
edges so much, and learn that slope snow is waaaay more different than
powder riding. Be patient and lose some fresh turns but wait for the snow
to settle, and don't do gopro bulls**t like this sore ass amateur. Glad
you're alive, Radu, but this was 100% your mistake, and you are lucky there
was nobody else around. And the hill was small. And before you give me
your lecture, keep in mind I'm still the undefeated Romanian freestyle
snowboarding champion. Stay safe, kids! And don't go with the industry's
commercial trash, be yourselves!
I don't know about you guys! But im glad John Mayer is back! His an amazing
artist. This man got some serious talent 💕
Can't wait!
Ea ea, que viene, que viene.
Silicon Valley Season 2: Promo (HBO): http://youtu.be/SwTonKwwzYM
Wow, I didn't know that females are the only victims of domestic
violence. I guess children and the elderly didn't make the list this
year. And of course males can never be victims of domestic violence
either. All this time I thought it could be anyone. Who knew? Can't deny
it, folks! It comes from POTUS himself! Thank goodness we have been
But in all seriousness, be a guardian. Be a defender. Use your power to
protect, never to hurt or oppress. We all know right from wrong. Good God
people, its 2015, get a grip on your tempers, get a prescription, get
control of yourself before the law has to.
I love this Film! I find that I can really relate with the Erlich
character, and not just because of the man's technological prowess or
ability to be a memorable frontman but instead because, like him, I am what
is known as a "Large Ham". Us HAM's seem to endlessly take the spotlight,
we're always the center of attention and people generally tend to gravitate
to us. Myself? I've always got a few folks orbiting around me aspiring to
acquire my contagious charisma, to the point where folks in my neighborhood
have endearingly taken to referring to me as "Planet Nixon". Some people
are just natural leaders I guess. Ciao.
I hope there are plenty of well hung black gentleman featured in this
movie... especially if they hook up with some white girls along the way. We
need more interracial relationships portrayed in mainstream movies if we're
ever gonna move forward. I'm proud to say this summer my daughters will be
taking their first trip to the Interracial Breeding Grounds
I'm absolutely loving these sketches but seeing as the best sketch comedian
joe left you should include lee in some of these. Especially with
This little girl is very sweet singing the alphabet metal
Is Lee leaving source fed? :((((
Did I see Vincent? o_O Take my money Atlus...oh wait, you still haven't
even announced that you're releasing the game in Europe, I guess we'll get
it in 2016 eh? I bet you'll region lock it too. Fuck you Atlus -____-
If you play this song backwards, you can hear someone say
"zyxwuvtsrqponmljkihgfedcba". Spooky...........
(Sexy voice, eye brow raised) What's in the combo?... hahaha great video.
Very cute and Funny TV Commercial.
they still keep the unique style of composing.... not so complex chords but
a very creative arrangements of all instruments... this song its almost a
ten.... but im pretty sure ill still like the new album.. cant wait.... DO
Glaub weniger dass das am Blitz selbst liegt sondern eher am dabei kurz
fließenden hohen Strom. Dies Resultiert in einem starken magnetischen Feld,
welches wiederum eine Spannung in einem wohl kritischen Bereich des Pi 2
induziert. Selbes Verhalten auch zu beobachten bei diversen PC Mainboards
verschiedener Hersteller (besonders Dell Desktops aus der Pentium IV ära.).
Hab selbst immer wieder gerade bei USB Verlängerungen die an einem
Blocktrafo einer Halogen Tischlampe oder allgemein an einer geschalteten,
nicht abgeschirmten Stromleitung vorbei müssen Ausfälle oder Glitches.
Allerdings ein schön anschauliches Video. Hast du schon versucht den Pi mal
ohne Erweiterung zum Crash zu bringen? Vielleicht liegt die entscheidende
Leiterschleife nicht auf dem Pi selbst.
Not a prude or anything but first JaguarUSA with the Playboy bunnies, and
now AudiUSA with 50 Shades of Grey. Are they trying to shoo off
distinguished car buyers?
OMG SO ORIGINAL "This House was built on a cemetary..." HOLY SHIT THAT IS
P.S.: It actually looks good, I just thought that was funny.
I don't even care anymore. You guys know that your top grossing shorts are
Super Cafe and the HISHE's. If you want to increase your viewership then do
the videos we actually like. Don't expect videos like this and Furbies to
get lots of shares.
thats it.. fucking illuminati confirmed jeff bridges has just showed us his
powers of "oming" he has just awoken the devil and by calculations if you
take jeff bridges age 65 divide by the 2nd month (february) you get 32.5
add 32.5 to 2015 and then divide it by the time of day the 5th you get
409.5 and just estimate and change the 409.5 to 410 now what you do is take
410 and divide by 12 why 12 cuz 2012 was a failed end to earth so 410
divided by 12 you get 34.1 or 34 SO 2015 + 34 = 2049 THE END OF TIMES !!!!
I got a sore throat just watching this.
Well, Brian Williams can try to cover his latest lie with mis-remembering,
but he wasn't honoring anyone but himself, the first time he told it.
Hmm... The music thing is actually really interesting. It makes me wonder
if different races are genetically wired to specific musical patterns. Say
people of African descent ,African Americans for example, tend to enjoy
music genres like for example Rap. And Say Caucasian people tend to enjoy
genres like for example Rock. I'm really curious to find out if something
like this example is actually heavily genetically influenced. Its seems
clear that environment plays a strong part in musical preference as well as
past mental experiences with the genre, but it'd be nice to know a
polarized result. Really neat stuff :)
The Sweptaways, formed in 2003, do colorful performances of cover songs, collaborations with other artists, and original music. Their myspace page has a great deal of music, and more videos can be found on their YouTube page, including a cover of Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights."
Sports Illustrated: The son of Baptist schoolteachers, raised in the railroading town of Emporia, Kans., Smith played positions -- quarterback, point guard, catcher -- in high school that foreshadowed the career he would choose. In much the same way his major at Kansas, mathematics, prefigured the analytical approach he brought to North Carolina, which named him at 30 to succeed his boss, Frank McGuire. Charlotte Observer: It was Smith's players, however, who most appreciated who he was and what he did. "He's a father figure to a lot of players and a lot of people," former UNC star Michael Jordan said on the day Smith announced his retirement. "He's always been very genuine in his attitude toward the players. The education he tried to give to the players was more as a person and not so much as a basketball player, which I think has a lot more bearing and meaning to individuals." ESPN.com: Smith's Four Corners time-melting offense led to the creation of the shot clock to counter it. He was the first coach at North Carolina, and among the first in the segregated South, to offer a scholarship to a black athlete. The now-common "point to the passer," in which a scorer acknowledges a teammate's assist, started in Chapel Hill and became a hallmark of Smith's always humble "Carolina Way." He was a direct coaching descendant of basketball's father, James Naismith, playing and later coaching at Kansas for the inventor of the game's most famous student, Jayhawks coach Phog Allen. Smith would pass lessons learned in Kansas along at North Carolina, adding more than a few of his own. He tutored perhaps the game's greatest player, Jordan, who burst onto the national stage as a freshman on Smith's 1982 national title team, and two of basketball's most successful coaches, fellow Hall of Famers Larry Brown and Williams. Time: His players could have compiled more impressive individual statistics at other schools. But college is supposed to prepare you for the real world. No players were more prepped for the NBA than Smith's. "He taught you everything — shooting, passing, positional defense," says former North Carolina star Mike O'Koren, who spend eights seasons in the NBA from 1980-1988. "He never limited what he would teach you because of your size or anything." O'Koren remembers getting the ball on a fast break during his freshman season, and hitting an open jump shot. A few possessions later, he took a similar shot — and missed with the defense in his face. The horn blared, and O'Koren was out of the game. "I don't know about that shot Mike," Smith said to O'Koren, now an assistant at Rutgers. "Coach, I was feeling it," O'Koren replied. Smith: "Well, why don't you go feel the bench now." CBSSports.com: Furthermore, Smith protested, among other things, the Vietnam War, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and the death penalty. In 1998, according to a story in the University Gazette, Smith appeared at a clemency hearing for a death-row inmate and told then-Governor Jim Hunt, right to his face, "You're a murderer. The death penalty makes all of us murders." In other words, yes, Dean Smith was a basketball coach. But he wasn't just a basketball coach. He's a man who touched the life of the greatest basketball player to ever live ... and also millions of other lives in countless and crucial ways. He never settled for a whistle and a ball, never stayed in his so-called lane, never stopped trying to make things better until a cruel disease robbed him of his mind. Also: Precious Memories: Dementia has taken its toll on former North Carolina coach Dean Smith, but family and devoted friends stand by the beloved coach. [previously] 1982 NCAA Final--Michael Jordan's gamewinner.
By freezing my eggs, I did not become any more or less likely to have things work out the way I hope they will. What has changed is my relationship to that fact. Now I enjoy the late, lingering dinner with the guy whom I have great chemistry with, even if there is no future with him. Now I end a relationship at the first whiff of ambivalence, without giving a thought to whether I could contort myself in such a way that could make it work. I blame myself a little less often for the workings of a chaotic and imperfect reality. It is a more advanced version of the decision I made at 32 — to take a risk, to know that I was okay, to believe in my right to desire more for myself, to desire anything at all.
Mr. Williams has been under pressure after veterans questioned his account of an incident involving two US helicopters that came under fire in Iraq in 2003. Reporting from New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina has also subsequently been called into question. Regarding the events in Iraq, Williams apologised on air on Wednesday, saying: "I made a mistake in recalling the events of 12 years ago. I want to apologise. I said I was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by RPG fire. I was instead in a following aircraft." A Personal Note from Brian Williams: NBC to investigate anchor Williams' Iraq war reporting:
It was almost a decade ago that Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse came out, allowing you to play Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield, a poor traveling salesman who died in 1933, only to return in 1959 to get his girl back (45 minutes of gory gameplay). The soundtrack pairs decently well with the kitsch, as heard here:
Of course, Language Log has also tackled "um" and "uh" (and um, uh, um, as well as "er" and "erm."And if you're a non-British reader of British English who didn't realize that "er" and "erm" are essentially said the same as "uh" and "um," you're not alone. ASL speakers have fillers, too, along with basically everyone else. Uhhh...that's it!
The Chicago-Sun Times said that, in addition to the Naperville incident, the suspect's computers held evidence "of similar incidents across the country."
More on the current state of sports betting from the February issue of ESPN Magazine:
Even more on sports gambling from ESPN in Chalk.
From The Faces of War exhibition and a few more. (Thanks Tom B).
As a piece of propaganda, the document, translated here for the first time - provides a valuable insight into how IS is speaking to women in the Islamic world and providing insight into the reality of life for women under IS rule.
Created by the legendary Jack Kirby, Kamandi is the Last Boy on Earth, just trying to make it in an animal-dominated post-apocalytic world. More fantastic maps at Comic Book Cartography.
"Join hosts Maura Kate, LaToya, and Kacey on their journey to the bottom of the broadcast barrel. " Available on iTunes and Soundcloud are such 'gems' as Episode 001: Dexter S8E12 'Remember the Monsters' (reviewed at The AV Club and Den of Geek) Episode 008: Full House S8E18 'We Got The Beat' Epidsod 016: The Newsroom S1E4 'I'll Try To Fix You' (reviewed at The AV Club and IGN) Episode 024: House S6E9 'Ignorance is Bliss (reviewed at TV.com and WSJ) Episode 032: Vanderpump Rules S2E5 'SURlesque' Personal favorite: the Battlestar Galactica episode on 'Black Market'
Between 1983 and 2010, the Orphan Drug Act has had a role in the approval by the FDA of 353 drugs for the treatment of diseases affecting less than 200,000 people. The ODA reduces the financial burden of researching medications for diseases that would otherwise be unprofitable for pharmaceutical companies through tax incentives, patent protection, research subsidies, and the creation government-sponsored institutions. For information about diseases and treatments in the FDA's OOPD